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Current Version: 5.2.5 | Sytist Manual | Common  Issues | Feature Requests

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Feature Requests

296 posts
Sat Sep 19, 15 4:44 AM CST
I would like to be able to view and see who my best customers are as I do a lot of repeat business i.e. order customers by sales

I would also like to be able to easily find any deactivated accounts

22 posts
Thu Sep 24, 15 7:05 AM CST
I briefly browsed this section so hopefully I am not already repeating a request. I would love to have the ability to set a Buy All (such as the digital files, or a 5x7, etc.) to only be allowed to purchase after a minimum order requirement is met through my standard a la carte prints and collections.

Also, the ability to duplicate a section would be great!
Edited Thu Sep 24, 15 7:06 AM by Tara Brooks
285 posts
Fri Sep 25, 15 7:16 PM CST
I would like to see the gallery association in the compiled order area. As a school and portrait photographer, often I am trying to pull orders from different schools at a glance. It would be beneficial for me to be able to look at the orders area instead of having to go to each gallery and click on stats, total, etc.

Thanks for your consideration
32 posts
Sat Sep 26, 15 7:39 AM CST
It would be useful to be able to assign an email template to an order status. So that when an order is set to that status the email is automatically sent (or a yes/no option is displayed to confirm)
1 posts
Sat Sep 26, 15 9:18 AM CST
Hello All.
I had a look at the requests and hopefully I did not overlook any similar requests. If I did, my apologies.
I would like to see a calendar based booking system feature in the sytist application.
1. This would enable a potential client to check the availability of and book a photographer for their event.
2. Allow a photographer to track their bookings, time and set their availability
3 posts
Tue Sep 29, 15 2:20 PM CST
Hi Tim

Just created an account to offer my two cents. I am nearly ready to jump in and purchase your product which I have been getting accustom to. Two things I would like to see in this program and I know I will probably have more suggestions once I get it and go live.
But till then:
1. the ability to have orders be sent automatically to print labs for order fulfillment through you upgrading your software. Maybe including software for our particular labs we use so that we can bridge the gap. Not sure about the logistics for this though. I prefer to work with local professional labs but am not against using major U.S. labs as well. For me that is the only major change that would send this program over the top and complete my list of what I am looking for in such software. I would rank this at number one on my wish list.

2. our option to show first time guests (through IP address maybe) in the home page, or just galleries, or any page, a dialog box to accept a notification that indicates that all images are copyrighted, etc. Something like your cookies dialog box but a small dialog box for copyright notice. I know this will not prevent anyone from attempting to copy images but at least we did our PSA. This is not at the top of my wish list but something I was thinking about. Such notice is usually at the bottom of the page which no one really pays attention. Just like to bring it to the forefront and have guests and customers know.

Again thank you for developing a strong software and am looking forward to jumping into it really soon.

535 posts
Tue Sep 29, 15 9:20 PM CST
@Gill Valls: your item #1 is a very in-depth bit of software development. I'm not involved in developing Sytist in any way but I had a bit of an inside view in one lab's efforts to develop software for this purpose and it is VERY complicated. One part of the issue is that as a photographer you can not create your own products on the site -- you need to download the product list from the lab you select or you will end up with products in your catalog that the lab can't create.

Your option #2 is already possible by using the "Splash Window" option on photo galleries and pages - Tim is ahead of you on that one!
Michael Leenheer   || My Sytist:
3 posts
Tue Sep 29, 15 11:14 PM CST
Hi Michael

Thanks for your reply. I appreciate it. It goes without saying that software development is complicated. I am not a software developer and just offering ideas for those who are experienced in this field to ponder the possibility. I believe in one post early this year Tim was looking into the possibility of such an option and another poster suggesting ROES software. However, if it is not possible at this time that is fine. Not the end of the world.

As for #2 I will look into that.

Kind Regards
535 posts
Wed Sep 30, 15 12:28 AM CST
Request: Sample / Preview Photo as part of the "Sub Products" in a Store item.

