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Current Version: 5.2.5 | Sytist Manual | Common  Issues | Feature Requests

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Feature Requests

6 posts
Thu Jul 20, 17 12:04 PM CST
I am still hoping, wishing, praying... for the initial page, after you log in into the admin part, to prominently display:
Please? With sugar sprinkles on top? Kind of like the old photocart used to have?

Thank you :-)
286 posts
Mon Jul 24, 17 8:14 PM CST
Similar to the Sales Reports, I would really like to be able to extract "people" with expanded information.

Additional key export fields include total # of sales, total $ of sales, credit amount ($) available on their account, etc.
Edited Mon Jul 24, 17 8:16 PM by Paul M
24 posts
Tue Jul 25, 17 10:40 AM CST
Minor / Major thing
Sometimes the little details matter. What I would like is for the continue shopping button that shows up in the popup to push the client backward to the shopping page instead of the item they just ordered.

They ordered that item and I would like for them to keep ordering things but I feel they will abandon the cart if they just see the last item they ordered.

Example for clarity
- Client clicks package A
- Window pops up for them to checkout or continue shopping
- They click Continue shopping because they want to add a button to their order
- It takes them back to package A and they have to look around to figure out how to get back to the page with all the packages
149 posts
Fri Aug 04, 17 9:33 AM CST
Can we get the ability to attach or upload images in forms please?
71 posts
Tue Aug 08, 17 5:37 AM CST
A way to batch delete accounts that have been created on the website and no longer in use.
Michael Mann Photography
286 posts
Wed Aug 09, 17 9:17 AM CST
I would really like a selectable way to disable the cron email notifications for some of my services pages.
286 posts
Wed Aug 09, 17 9:18 AM CST
I would really love the ability to offer a "free shipping" coupon
29 posts
Tue Aug 15, 17 2:39 AM CST
I would love to be able to set a "default" filter for each photo.

I want my clients to see some photos in black and white or sepia first, by default.
Some photos just look better to me in black and white or sepia and I want my clients to see them that way first.

Then, they can switch the filter off if they want to see the color version.
I know I can upload the photos in b&W or sepia, but then the clients can't see the color versions. They also can't order a print of that photo in color if it's shown in black and white.

55 posts
Tue Aug 15, 17 3:30 AM CST
It would be great of there were a way to automatically add credit to a customer account, based on their purchase as % or fixed$, and to be able to set the expiry date/time of that credit.

Also, an automated email that is ent to people who have created carts but not proceed to checkout.

Thank you.

29 posts
Wed Aug 16, 17 12:47 AM CST
I would love to be able to use other "off site" storage options besides just Amazon S3. Dropbox, Google Drive, and especially another web server.

It would be even better to be able to choose among multiple storage sites when uploading photos. When one server fills up, you could use a 2nd storage location. It's problematic to require all the photos stored in one place.
29 posts
Wed Aug 16, 17 12:56 AM CST
It would be great to be able to name the storage folders and pick which folder to upload the photos to.

Right now, the folder names as just upload dates doesn't make it easy to manage the storage. I know you can manage the photos from within Sytist, but having everything stored by upload date is not very intuitive.

This is especially problematic if some photos for one shoot are uploaded over multiple days. Or if I add a few photos to an event a few days after I uploaded the first ones.

This would also make it a lot easier to find photos in the All Photos section of Sytist. The upload date rarely corresponds to anything useful. A folder name with the event name and event date would be much better.
330 posts
Fri Aug 18, 17 10:25 PM CST
Additional contact fields for registered persons, for business accounts, need to add the following fields:

1. Title field
2. Cell phone field
3. Fax line field
M Davis
286 posts
Sat Aug 19, 17 4:52 AM CST
I would like to see full Facebook Pixel integration for the 9 standard Pixel conversion tracking events (e.g. AddToCart, InitiateCheckout, AddPaymentInfo, Purchase, etc).

