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Current Version: 5.2.5 | Sytist Manual | Common  Issues | Feature Requests

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Feature Requests

26 posts
Sun Mar 27, 16 8:52 AM CST
I would love to see Tave integration, so orders can be passed from Sytist into Tave.
26 posts
Sun Mar 27, 16 9:03 AM CST
Ooh and a mobile App! Which would download the images to their phone, and show up like an app on their main screens so they can use it offline.
34 posts
Mon Mar 28, 16 10:46 AM CST
please return old Photocart Coupons and Product options

Would like to see a way to duplicate a current or used coupon. This would duplicate just the discount parameter and name.. you can have it leave the CODE and Expire dates empty so that they may be customized.

In the original Photocart under product options I was able to have a drop down list in which I could place photos of a product. For example I have attached a sample of the drop down to choose which Invite a customer would like.. or to allow them to see maybe the difference in photo texture finishes. or album covers ect...
Attached Photos

Edited Mon Mar 28, 16 10:47 AM by Rolando Rivera
48 posts
Tue Mar 29, 16 5:26 PM CST
A feature where the customer could drag and drop or select and display different images in a composite product.
Edited Tue Mar 29, 16 5:26 PM by Mark Houde
332 posts
Fri Apr 01, 16 10:41 AM CST
Image Overlay,
I know the subject came up a while ago, shortly after Green Screen was released. I haven't heard back that i can remember, butI would love to see the ability to have an overlay option as well as Green Screen background. Here is 2 samples. The first one is with GS BR as well as an overlay. there are also instances where i would like to give the option of a school mascot or Text overlay. Hopefully available prior to next football season.

Attached Photos

79 posts
Sun Apr 03, 16 12:30 PM CST
I know I've addressed this in another area of support, but thought I'd put it here.

I would like that nothing in the shopping cart to be able to change unless the customer does so. This CAN happen when 'options' are added to the same image. If a customer puts an image in the shopping cart withOUT any image options chosen, and then later decides to add that same image, this time with options added, the first image that was already in their cart automatically gets those options added to the first one, since it's the same image.

Just seems very wrong that adding any product can change what is already in their cart.

Hoping for a re-vamp on those image options soon.
57 posts
Mon Apr 04, 16 12:04 PM CST
Now that I've seen the impact the featured gallery has, I'd like to use billboards more (really, for every gallery). Since these are for client galleries, I'd like to use images from their galleries, so I'm choosing the upload slides option instead of most recent from section. My first request is, Can't I just use images already uploaded to the gallery? Why have to re-upload images?

Second billboard request - Can we have the ability to use text that covers all slides, So that the gallery title could always appear in the billboard? I know I can add it on each slide separately, but a global option would be nice.

Third billboard request - can we format the text on slides to be center-aligned the way you've set up the text in featured-gallery? Really, I would like the whole text feature-set of featured gallery to be available in billboards, so the text centers on the image, then the arrow button appears.
57 posts
Mon Apr 04, 16 12:12 PM CST
Feature Request - Ability to delete photos except for Photographers' Favorites. It would be nice to be able to select all of the photographers' favorites throughout subfolders, (maybe this can already be done?) when a gallery is expired, move them to the main folder, and delete all the subfolders. Then I'd just have a gallery of my favorite images to keep up for marketing.
74 posts
Tue Apr 05, 16 9:17 AM CST
It surely was asked for some time ago but I would love to be able to use Sytist in a second language. Tim, please, that would be very nice. It would be sufficient to be able to use German and English for me, no need for more languages. I found a topic that dates back a long time but it seems you did not follow this route.
34 posts
Tue Apr 05, 16 2:09 PM CST
Square now allows it to be used as a payment gateway. I would like the option to be able to do my online payments using Square.
57 posts
Thu Apr 07, 16 11:28 AM CST
Featured Image Billboard - Hi Tim, here's another thought after using gallery exclusive. Could you give us a third billboard option to use the featured images from a clients gallery and subfolders? It feels like you might have a lot of the coding already done, and that would be life-changingly useful!
57 posts
Sat Apr 16, 16 2:23 PM CST
Manually Rearrange Galleries - can the popup window that allows this be sized to fill the whole screen so that it's easier to see which images are being moved on larger galleries?
2 posts
Wed Apr 20, 16 6:01 AM CST
Hi, Tim!
It would be great to have a possibility to send print order e-mail to known photo lab, with link to generated zip archive.
1. Client chooses files he wants to print, photo paper type.
2. Chooses photo lab (list from my sytist).
3. Chooses a method of getting photos. (Pick up from photo lab, or from photographer, or sending by mail).
4. Places order, makes payment.
5. Photographer receives order, uploads files to gallery.
6. Photographer clicks the button ?send order to photo lab?.
a) Sytist generates zip archive with chosen files.
b) Letter with order details and with link to archive goes to e-mail address, associated with photo lab name from the list. Copy of letter goes to photographer?s e-mail address. May be also a link to online order, where is photo cropping information.
7. If client chooses ?pick up from photo lab? method, in the letter there will be the name of client or person, who will come to photo lab to get photos.
8. If it is possible, with confirmation that photos have been downloaded by photo lab.
35 posts
Thu Apr 21, 16 1:17 PM CST
It would be great if I could add a page, PDF document (like signed contracts) or direct link to a persons specific My Account Page through the People section.

