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Current Version: 5.2.5 | Sytist Manual | Common  Issues | Feature Requests

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Feature Requests

29 posts
Mon Nov 27, 17 6:43 PM CST
I have had several clients call because they can't figure out how to checkout or view their cart.

When they are using the Buy All link at the top of the thumbnail view, the pop-up window let's them add items to their cart.
But, after they add an item to their cart, nothing happens. They aren't shown their cart or an option to view their cart or an option to checkout.
They can't tell if the add to cart button even worked.

Then they close the window and don't notice the tiny "My Cart" or "Checkout" links at the top of the screen.
So they don't know what to do or if anything worked.

I realize it's a lot different behavior if they are ordering items from the large image preview window. IN that case, Sytist behaves better by showing the cart and big buttons to view the cart or checkout.

I hope that makes sense.

33 posts
Mon Nov 27, 17 8:09 PM CST
+1 for Apple Pay support.

Should be pretty easy to implement alongside Stripe. Documentation is here:
Sean x Molly
17 posts
Wed Nov 29, 17 10:39 AM CST
A mask to filter out images from FTP processing would be excellent. For instance, I upload sessions that include a green screen source photo. I only want customers to see the edited photos in the session, not the source. For now I've tweaked the gallery code to filter out the thumbnails so they don't show, but it would better to just not process them at all. I can also filter them out on the FTP side easily, but I actually want them on the server so I can access them later if needed. But they don't need to be processed by the gallery. Hope that makes sense. I will likely make this change myself, but it may be helpful for other users.
3 posts
Wed Nov 29, 17 6:25 PM CST
Agree with Geoffrey Bolte's post from Wed Sep 16, 15, at 2:29 PM about recurring payments, partial payments and subscription based or payment plan options...

Also, can we have the booking system:

-break up payments, (if we require a 50% deposit, for example, what happens to the other 50%?)
-auto-generate a contract/attached a contract template (such as general t&c) and it then includes the custom booking info/options and asks client to sign as part of process or at least request for signature is emailed with confirmation email...
-a way to auto add products/credits to cart when a booking is made/paid for/confirmed... (like with the pre-buy products / extended)

Please make it so that print credits/otherwise are generic/unlimited, so I can have one for a particular collection and just add it to multiple clients - rather than creating several credits of the same thing to add individually to each client. - or better yet, allow me to automatically turn collections into credits and add to people's carts.

Can we prevent it from adding a new order number for a pre-purchased collection and add the selected images to the original order?

PLEASE add support for multiple payments.

PLEASE add support for adding our own items, sessions, pre-buys, etc... to an invoice, with options.

Can we add the option info and description of a booking to the receipt?
157 posts
Mon Dec 04, 17 9:04 AM CST
When the green screen option is selected and the main gallery has a sub-gallery with green screen images (but the main gallery does not have green screen images) the "Select Background" tab still appears in the main gallery. This is confusing to clients and they try to select a different background for a non-green screen image. Most of the time I get a call saying they can't change the background. When I tell them they can't they are disappointed - and some get upset with me. It's never a good thing in business to create expectations that the seller can't meet.

Is there a way to fix this?
Paul White
188 posts
Mon Dec 04, 17 1:10 PM CST
Hi Tim. Great work on the new release. I would like to request, if the logic with work. In the section where"Default Page Text When Creating New Pages" Can we add the NEW Advanced Page Design template to it. This would be helpful when creating building bulk galleries.

#NEW Advanced Page Design
#Default Page Text When Creating New Pages

Arron Robles, Solutions Designer | |
286 posts
Mon Dec 11, 17 10:26 AM CST
I have 2 feature requests:

1) I would like to be able to set the minimum order amount per client gallery. Tying the minimum amount to a Price List is okay as a default, but I am having to maintain too many Price List now with the same items simply to alter the minimum order amount. My minimum order amount changes depending on the type of portrait session, session package or special offer.

2) For Services, I would like to be able to require a prerequisite purchase (at the same time) for some items. For example, I give clients the option to purchase something additional (let's call it "A") if and only if they purchase it at the same time as a specific session (let's call it "B"). So, I would like a field for "A" that requires it be added to the shopping cart as the same time as "B".