13 posts
Sat Aug 19, 17 8:35 PM CST
I would really like more design choices, I am not super great with javascript/html/php/css/etc but being able to be a little more modern with design would be great, i.e. bootstrapify the site. ex. price lists, timelines, parallax effects, others, I know there is a line between too much fancy stuff and readability, page speed, etc but being able to integrate something like Visual Composer that wordpress has would be great.
56 posts
Mon Aug 21, 17 9:32 PM CST
Have you ever considered integrating with a sales tax calculation plugin such as TaxCloud? They're free to use and it would really help to provide a more accurate sales tax calculation for Systist. For example, in my state, New York, tangible products such as prints are taxable but non-tangible such as downloads are not.

The problem is that according to the NY sales tax rules if you have a sale/invoice that combines both tangible and non-tangible products the entire order becomes taxable. Right now Sytist can't handle that and as the sales tax laws change it's difficult to keep on top of it. By integrating with a service like TaxCloud those rate changes and other things are instantaneous and we don't have to keep up with them, that's the service's job.
15 posts
Tue Aug 22, 17 12:11 AM CST
Just building my site now, but I would LOVE it if more products could be added to the Wall Designer. I sell two styles of floatmount galleries as well as circular floatmounts and I find the current selections of canvases/framed prints very lacking. It would be awesome if at least floatmounts could be added to the Wall Designer and then I can build the galleries same as with canvases.

Thank you!
19 posts
Tue Aug 22, 17 9:20 AM CST
Could there be a delete shopping carts button for Value? Like older than a week and $0?
9 posts
Wed Aug 23, 17 2:47 AM CST
Possible feature request...
allow people to upload images from mobile devices to a gallery
At a wedding I go around doing photos when finished I upload edited images to clients gallery,
But also during the wedding on the table instructions are left for people to upload images to a sub gallery that can also be shared.
13 posts
Wed Aug 23, 17 5:52 PM CST
I LOVE Sytist and I only have one request...

In the booking feature for special one day events...can you make it so when a session is purchased it says SOLD OUT rather than disappear? It creates a sense of urgency in clients when they can see the sessions selling out.

Thanks so much for everything you do!!!
15 posts
Thu Aug 24, 17 2:28 PM CST
I use Splash Windows to explain (again, as clients have been given the same instructions in person, emails etc) to process for selecting free digital files and or downloading images. I also use them on the services page to let clients know when mini sessions will be open for booking. I know I can use the default settings to make it so that all my downloading galleries have the same splash window content (perfect!), but what I'd really like to know is if there is a way to have a different default setting for the Services page.... or better yet, add in a drop down menu in the splash window builder with all three of my templates so I can just select the one I currently want to include. Pretty please?
33 posts
Fri Aug 25, 17 2:51 PM CST
Integration with Backblaze B2 Cloud storage (Backblaze's version of Amazon S3)
28 posts
Wed Aug 30, 17 7:30 AM CST
Hey Tim,

The 1 thing that would be a game changer for me (and I'm sure anyone else who offers photo booth services) is the option to automatically process image files in certain galleries.
I have a watch folder which uploads images to an ftp folder, but currently have to click on PROCESS every few minutes.


330 posts
Wed Aug 30, 17 11:39 PM CST
When creating a contract template, the template allows the uploading of a logo. in my case a PNG file.
It prints frome the print link on the contract. However when the contract is emailed to a client, the logo does not display - at all - in the email. It would be good to have the logo show in emails as that is consistent with corporate branding.
M Davis
286 posts
Fri Sep 01, 17 9:45 AM CST
With the new "Download Credits" option available, I would really like to have a way to automatically add credits to a client's account based on what they purchase. For example, I would like to add "1 credit" for every digital image a client purchases and offer a free download once they have 10 credits. In this way, I can essentially offer a "buy 10 get 1 free" type of offer.