And/or add a section to the bottom of their My Account Page that I could customize to the client (my idea is to have a "Next Steps To Take.." and other notes to communicate with the client in simpler way than a chain of endless emails.)

Having a boutique business with a more intimate relationship with my clients, I would love to make the My Account Page more personalized and user-specific to take it beyond just for them to keep track of their orders and gallery site.

535 posts
Fri Apr 22, 16 12:05 PM CST
A coupon which adds a product - a free download or print or store item even - to the shopping cart at no charge.

I'd like to add either free downloads when a certain value is purchased, or maybe a set of free wallets for 'orders over $x.xx'. Looks like I'm not the only one either, based on a quick search for "coupon" in this thread. :-)

(The current method of offering a % or $ value off the order isn't nearly as effective as giving a specific product; clients could just use the coupon to discount other products which may have lower profit margins.)
Edited Fri Apr 22, 16 12:09 PM by Michael Leenheer
Michael Leenheer   || My Sytist:
29 posts
Mon Apr 25, 16 8:56 AM CST
I offer my clients a discount when they purchase an image more than once and currently they have to check a box as an option to take advantage of this. A few times though people have not checked the box when they could have, or they have checked the box when they shouldn't have. Oops! I'd like to automate the discount - is there a way that you could add the option to recognize an image is already in the cart as an item or as part of a collection and apply a discount to it each additional time it is added to the cart?
535 posts
Wed Apr 27, 16 12:07 AM CST
Regarding the new "gallery owner" feature: could that be streamlined to be a part of the process when assigning "people" to a gallery? Our client list is over 10,000 people and scrolling down that long dropdown list twice ... well it would be nice if we could just have a tickbox to say "Also make this person the gallery owner".

Michael Leenheer   || My Sytist:
286 posts
Sun May 01, 16 7:09 PM CST
I really would like to be able to click phone numbers to call them when they are displayed (e.g. the People info pages, Order pages, etc). This would really save a lot of hassle when I'm using my iPhone on-site for photo sessions, etc. So, please wrap all phone numbers with the tel: HTML link like this:


49 posts
Mon May 02, 16 12:01 PM CST
After testing the new feature for multiple free download sizes, I see that if one downloads more than 1, all files are given the same name. I'd like to see an option to add a size indicator on the filename, such as "-large", "-medium", or "-web".

For the same feature, the description shows "Largest available size" if one of the options is set to allow that. It would be nice to be able to change the description to indicate that multiple sizes are available.

I'd also like to see an option to create a "package" of downloads with multiple sizes, which would make it easier to offer quantity discounts for multiple packages, which in itself could be a separate feature request. (To offer discounts on packages).