Edited Mon Dec 11, 17 10:29 AM by Paul M
55 posts
Tue Dec 12, 17 1:35 AM CST
I would like to be able to print my price lists.

283 posts
Thu Dec 14, 17 12:05 AM CST
I would love to be able to put images in the background instead of color on all the new templates. That would be fantastic! see image attached
Attached Photos

286 posts
Sat Dec 16, 17 6:53 AM CST
Tim, it would be great if the eGift Card feature created a JPG or PDF dynamically so clients could print them and personally hand them to someone. Perhaps it could be HTML markup with custom tags that could used to insert the recipient's name, giver's name, date, amount, unique eGift Card ID, etc.
286 posts
Sat Dec 16, 17 7:00 AM CST
We really need a configurable feature to create a slick, full screen slideshow that clients could use to show their favorites to family and friends (like a wordpress slider gallery) for clients to share images.

The key is, I don’t want to have to build something per client. I want something where clients can display their favorites in a full screen slider for friends and family while keeping my branding. Ideally, the gallery would display the images clients marked as favorites so they have full control. I don’t have the time to build landing pages for every session.

Just clean, branded galleries.

Touch one of the images and have it take over the screen with a gallery that can be swiped left and right to view images full screen.

I would like to control the first image for branding purposes and be able to add a set image at the end for a coupon that can be shared. Other than that, clients should be able to control the images to be included.

Finally, I’d like to enable/disable this on a gallery-by-gallery basis because I want to include it for free in certain packages and charge for it as an add-on for others.
Edited Sat Dec 16, 17 9:12 AM by Paul M
286 posts
Sun Dec 24, 17 9:04 AM CST
I would like to be able to add additional info to orders and invoices when someone purchases an eGift Card similar to how Services have a "Add Message to Order" field.
3 posts
Wed Dec 27, 17 1:03 PM CST
*Ability to attach files to an account (such as for paper contracts that were done outside of the system) - also, provide option for whether it can be viewed by the client or not.

*List view of all appointments with a client.

*Form data stored and viewable in Sytist backend (not JUST via the email log)

*Use forms as questionnaires for clients, and attached their answers to their account. (regardless of if they were logged in when responding to the form)

*ability to also send myself a copy of each email sent through the system
50 posts
Wed Dec 27, 17 7:30 PM CST
I would really love more payments than 11 in the payment schedule section as weddings book us 12 - 18 mths out. Having a system to make monthly payments leading up to the wedding is working out fantastic for us but 11 is just that little bit limiting.

Thanks for all your work Tim, I really appreciate how much easier Sytist Makes my life.

133 posts
Mon Jan 01, 18 2:51 AM CST
We would like to request the following both Features:
(A) Turn Gallery into Paid Access automatically after a pre-defined period
(B) Unlock all customers Galleries after Invoice is paid

Current Situation:
We do photoshootings for Little Money and the customers have to pay for the Pictures they like. The customers receive an invoice after the photoshooting (e. g. 50 USD) and they should be able to wiev the galleries not before the invoice is paid. We know the "paid Gallery Access" Feature, but we would like to be able to lock/unlock more than one gallery per Customer, based if there are unpaid invoices for that Customer (Feature B). The Background is that we often have more than one Gallery per Customer / Photoshooting, because the Galleries have different Prices. (e. g. Photoshooting / Photo-Story / Greenscreen Photos)

But it is much more important to have the Feature A: We have the disadvantage, that the customers view the Pictures, like them, but do not place an order prompt. Currently the galleries expire after 2 weeks, but then we get calls from the customers, to re-activate the galleries in order to be able to place an order. But often, the Galleries expire another time without receiving an order.
The excellent way would be to grant the Customer free Access for 2 weeks, after that the Gallery is turned into paid Access automatically, so the Customer have to pay e. g. 100 USD to view the Gallery again, but the full amount is turned into credit for placing any order.
The dot on the i would be to start the period for free Access (e. g. 2 weeks) beginning on the first view of the Gallery. For example, the bridal couple Returns from honeymoon later and do not Access the Gallery immediately.