Is there another way to provide this type of offer?
286 posts
Fri Sep 01, 17 9:48 AM CST
There's a "credit" option that is part of a Service/Product. However, I need the credit to be associated to a Sub Product so that I can change the credit amount based on the sub product option that is selected.

Please consider adding this since it would save me a considerable amount of manual work.
330 posts
Sun Sep 03, 17 12:57 AM CST
Adding in the contracts area the following:

After 31 years in business, 8 years teaching college level courses including business of photography, I have found 'contract' is a harsh word that many laypersons are not confident using. I have ran trial tests with my commercial accounts that will sign an estimate but not a contract even when the contents of both are the same. This brings me to what I'd like to see in Sytist in the Contracts area.

It would be great to have the ability to modify the word 'Contract' to 'Estimate' or to 'Agreement' or to 'License' and also use a drop down menu depending on the need. For example as a commercial photographer I provide an estimate, I also provide a usage license. It would be great to create an estimate, then at time of image delivery create a 'license' which I do anyway but having it online in electronic format in the My Account section would be great for a client to have. Other times I can have more of a complex situation where I would use the header as 'agreement', so having the option choose the header in the contracts area would be great.
Also, as I have mentioned in other posts, having the ability to attach a PDF file in the body of the contract, and to the invoice, say for terms and conditions or a client shot list would also be helpful.

I am not concerned with the word 'contract' used in the back end or in the url coding process, just with what the cilent reads on the web page.
Edited Sun Sep 03, 17 1:00 AM by M Davis
M Davis
292 posts
Wed Sep 06, 17 2:45 PM CST
Please add all expenses to the gallery stats. This would help tremendously when viewing sales and expenses per gallery.
Bruce Pham • Forever Studio • School Pictures At Their Best
149 posts
Thu Sep 07, 17 7:51 AM CST
It would be great to have an option to set a start and end date for a booking service.

This would really help with seasonal events that last anything from 1 month onwards but would not be available after a certain date.
7 posts
Sat Sep 09, 17 1:40 PM CST
Bonus coupons.

It would be great to add bonus coupons to individual products and not just collections. I want to offer a sale on certain individual products and creating a bunch of 1 item collections just to add a bonus coupon makes this process needlessly cumbersome and time consuming.
535 posts
Mon Sep 11, 17 2:58 PM CST
Do you still read this thread, Tim? With this many hundreds of posted ideas I wonder if mine will be totally lost at the bottom of the list :(

So - my idea builds on what you did a few months ago by adding the "hide description" feature for complex packages and products. The real value of your cleanup is that it makes the choices in the shopping area simpler; I'd like to see this implemented one more layer deep so the options for specific products can also start hidden and then are revealed only as needed.

For example: all "Framed Prints" would be sold through one "product" beside the image. All descriptions would be collapsed until they click it; when they click the page for framing opens and the first option section opens up ("Step 1: Size of Image"). All other options are hidden and the options are collapsed. Once they choose the size of image, the next step (say, "Step 2: Frame Style") opens up. Choose your frame style, then "Step 3: Finishing Options" pops open.