What I would like to have is an image that refreshes as they change the options they select. For example if I create a t-shirt product in my store, and the shirt comes in crew-neck and v-neck style, when they click the style button the preview photo could update based on the chosen option.
Michael Leenheer   || My Sytist:
94 posts
Wed Sep 30, 15 8:20 AM CST
Hi Tim,
Rather than the add photo icon, I think it would be easier for my client if there was an add to cart or add this photo button, like we had in Photocart. I know some of my clients will not know what to click on to order a particular image.
94 posts
Wed Sep 30, 15 10:36 AM CST
Please add range pricing for Buy Alls like in Photocart
In Photocart I had tiered pricing set up with range pricing, that was a cost for all images that changed when the # of photos in a gallery increased.

Range Pricing
From To Price
5 to 12 $25.00
13 to 24 $45.00
25 to 99 $89.00
100 to 200 $100.00
201 + $150.00
Edited Mon Oct 12, 15 2:54 PM by Rose Sood
94 posts
Wed Sep 30, 15 3:55 PM CST
I also would like to have external links in sections.
It would be nice to be able to feature a specific page, not just sections on the home page.
205 posts
Thu Oct 01, 15 8:50 AM CST
Strange, I'm not seeing my post here! I'll post again! These are in my priority request order.

1. Tiered pricing like already posted
2. Batch move orders to custom statuses
3. Batch re-upload adjusted images
4. Ability to send email only to those who viewed gallery who HAVE NOT placed order
5. Have "required purchase from group" be on a sub group vs main group. i.e., you can only purchase from this group if you buy from ANY other group.
6. Ability or organize product base in sub groups
4 posts
Mon Oct 05, 15 10:18 AM CST
Hi Tim,

Would it please be possible to have an option when viewing a proofing page in admin and filter so only the images which have comments are shown ? I use proofing pages a lot with my customers so they can request revisions and it would be really handy to see just them ones they have requested rather than having to scroll though all the images. If there could be radio buttons or tick boxes to show all images, those with revisions, all unapproved images and all approved images it would be really helpful.


102 posts
Mon Oct 05, 15 11:03 AM CST
It would be great to have some sort of zoom feature. So clients can hover their mouse over the images and only see a little bubble of zoomed detail. Of course the source of the zoom would need to somehow be obfuscated so it can't be retrieved.

I've got into the habit of only putting up smaller sized thumbs as I've come across a lot of my images that have simply been screen grabbed. I know they can still do the same, but now it's pretty poor quality if they do.
102 posts
Mon Oct 05, 15 11:26 AM CST
Ability to restrict search & replace to current gallery so images that happen to have the same name, but totally unrelated don't get replaced!
74 posts
Mon Oct 05, 15 12:00 PM CST
I didn't read all of the posts above but one of the first was a name search over all of the photos and galleries of the site and this would be very important for me, too. Please make it happen!
252 posts
Thu Oct 08, 15 10:09 AM CST
to me it would be very important the possibility to have the possibility to assign only a selected payment for a gallery,for instance to a dance school give only the possibility to pay only at school and not with other methods,like paypal or bank transfer.
94 posts
Thu Oct 08, 15 11:51 PM CST
Please add ability to duplicate a photo product in the store and all its options. Usage: when designing a product that has several options AND has multiple design versions of the same type of product (like photo cards) it would be way easier to dupe the product and all it's options and then simply change out the design/version photo.
8 posts
Mon Oct 12, 15 1:06 PM CST
Might be a long shot but could you add an online sign up feature similar to Sign Up Genius or I'd be willing to pay extra for a feature like this. Styist already acts as my website, customer gallery and ordering. If I could add a calendar that customers could sign up for time slots and pre-pay for sessions that would be fantastic. I currently use which I can link to from my Stytist website but it's very basic. Sign Up Genius has advanced features but they cost too much (especially the prepay options). I'd rather pay you and have it integrated in my website.
103 posts
Wed Oct 14, 15 11:02 AM CST

On the orders page I would like a field to show which gallery/subgallery the order is from. Perhaps even the option to sort the data by order number or gallery.
I photograph schools/nurseries.
When the orders come in on the orders page I have no way of knowing which order is from which school/nursery.
Each school has its own deadline that I batch the orders together to send off to the printers. Currently, I have to repeatedly drill down into hundreds of orders to check and double check I have got all the right orders batched together.