- Alan
33 posts
Tue May 03, 16 8:24 PM CST
I would love there to be an option to upload a PDF print release to an order that has a digital download. Also the ability to set a limit on how many times a customer can download an image from their order.
296 posts
Fri May 06, 16 4:57 AM CST
I need to be able to email all those that have registered and not purchased for things like reminders that Early Bird discounts are due to end, people that have already purchased really do not need to know.
I still have that issue that my server is limited to 100 emails in an hour and I can get events with far in excess of that registering and being able to send out the emails over a longer period via a cron job would be great.

103 posts
Fri May 06, 16 6:30 AM CST
I?ll echo 2 points mentioned above.
- Gift vouchers from grandparents to go towards a session
- Mail shot to people who have registered and have items in basket but did not complete purchase. The feedback I have had from nursery managers is that the online ordering system is too complicated for many parents and they gave up. I?d like to be able to email all the clients connected to a gallery (with multiple sub galleries) to offer assistance at the point the early bird discount is due to end, or order deadline due to expire.
69 posts
Sun May 08, 16 3:39 PM CST

Been thinking,

It would be great to instead of offer a discount for early bird, but to offer a free print or digital product if placing an order within a specific amount?

Also if we could limit coupons to specific items - such as a digital product only discount, etc.

Maybe limit coupons to specific galleries?

I know there is a bunch more, just can't think of them off the top of my head!!

70 posts
Wed May 11, 16 7:04 PM CST
Keywords... would be nice to have the possibility to avoid the same keyword 100 times just because it was written in the meta file uploaded. Then it's a real pain to select them in that list. Also, typing the first letters and having a list of them would improve their use...
15 posts
Mon May 16, 16 3:20 AM CST
Please, please, pretty-please could we have the ability to create a paid access option on sub galleries? I'm an equine photographer and for horse shows, some people register ahead of time, but others don't. It'd be great to allow access to the overall gallery while still charging those who haven't signed up to view their photos.

Thanks for the consideration!
1 posts
Mon May 16, 16 12:01 PM CST
It would be nice if the recent visitors/stats would properly support CDNs like CloudFlare or CloudFront.

The visitor's actual IPs can be found in the request headers `CF-Connecting-IP` and `X-Forwarded-For`.
157 posts
Wed May 18, 16 8:06 PM CST
I would love to have the following slideshow features:
1. A button that a client can click to start a slideshow from the thumbnail view - like Photocart has.
2. Ability to have music with a slideshow that is started when clicking on the "play" arrow that is on an enlarged image. As it is, music can only be played when selecting the option to have the gallery view begin with a slideshow.
Paul White
157 posts
Wed May 18, 16 8:19 PM CST
Could we have more flexibility in the wording of the Early Bird Discount? The syntax seems awkward to me.
Here's how I have it appear now: "Order online before May 25, 2016 and receive a discount on orders of $20.00 or more 15.00% off."
Here's what I would like to have it say: "Get a 15% discount for online orders placed before May 25, 2016." In other words, the awkwardness comes from having the discount percentage tacked onto the end of the sentence. It's much cleaner to have the percentage appear before the word, "discount" instead of at the end - and similar to the way Photocart did it.
I would like the option to choose whether or not to have an order amount as part of the discount requirements.
Paul White
102 posts
Thu May 19, 16 6:30 AM CST
Is it possible to notify clients when they login that they have downloads available when they haven't downloaded them yet?

I find that customers don't seem to know to go look at their order for the download links, even though it's on the order email as well as detailed when they go through the checkout.
48 posts
Fri May 20, 16 4:24 AM CST
when offering a free download of an image - is it possible to make it clearer that the image that the image has been downloaded ..

when the image is clicked, they are relying on their browser to tell them it is downloaded, and the DOWNLOAD NOW window doesn't change .. so they click it again if unsure and end up with multiple downloads which skews figures and confuses the person a little

Just change to DONE or something would be helpful
Edited Fri May 20, 16 4:25 AM by mike norman
3 posts
Fri May 20, 16 9:34 AM CST
I'd love it if there could be a multiple person approval option with the proofing galleries. We have a team of people who all need to sign off on images before they can be used. Also if the whole process could be mobile responsive that would be amazing. I work with people who don't have time to sit down at a computer.
100 posts
Sun May 22, 16 6:03 AM CST
Can you start looking at the Checkout Section and consider some adjustments there.
Right now there's too much going on before the purchase commitment. A quicker checkout would really help out.