This idea was prompted by a salesperson who is encouraging me to switch to "" - and while I don't like their business model they have an excellent shopping cart system that even a grandma could use. (Sample implementation at .) There's some ups and downs, but their method for dealing with multi-step purchases is nice and clean.
Michael Leenheer   || My Sytist:
330 posts
Wed Sep 27, 17 6:43 PM CST
It would be good to have the project proofing area to allow admin access to the proofing project page when admin is logged in like allowed with galleries.
M Davis
330 posts
Wed Sep 27, 17 6:46 PM CST
Would be great to allow different default splash pages saved in the admin area with a drop down menu to choose splashs page text depending on the gallery or proofing project.
M Davis
330 posts
Wed Sep 27, 17 6:50 PM CST
Having a uniform 'replace code' for the entire web site for emails would be helpful. Or at least consistent for galleries and proofing project area.
I am finding the 'replace codes for some of the default emails are not working as they should. There may be a password included in the 'new login' replace code, however it is only the password and doesn't indicate that it's the password. The customer doesn't know what it is. Also, the customer email address does not display with the 'new login' replace code. Both under the proofing project default email.
M Davis
286 posts
Sat Sep 30, 17 4:55 AM CST
It would be great if the search feature in the admin menu bar also included People. It only searches Pages/Galleries right now, but I spend more time searching People.
286 posts
Fri Oct 13, 17 4:47 AM CST
I know I've requested a "rewards" type program before, but having a product price list that returned 10% back as an account credit would be a GREAT option!
20 posts
Thu Oct 19, 17 4:05 PM CST
It would be nice if the filename of the zip file generated by "download all" would include the subgallery name. Right now, it's just the site name and subgallery name.
330 posts
Thu Oct 19, 17 4:52 PM CST
To have ability to add general notes to the 'People' header section page.
For example: I have 4 templates to use when invoicing a client.
Having the ability to add the 4 templates to a notes section accessable at the people header, regardless of the registered person selected, would provide instant access to the notes needed to prepare the invoice.
Other option would be to have an invoice template section just like the contract templates.
M Davis
20 posts
Sun Oct 22, 17 9:22 AM CST
Stock Photo Section:

It would be nice if the price would update when a size option is chosen from the drop-down (like it does in galleries when a different option is chosen) so the user can see the new price instead of waiting to see the new price when they get to the cart.

i.e. The set price is 64.95 for a 10x13 however, in the dropdown the user chooses an upgraded size of say 30x40 which would make the price 214.95. Right now when you choose that option the price they see stays the same instead of updating like it does if say I was using a gallery section. They do not see the updated price right away and don't see it until they go to their cart.
286 posts
Mon Oct 30, 17 8:28 PM CST
It would be GREAT if I could offer payment plan options at checkout. For example, offer the option for clients to select a payment plan with 2 (or 3 or more) equal payments at checkout if the order total is over a certain amount.
69 posts
Tue Oct 31, 17 6:06 PM CST
I would like to have a sale option also in the booking pages.
Edited Tue Oct 31, 17 6:07 PM by Dre
260 posts
Wed Nov 01, 17 11:54 AM CST
I want to be able to ask new account creators how/where they heard about my services.
Aric Hoek
3 posts
Wed Nov 01, 17 10:24 PM CST

I have some requests (sorry if they exist already. if so, please let me know):

As far as I can see, I can only type custom text in to create an invoice. I would like to add my custom packages and pricing components into the booking section or a store page, to be able to both use as a customer interface where they can build their own estimate, but more importantly, where I can add my own items (and options) - from my product list, store pages or booking calendar - to an invoice for a particular customer in the back end.

I want to be able to use this software to build estimates which have a separate or non numbering system from regular orders, with the ability to convert an estimate into an invoice (basically by adding a number and making it payable.

Can I add my logo to the invoice / packing slip?

Please add support for multiple/partial payments for an order/invoice.

I would also like to use this as an image archive and give access to all galleries/images to an intern or graphic designer for marketing purposes. Is there currently a way to easily create an account that can see all the galleries, but not the personal or sales data, without having to manually add them to every gallery?

Automated invoicing/billing reminders?

Automated email reminders for gallery expiration, payment due, etc?

Customer list in alphabetical order - when I click the letters in the customer list, it isn't really in the expected order - I think it shows in reverse chronological order of when they were added into the system.

58 posts
Thu Nov 02, 17 8:41 AM CST
There was a request back in 2016 that I would also like to see :

It would be awesome to have a WORKFLOWS tab under a person along with their Orders, Credits, Contracts, etc.

Including features like:
check boxes
tasks associated with a job date
Option to assign tasks to administrators
option to write notes with tasks
option to send reminder to administrator on date task is to be completed
Option to associate template emails with a task
Workflow template/duplicate option

So, Task/TO DO lists and possibly an accounting module?