Lucas Hummig
Edited Mon Jan 01, 18 2:52 AM by Lucas H.
286 posts
Sun Jan 07, 18 7:19 AM CST
It would be great if the order detail a client sees in the "My Orders" area included the shipping/tracking information. As it is right now, they only see that the order has been "Archived". It should really display the shipping/tracking details so they can track a package in case the shipping notification email was blocked by a spam filter, etc.
286 posts
Sun Jan 07, 18 7:26 AM CST
I would really like the ability for gallery owners to have an option to pay for a gallery hosting extension/renewal. My galleries typically expire after 10 days unless they are part of a session package. I currently charge $__ to extend a gallery per month, but it is entirely manual on my part. I would appreciate an automated way that someone could pay $__ weekly/monthly/annually to keep the gallery active.

Even better, it could a recurring monthly subscription. As someone else recommended: "A courtesy reminder would go out just prior to the renewal charge, and the owner would be able to cancel at any point. If the owner cancels or the renewal payment doesn't process in time, the gallery will go offline."
82 posts
Sun Jan 07, 18 2:08 PM CST
Sorry if this is repeated in other posts or already implemented.

1) Once an expiry date is attached to a client gallery. The photos automatically get deleted too.

2) album proofing like this maybe ( )

3) Full resolution images that don't look bad for landscape photographers
24 posts
Tue Jan 09, 18 6:16 AM CST
I would just love the following feature.

Once a customer books me for a wedding or any other job, I would like the customer to be able to 'log in' to my website and see the details about the future job(s) they have booked.

I would like them to see the information that I have about the job, they will be able to see if the address or phone numbers are up to date for example.

There will be a comments box so they can write a message to me and I can reply so everything is logged and visible on one page.

I'm sure a lot of other people suffer like me..... there are so many ways in which customers contact me, facebook, phone call, email, SMS, whats app etc etc.. the list is endless and sometimes I miss messages, but to have all my customers contact me on a job page on my website would be simply perfect.

Many thanks

100 posts
Wed Jan 10, 18 9:44 PM CST
Access Gallery Box on Home Page - Responsive

Hey Tim - Awesome Product! Love seeing your new releases always really great stuff you choose to develop and deliver. Not sure if this is on your road map, I did look around but didn't see it. Every time I update I have to add a bit of code to have the access gallery box available so clients can access their gallery from the home page by putting in their access code. It works on desktop and mobile versions. It's not super responsive but it works on my site. Would you consider giving us the ability to add or hide that access feature for mobile and desktop versions?

Thanks for the amazing solution!
260 posts
Fri Jan 12, 18 9:24 AM CST
Booking Calendar.

What if your studio is located in multiple cities, but uses only one website?

Assign photographers to specific shoots.

Allow customers to reschedule or cancel.

Mark only specific shoot types available at certain times.

Aric Hoek
100 posts
Sun Jan 14, 18 11:20 PM CST
Can you add the ability to send SMS using Twillo for the booking calendar and other notifications?
286 posts
Mon Jan 15, 18 9:50 AM CST
For Service "Sub Products":

1) It would be nice if I could default the sub product selection to a particular option
2) It would be GREAT if there was a way to control the order in which sub-products appear to clients
33 posts
Tue Jan 16, 18 7:36 AM CST
Hi Tim. Feature request: Undo / Step back button in Sytist design editor. I make a lot of mistakes and this feature would be a huge time saver! Thanks for considering.
We Are Forevertizers!
252 posts
Mon Jan 22, 18 6:02 AM CST
I think Wall Designer it is very nice and useful,but specially for in-person sale,I have many customer that tell me it takes too long to do all the process,and expecially in mobiles does not give the real impression.
In any case it helped me selling wide prints during in-person sales session.
What it woul be useful is something like this:
When clicked the option for size and frame,automatically the image chages. I suppose that in the software they use there is the possibility to associate the image to any option they create.
So I would like to see this in the product base>option creation.
296 posts
Wed Jan 24, 18 3:36 AM CST
New automated shopping cart emails are great, now all I need is to be able to automate changing from open to paid for access rather than having to set as an expirey

50 posts
Wed Jan 24, 18 9:36 PM CST
A feature that I would find useful would be the ability for the client to leave a note when approving a design.