The fewer the decisions a potential buyer has to make before clicking the Process Order button the better.
If someone is purchasing just digital files or services, why do they need their zip or their address?

Do we really want them distracted with creating an account at this point?
Would it better to treat it like the Gallery Exclusive and remove all the links from the top?

Edited Sun May 22, 16 6:20 AM by Eric
157 posts
Sun May 22, 16 8:46 PM CST
Please provide a way to turn off watermarking for individual galleries.
Please provide a way to turn off the huge preview photo shown after clicking on a gallery. It looks terrible with vertical images - which are about 75% of the portraits I shoot. Or, an alternative is to have it respect the proportions of the picture so that both verticals and horizontals are shown in their entirety.
Attached Photos

Paul White
94 posts
Mon May 23, 16 10:07 AM CST
I regularly use print credits and would love to be able to duplicate or copy an existing print credit like in PC. It would be a big time saver.
157 posts
Mon May 23, 16 10:13 AM CST
Tim, I don't know if it would be of interest to you, but I am recruiting a group of about 10 people to be a testing group. They will be people of widely varying computer skills - everything from barely computer literate to seasoned "expert" users. My goal is to have them navigate my site, including the shopping cart, with instructions to complete a range of tasks. Then, I will determine which areas are not intuitive, and therefore cause problems that hinder or prevent them from completing the assigned tasks.

Having been the webmaster of my sites for over 20 years it is easy for me to get "tunnel vision," thinking that something is obvious and intuitive when in fact my clients are baffled by it.

If you are interested, I will share the results when I complete the study.

By the way, I so appreciate you and this wonderful tool that you have developed. My comments are intended to help make a great product even better.

I bought PhotoCart when it first came out, to replace my own custom-written shopping cart. By the way, my first shopping cart was, I believe, the first of it's kind in the world. I had it programmed because there was nothing available for photographers and I began getting inquiries from photographers all over the world asking where I got it.
Paul White
70 posts
Mon May 23, 16 4:17 PM CST
I'm checking the people function, when mails are growing slowly, it seems hard to find the right person or group of persons that have been involved in a page.

Being able to add a few category or group names (kind of keywords for peoples) in the People data could improve that search.

Actually I use the "company" selection, but as they can change it, then it gets difficult to reselect that option.

Would those extra fields accessible only by the admin help other Sytist users?
Edited Mon May 23, 16 4:40 PM by Lionel unartvisuel
94 posts
Mon May 23, 16 6:46 PM CST
Please add the ability to sort product base alphabetically. It is a pain to have it sorted by $ value.
Thank You
157 posts
Tue May 24, 16 12:43 PM CST
Would love to have slideshows on phones. I know there can be an opening slideshow; what I mean is to be able to click an arrow on an enlarged image and have it play - just like it does on a computer.
Paul White
157 posts
Tue May 24, 16 12:46 PM CST
Please provide a way to disable Early Bird after it has been enabled for a gallery. I keep clicking the little green box next to trying to make it turn red; seems like a logical way to implement that.
Paul White
157 posts
Tue May 24, 16 2:20 PM CST
Some of my Wish-List
1. A choice to add an external URL link in the Gallery Exclusive Design "Your Contact Page" drop-down.
2. A way to add our custom links to the ones above an enlarged photo. Now only Favorite - Share - Filter - Compare are shown.
3. A way to disable the large preview photo, and to have it display the entire photo - both portrait and landscape photos.
4. A way to start a slideshow from the Menu Bar.
Paul White
57 posts
Wed May 25, 16 11:02 AM CST
@Paul White - A few posts up you asked about turning watermarking off for individual galleries. I don't think you can turn it off once you've watermarked them, but you always have the option of not watermarking a gallery on upload. In the upload photos screen, there's a checkbox on the left to watermark or not.