535 posts
Fri Nov 03, 17 11:27 AM CST
Pricing: can we please (please please) have a pricing option which creates a SET price for quantities purchased?

By this I mean that the price of the first photo wouldn't change when the quantity price begins, just the price of the 2nd or 3rd photo. This would give us a lot of pricing options that are very tricky to do as-is. For example:

First photo: $40 -- total order $40 (+ tax & shipping of course)
2nd photo: $30 -- total order $40 + $30 = $70
Each additional photo: $20 each. If they order 5 photos, the cost would be $40 + $30 + $20 x3 = $130.
(As-is, Sytist would make the price of all photos $20.)

Some things this would let us easily offer that we can't now:
- first product free, cost for extras (from same OR different images)
- pay $x for first 10 photos, pay $y for anything above that
- maximum price for a product (only pay up to $x, anything after that is free - useful for gallery downloads where they could pay $5/download but a maximum of $50 for the whole gallery)
- control minimum order amounts

Thanks for considering!

Tags: quantity pricing, price structure, shopping cart, product base
Michael Leenheer   || My Sytist:
296 posts
Tue Nov 07, 17 3:40 AM CST
Special User,

I have a number of pay to view galleries and password protected galleries. In the same way that I can give a user their personal pricelist I would like to be able to add a user to a selected group that does not need to pay the pay to view charge and/or can view any gallery regardless of password settings. Yes an Admin could do it but I don't want them to have admin rights.

260 posts
Tue Nov 07, 17 10:57 AM CST
The option to require someone be logged in when adding a calendar event into their shopping cart.
Aric Hoek
260 posts
Thu Nov 09, 17 7:50 AM CST

I want a much more robust ability to create sales. Sales for sessions. Sales for any individual product I want.

I want unique ways to announce those sales.

They should have the ability to set a quantity. They should have the ability to set an expiration.

Please. :)

LOVE your product.
Aric Hoek
19 posts
Mon Nov 13, 17 5:50 AM CST
FEATURE REQUESTS (is there any way to hack the below 2 things?)

1) Template emails: more flexible use of "replace codes". Specifically I'd like to be able to send the customer account credentials (their email and account password), when sending "Invite to view password protected page".

see screenshot for email mockup

* yes, I know you can send the gallery page password, but I prefer to send the customer account password, as I want them to log on to their account to see this gallery and also then be able to see other account details, invoices, contracts, etc.

** useful to be able to insert their email address (= logon username), even though they know their own email address it saves confusion

*** EDIT - I have just discovered the below is possible, at least for a single image (cover image). This can be done with the new replace codes see ***
2) Option to attach gallery photos to gallery invite email

e.g. Zenfolio automatically adds the first 5 photos in a gallery to the Gallery Invite email. Doing this by use of Replace Codes would be ideal, so I can design my own templates.

see screenshot for email mockup

3) Support full HTML email templates. Unfortunately when I paste in a full HTML template into Sytist email template (which I do by switching into code view and pasting the HTML), the code is not interpreted properly. The styling etc is interpreted as email text.

see screenshot for example

* the HTML email is generated by one of the free online HTML email template generators, which benefit from years of experience in dealing with different email clients
Attached Photos

Edited Tue Nov 28, 17 3:37 PM by Matthew Smith
19 posts
Mon Nov 13, 17 6:08 AM CST
Final screenshot below, showing template HTML that is not interpreted correctly.

When switching out of code view, then back in, there are loads of paragraph tags inserted
Attached Photos

Edited Mon Nov 13, 17 6:13 AM by Matthew Smith
286 posts
Wed Nov 22, 17 10:12 AM CST
There should be a CLEAR and EASY place for clients to view any account credits they may have. I've been getting more and more calls from confused clients.

1) The total available credit amount should be included with the "My Cart" menu item
2) The individual available credits should be listed in the "My Account" area with a "View My Credits" option similar to "View My Orders"

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