It works fantastic for a client to view an album design we have done and if they wish to make a change there is a spot to write it, but if the are approving a design there is nothing.

What I would love is when they approve a page design, but they would like something specifically retouched, they could add a note. At the moment they just send an email, but it is kind of messy.
63 posts
Fri Jan 26, 18 10:22 AM CST
For a customer to be able to get access to a non-password protected gallery on their account page without being assigned to the gallery from the gallery in the admin.
47 posts
Mon Jan 29, 18 5:07 PM CST
Just a couple things:
1.) For Options on Prints/Products, to add the ability to upload a photo of said print/product option. Allowing Client to visualize the option.
2.) Booking Calendar, ability to link a contract template to the booking type (ie. a Newborn session booking will auto send the Newborn Contract to the client to sign when booking).
Edited Mon Jan 29, 18 5:08 PM by ErikaThiele
296 posts
Thu Feb 01, 18 8:57 AM CST
Tim, what is the possibility of iZettle payments being added?

15 posts
Sat Feb 03, 18 9:31 PM CST
I'd love it if the site had:
1. The option of charging PST and GST (Canada) separately as in Canada, we charge GST on everything, and PST only on physical goods.
2. The Wall Designer to include floatmount products (I sell square, rectangular, or circular floatmounts as well as some pre designed galleries).
3. A Grid gallery for a portfolio in the Page Designer would be fantastic.

Thank you!
55 posts
Tue Feb 06, 18 12:59 PM CST
I know one of the latest updates would change a price list of a gallery to another after a certain date. Is there a way the same thing could happen, but just in a certain sub-gallery? I give out free 5x7's to graduates of doggy obedience class for a short period of time. I go to the same places all the time, so the pictures are in the gallery of the place and then subgalleries of the date they were taken. It would be very convenient to not have to remember to change the price lists for all of them.

28 posts
Wed Feb 07, 18 6:17 AM CST
Hey Tim,

It would be great to be able to add a Credit Card Surcharge for paypal or eway to invoices or shopping carts.

Edited Wed Feb 07, 18 6:17 AM by Michael Gara
3 posts
Wed Feb 07, 18 4:56 PM CST
A couple more things which would be great...

1) The ability to customise the design of the invoice/quote page.
2) Add thumbnail images (or clickable for larger) in sections in the booking or quote pages to select options. (eg. For my photo booth jobs, they can select which style of photo booth, the backdrop, the layout of the photo strip)
7 posts
Thu Feb 08, 18 5:08 PM CST
Just updated to the latest release with the abandoned cart messages, but not sure if this is covered:

We use the appointment booking function to book sports team photos. Right now, when more than one person adds a time slot to their cart, they can all complete the booking and we get double and triple bookings sometimes. Would like it so that once a time is booked, everyone else is notified that the time is not available.
33 posts
Sat Feb 17, 18 12:27 PM CST
It would be awesome to have the function to attach PDFs to emails for sending print releases for digital files that have been purchased. Or possibly a feature that would automatically generate a print release, based off of a template.
55 posts
Wed Feb 21, 18 4:59 AM CST
The ability to email a customer a list of their favourites without having to export the list first would be great.

To be able to email every customer who visited on a certain day or date range a list of their favourites with a single click would be even better.
159 posts
Wed Feb 21, 18 5:30 PM CST
I love the new menu on the client side, it's a lot cleaner but I though it would be great if there could be a "my orders" option as well. At the moment, clients have to click on "My Account" and then "my Orders". It would be easier and faster if they could get there in 1 click.
15 posts
Fri Feb 23, 18 10:19 PM CST
I would love it if there was a birthday option in the sign up form. I would also love it if there was an automated email to send a Birthday Message automatically on the client's birthday. I would love it even more if the registed client had a spot where I could input the client's birthday, but also the birthdays of the client's children so I can automatically send a birthday message on baby's birthdays.