Edit: I've just seen this issue has already been raised by another photographer in my field.
Adina Hayne
Fri Sep 25, 15
7:16 PM
Edited Sun Oct 18, 15 2:49 AM by Greg K
34 posts
Thu Oct 15, 15 11:59 AM CST
Hi Tim,

Have you given consideration to add text messaging to Cell(mobile) numbers functionality?

As the majority of customers use their mobile devices it would seem to be a sensible next step option. It would also alleviate the issue we constantly have with e-mails arriving in Junk/Spam folders and the customer not realising they are there.

Kind regards

12 posts
Fri Oct 16, 15 9:07 AM CST
Hi Tim.

So far I love this product... and I do have a couple of things that would make this product more valuable to me:

1. Recurring Invoices - I love the fact that you can setup invoices and give individuals the option to pay with Credit Card. But as a wedding photographer I have many customers who like to sign up for monthly payment plans. A feature to setup a recurring invoice to occur on a set basis (say once a month) for the same amount... etc would be awesome! (and probably not too difficult to implement... right?)

2. Contract Signing. Maybe this one is not appropriate but would be great for me or anyone that deals with signed contracts. Maybe something similar to CudaSign.
94 posts
Sat Oct 17, 15 9:20 PM CST
I would like to require clients to be logged in in order to add to cart, but still be able to view the products and images without being logged in. Also to set this on buy and store pages which do not have a price list. This would allow me to contact customers who have put items in their cart, but not checked out
103 posts
Sun Oct 18, 15 3:13 AM CST
My request has already been asked by
Michael Weeks
Tue Aug 18, 15
5:40 PM
Point 3.

I also require a summary of sales from all sub galleries within a gallery to calculate a clients commission.
Hopefully, I'll have some time to look at the database over the next fortnight and create an sql script for it.
225 posts
Sun Oct 18, 15 10:27 PM CST
I would REALLY love to see the orders come in more organized by Print Size,




Digital Prints

I find it really hard to put in orders and toggle back and forth making sure I don't miss anything. When I pull the orders up my clients go back and forth between 4x6 and 5x7

This would also go hand and hand with the feature of saying 12 prints, 10 images (so you know that an image was ordered more than once.

I'd also love to see the columns and number of prints ordered on the order sheet not so far apart, or placed closer to the print size.

Maybe make the spacing between each print order smaller too, that would help!

Having them all grouped by size would help SO SO SO MUCH!
Edited Sun Oct 18, 15 10:29 PM by Alicia Williams
225 posts
Sun Oct 18, 15 10:31 PM CST
My clients are also consfused by the "buy all" item.

They click on a photo and say "Buy all" but they think they are only buying that one photo for $250 even though I have it saying they get ALL iamges.

There must be a better way
285 posts
Mon Oct 19, 15 10:53 AM CST
We service many schools and we would like for parents to be able to order from various galleries all in one cart. For example, school portraits, sport portraits, prom portraits, etc. They used to be able to order from multiple galleries, but now it will only allow them to order from galleries with the same price lists. This creates an issue because people only want to check out once. Today I lost a sale because of that.