You also asked about the 'huge image' at the top of the screen - this is a new feature that is easy to disable. It's Gallery Exclusive Mode, and is toggleable from the main edit page, just below the publish,draft drop down.
157 posts
Wed May 25, 16 2:28 PM CST
Will Wenzel, Yes, turning off Gallery Exclusive Mode does get rid of the huge preview. However, it also gets rid of some features, such as the link to my main website and my phone number. It should be so simple to have the preview image respect the image proportions so that the entire image is displayed. That would be ideal, but just turning it off would be an improvement.
In another post I request the ability to turn off the Early Bird after upload. Sometimes, I realize that I mistakenly added the discount. I have, however, found a work-around. I just set the expiration date of the discount to a date before today, and of course, the discount disappears!
Paul White
57 posts
Thu May 26, 16 11:37 AM CST
@Paul White. You can edit your header to include a link to your main website and phone number in Design, Header and Footer. You can adjust the Early Bird globally by editing your section (which might be client galleries). Site Content, List All Content, choose the section in question. Click the pencil icon to edit, and choose default settings on the right. At the bottom of the list is early bird special default days - you can set that to 0 so you never have an early bird unless you specifically add it.

FYI, I don't work for Tim or Sytist, I'm just a happy user.
157 posts
Thu May 26, 16 12:51 PM CST
Will Wenzel - I realize all of that, and have already done it, but when a client gallery is entered the Header disappears! Don't misunderstand, I am a happy user also. I bought Tim's first program, Photocart, when it was first released and think he does an awesome job. It can certainly be improved, however, and I offer suggestions toward that end.
Paul White
57 posts
Sun May 29, 16 3:36 PM CST
Hi Tim. Three CLF related requests - 2 should be easy, 1 harder.

First, in the CLF global settings (Design>CLF settings) could you please include the checkboxes for 'Contain Portrait Photos' and 'Contain Landscape Photos' that are in Edit Category>Design Options>Edit CLF display so those could be globally set?

Second, those are such useful settings, could you please include them on options for CLF settings that aren't in sections? If I enable CLF for my homepage I don't have those checkboxes.

Third (this is the one that's probably a lot more work) could we get the same display of a constrained images on top of an unconstrained image in billboard settings? Or better yet, could we just use CLF display in a client gallery, with the images populated from subfolders?

I know your list is a mile long, and I'm guessing 1 and 2 are already on the hit list somewhere.

157 posts
Mon May 30, 16 8:52 AM CST
A problem my clients are having, which is aggravating both of us : They overlook the "Redeem Print Credit" box and try to put the Print Credit Code in the Coupon field during checkout. When it isn't accepted, they call me. I tell them they should put it in the Print Credit Box at the top of their account screen. When they do that, it forces them to choose the images for the collection AGAIN. Now they have TWO collections ordered and, of course it wants them to pay for the extra collection. So, they call me again.
Two suggestions: (1) put the print credit field on the check-out form, and (2) automatically apply the credit toward a print or collection if that print or collection is in their shopping cart.
Paul White
5 posts
Fri Jun 03, 16 2:16 PM CST
Inherit Parent Price List - Right now if you create a category (Schools) and select a Price list [Standard Pricing], that will be the default price list for that category. When you create a sub gallery (Smith High School) and select a different price list [School Pricing] and upload child galleries (Students) to that sub gallery, it would be great if the child gallery (Students) could adopt the sub gallery (Smith High School) price list [School Pricing] if the the sub gallery has a different price list than the selection for the category [Standard Pricing].
205 posts
Sat Jun 04, 16 8:21 AM CST
I think I have asked for this in the past, when a client sends the automated email to "request password" for a gallery, please change the "reply to" to the client, not me! I can't tell you how many times I'm out and about and think I have replied only to see the Access Code in my inbox hours later.
102 posts
Mon Jun 06, 16 8:17 AM CST
For expenses, can you add a tax/taxable function?
50 posts
Mon Jun 06, 16 6:24 PM CST
For Project proofing I would really love the option for "Approved with area for a comment." so the client can approve the design and request retouching. We only retouch images after the album design is approved.

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