Or, at least the option to create our own automated emails if possible??

- Thanks!
296 posts
Sat Feb 24, 18 3:56 AM CST
Different payment systems have different charges which lead to them offering better value, often with a clear lower/higher order value split, so how about a system that could display different payment options at different price points as in;

Below £20 systems 1,3 & 4 would be available
£20 or more and systems 2 & 3 available

at present I am trialling this

Attached Photos

286 posts
Sun Feb 25, 18 6:28 AM CST
Similar to the current ability to change the Price List for a gallery after a specific date, I would like to ability to change the Price Lists as specific total purchase thresholds are met. For example:

1) After $500 in orders placed by everyone, I'd like to change the Price List to show discounted amounts.
2) After $1000 in orders placed by everyone, I'd like to change the Price List to show discounted amounts and include free instant downloads.
286 posts
Sun Feb 25, 18 7:44 AM CST
I would really like the ability to automate an email 'X' days after an order is closed out using the Ship/Notify function to ensure the client is happy with their products and ask for feedback. This has become manually intensive for me to track and send and would be a HUGE help!

NOTE: It would be important for it to only trigger after an order was closed using Ship/Notify. I would not want to send out this follow up after I manually Archived an order for a session or something else.

Thanks Tim!
Edited Tue Feb 27, 18 4:41 PM by Paul M
41 posts
Tue Feb 27, 18 4:39 PM CST
When you create a pre pay page with many products. Since most of us use the same packages over and over, it would be nice to be able to duplicate and just rename it for another league/school
286 posts
Thu Mar 01, 18 6:07 AM CST
I would like the ability to automatically send an email to a client whenever they download an image as a usage license. The email should include a thumbnail of the image.

The email should trigger for all download (configurable) types including Instant Downloads, Buy Alls, individual download items, etc
Edited Thu Mar 01, 18 6:10 AM by Paul M
286 posts
Thu Mar 01, 18 6:29 AM CST
I would really like the ability to automatically offer Instant Download Credits on sessions, photo products, services... basically everything.

For example:

1) Purchase Session Package A and receive 100 Instant Download Credits
2) Purchase a gallery wrap and receive 75 Instant Download Credits
3) Purchase a small 8x10 print and receive 10 Instant Download Credits
4) Purchase "Buy All 4x6 prints" and receive 100 Instant Download Credits

I really think this would encourage additional sales!
69 posts
Thu Mar 01, 18 2:12 PM CST
A few things I would love to see is a notice when people have items in their cart and are leaving they are asked if they want to leave? Or if they would like to create an account to save their cart for future purchase (that way the saved cart email can reach them).

Also a way to have coupons for certain items (I may have missed this in a previous update) I often run deals on digital or small prints and would want to limit to those items only!

69 posts
Sun Mar 11, 18 2:32 PM CST
I was just wanting to check to see if there were any updates that would allow favorites to have customization such as justified, stacked, thumbnails. If not yet, Is there any plan on this for the future?
127 posts
Wed Mar 14, 18 2:58 PM CST
The ability to bulk delete customers who are inactive based on various criteria such as: no order placed or period of inactivity (i.e. length of time since last logged on). This assists us (I believe) with complying the EU GDPR regulations coming law in May 2018.
286 posts
Sat Mar 17, 18 7:44 AM CST
I would like the ability to prevent web page views for people logged in as an admin from showing up in Google Analytics (or any other tracking tool). I know I can create filters in my GA admin, but IP address change, devices change, etc. It's impossible to stay on top of the filter list.

I think the easiest way to implement this would be to create a "TRACKING SCRIPT" sub menu tab on the "Header & Footer" admin page specifically for GA tracking code and then only insert that code for users not logged in as an Admin.

Pleeeeeease?? ;)
15 posts
Tue Mar 20, 18 3:05 PM CST
I would love love love a MOBILE APP to gift clients after their purchases are complete with their images

Thank you!
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