Please consider reinstating this option. I understand what you said about people choosing different images from different galleries but this has never been a problem in the past.

thank you
330 posts
Mon Oct 19, 15 8:35 PM CST
Really need RSS feed option. Our non profit is now podcasting. RSS is vital to our progress!
M Davis
283 posts
Tue Oct 20, 15 4:02 PM CST
Have options that are available for collections that can only be selected once within that collections. e.g.. I'm using options to have client specify where an image is to be positioned in a multi image print. It would be nice to be able to remove that option once it has been selected
283 posts
Tue Oct 20, 15 4:04 PM CST
This may be a big upgrade, but it would be cool if there where collection templates that could offer multi image prints that actually showed what the template looks like and allow the clients to drag and drop images into those openings to fill their print so they can see how the final product looks. That would be awesome
49 posts
Wed Oct 21, 15 11:43 AM CST
One thing that I foresee wanting to do is to offer a category of premium greenscreen backgrounds that add an extra fee to the order.

In other words, to be able to offer a group of background galleries at the standard price, and 1 or more premium background galleries that add a dollar amount to the composite image. Maybe have an option to add 1 fee per background, no matter how many images it's used with, or a separate fee for each image the background is used for.

I know a lot of event photographers doing greenscreen work tend to have their pricing set up this way.
283 posts
Wed Oct 21, 15 5:24 PM CST
How about shipping options for product options. e.g.. I offer a print to be matted that wold require a higher shipping cost.

Also how about pricelist per image. I have some fine art images that have specific sizes and it would be nice to have a specific price list for them
50 posts
Thu Oct 22, 15 3:37 PM CST
It would be great to have access to historical website stats. Perhaps at the end of each month, a text file is generated saving all the details from that particular month that can be accessed in a folder at the host. There are many times when I need to look at the performance of old pages.
72 posts
Thu Oct 29, 15 3:49 PM CST

One of the sites I use for printing any options to possible integrate WHCC products or their system to help give my workflow a boost and to help streamline my online business. Here is their web site in reference to this process.

Let me know it would be great to have people order and pay and the photos go direct to the printer or fulfillment company.

29 posts
Thu Oct 29, 15 5:54 PM CST

I think that the S3 hosting option is great. However when you upload photos from FTP, it doesn't organize the files that it uploads to S3, instead it puts them all in the root folder. You can imagine how hard it is to organize or even find anything on my S3. I noticed that when you upload from the web interface it creates a date folder for each upload. That would help tremendously!
11 posts
Sat Oct 31, 15 10:57 AM CST
would love and to have logo on purchased downloads!!!
loaded over 75,000 images this year with very little problems and your customer service is remarkable. thanks
64 posts
Fri Nov 06, 15 12:49 PM CST
not sure how to explain this one... I have some PSD files that are shots of frames I sell... would it be possible to do any of the following ( based on green screen concept)

1: have the client select a frame then insert the photo they want to purchase in to the frame so they can see what it would look like framed?
or (or both?)
2: have the client take a pic of the wall that they want the print to go on, upload it to the cart then see the image on top of the pic they uploaded so they can see what it looks like on their wall?*

*: I currently use this site.
1 posts
Wed Nov 11, 15 9:30 PM CST
Hello Tm, If this hasn't been asked for already, i would like to be able to sort the product base list. Right now the full list sorted by price and I would like to be able to sort by name and or size and have that sort be carried over to the price list screen when adding products to lists. It would help to have all the 4x6 and 5x7 etc. labels grouped together.

Many Thanks for a great platform!!
64 posts
Thu Nov 12, 15 3:23 AM CST
Another quick one...
would it be possible to tag clients? (but we could generate our own tags)
jo blogs - family
exotic sports cars - business
kevin smith - client
Bridal 123 - partner

and then filter them so we can generate a list of contact details for marketing? and bring the notes section across ;)
these details could be added on the people page

still the best platform out there!

9 posts
Thu Nov 12, 15 2:23 PM CST
Magnifying glass zoom feature the same as in Photocart but for Sytist. The idea is to take a small photo in a gallery and be able to zoom without having to load the 'large' version of the file.
32 posts
Fri Nov 13, 15 5:55 AM CST
Would it be possible to add a "Random" option on the slide show? I use a slide show on the home page and it would be great if the content could vary whenever someone visits the site.
6 posts
Sun Nov 15, 15 11:57 AM CST
It would be fantastic if I could create a drop down menu with whatever links I choose, rather than just links in a specified section or category. :)
14 posts
Tue Nov 17, 15 10:36 PM CST
I'd love to see the ability for clients to make comments on each photo in a collection or package. I use Sytist collections mainly for album ordering, and sometimes my clients will ask me make changes to a certain picture. It would be nice if they could do that in the shopping cart instead of having to email me separately. Thanks!
39 posts
Fri Nov 20, 15 5:31 PM CST
PLEASE! I'd like to be able to post notes to a gallery, notes that are visible only internally - so me and my employees can log phone calls, email dates, etc - notes on what the customer has requested photoshopped, complaints, concerns, promises, etc - so we can stay on the same page when talking to a client regarding a gallery.
39 posts
Fri Nov 20, 15 6:24 PM CST
I would love to be able to "like" or vote on ideas submitted here in the request forum, maybe somehow help prioritize needs.

I service schools, and the ability for parents to order across multiple galleries and checkout all at once is desperately needed. I see someone else has posted the same need... this is a huge deal...

35 posts
Fri Nov 20, 15 6:41 PM CST
The following would be massively beneficial to all Sytist users!

The ability to clone a page -->

Would love to be able to clone a page that is loaded with generic text, sub galleries, each with standard headings, and each with their own text and unique price lists, etc. Being able to clone pages would save massive time in not having to set each of these up when creating a new client gallery.

Uploading images -->

Would love the ability for people to upload their own images with the ability to then purchase products from a pricelist - just as though the images were being added to any gallery. Yes, some pretty fundamental issues would have to be addressed like upload destination, upload filesize maximums (and minimums), and image agreements, but these have been similarly dealt with in other areas of Sytist. All of those criteria could be set in a main control panel. The upload function could be added to forms, and the variables, including which pricelist to set the uploaded image to, could be set at the page/category level. It could then be populated dynamically much like image tags in a gallery.

Product previewing -->

As an expansion of the greenscreen idea, how about adding the ability to add standard product image files where a client could select an image from their gallery and it would overlay their image over the product (like a print in someones hand, or a print on a wall).

Editable database -->

Forms in Sytist are excellent! Would love to see them be viewable, searchable, and editable after the fact in the admin side. For example a couple filling out a wedding contract remotely, then having the ability to adjust and refine later. As a next step to that, having it attached to a customer's account so they could edit it themselves later when logged in would be gravy!

Automatic emails -->

This is a touchy one, but having the site send standard emails automatically would be amazing! For example, once images have been uploaded to a new gallery, 3 days after images are uploaded to see how things are going, a reminder email that the gallery access will be expiring in 2 days, etc. I had this feature in a custom site ten years ago and it was so helpful! It was a matter of setting up "triggers" (variables) for a category. Eg. send _X_ email -- _X_ days -- _after_ -- _gallery creation date_ -- . There were only a handful of criteria to deal with and then it was a matter of having the emails that fit the criteria be send when the clock hit 12:00am everyday. Because there would be various email going based on different criteria, there were never more than the server could handle or would look suspicious.

Edited Fri Nov 20, 15 6:46 PM by Rob Lovatt
8 posts
Sat Nov 21, 15 9:47 PM CST
I would love to see image view stats on individual photos again - like photocart. We always check gallery views and see which image our clients clicked on most. Then we offer specials on that image if they did not already purchase it. It was a great sales tool to have those stats.
39 posts
Sat Nov 21, 15 10:41 PM CST
Kim, I sure would too! I would like to have control over when the "tables are too big" and when this data gets purged. This helped me tremendously in Photocart.
2 posts
Wed Nov 25, 15 5:24 PM CST

I would like an option per payment method which adds a percentage to the final price in order to recover my costs. For example, I would add zero if they pay by bank transfer, and 3.5% if they pay by Paypal. This is quite common in some countries/industries.
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