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Current Version: 5.2.5 | Sytist Manual | Common Issues | Feature Requests
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Feature Requests
Kim Davis
5 posts
Sat Aug 18, 18 10:04 PM CST
AND/OR options for Photos by Tag galleries. I’d love to create a gallery that contains tag1 and tag2 and tag3, or a gallery that contains tag4 or tag5. Even better, a gallery that contains tag6 and either tag7 or tag8 or tag9. Thanks again, Tim!!
Edited Sat Aug 18, 18 10:06 PM by Kim Davis
Luke Jones
7 posts
Tue Aug 21, 18 2:58 PM CST
Printable Vouchers
We regularly photograph events, such as proms, where guests (or their parents) wish to purchase a voucher before the event and their customer redeems it at an event in exchange for a product that's delivered to them instantly.
Currently, we ship physical coupons to them. However, it would be amazing if the customer could visit Sytist, chose their event and products, print a voucher with a unique code for them to redeem at an event.
I'm not sure how complex this would be, but I envisage customers visiting a "Buy Voucher" page, choosing their upcoming event, adding products and then downloading a PDF coupon (with a unique number, preventing duplicates being presented). Or, failing the ability to print a PDF coupon, provide them with a unique code after checkout has completed.
I hope this makes sense!
We regularly photograph events, such as proms, where guests (or their parents) wish to purchase a voucher before the event and their customer redeems it at an event in exchange for a product that's delivered to them instantly.
Currently, we ship physical coupons to them. However, it would be amazing if the customer could visit Sytist, chose their event and products, print a voucher with a unique code for them to redeem at an event.
I'm not sure how complex this would be, but I envisage customers visiting a "Buy Voucher" page, choosing their upcoming event, adding products and then downloading a PDF coupon (with a unique number, preventing duplicates being presented). Or, failing the ability to print a PDF coupon, provide them with a unique code after checkout has completed.
I hope this makes sense!
Jacob Cichon
7 posts
Mon Aug 27, 18 8:07 AM CST
Hi Tim,
Definitely more design elements. Pricing tables are a must, and responsive sortable galleries. It would also be nice to be able to ass hover descriptions to objects ( images or icons )
I would like to see some modal boxes as well for quick on-page interactivity.
It would be great to be able to use sortable galleries, for a quick showcase pages... See below, that is awesome as well:
Best regards,
Definitely more design elements. Pricing tables are a must, and responsive sortable galleries. It would also be nice to be able to ass hover descriptions to objects ( images or icons )
I would like to see some modal boxes as well for quick on-page interactivity.
It would be great to be able to use sortable galleries, for a quick showcase pages... See below, that is awesome as well:
Best regards,
Edited Mon Aug 27, 18 8:11 AM by Jacob Cichon
63 posts
Wed Aug 29, 18 9:20 PM CST
Hi Tim,
Is there an existing way to add two levels of password protection?
Some of the school photography companies in Canada have multi-level passcode protection on the student photos. Students must enter a Portrait Code and Pass Code to access their photos.
I have the individual photos password protected, but when that option is used, I cannot also password protect the gallery.
If a two-tier password system does not already exist, it would be great to have it in the future.
Is there an existing way to add two levels of password protection?
Some of the school photography companies in Canada have multi-level passcode protection on the student photos. Students must enter a Portrait Code and Pass Code to access their photos.
I have the individual photos password protected, but when that option is used, I cannot also password protect the gallery.
If a two-tier password system does not already exist, it would be great to have it in the future.
Attached Photos
David Coxsell
149 posts
Sun Sep 02, 18 2:07 PM CST
Hi Tim,
It would be great if I could choose a different email template when confirming a booking manually.
Currently it uses just the default information as set within the booking page, however I have some different options set when making a booking and had created different email replies dependant on a certain selection. This was thinking I could possibly change the template when manually confirming a booking.
It would be great if I could choose a different email template when confirming a booking manually.
Currently it uses just the default information as set within the booking page, however I have some different options set when making a booking and had created different email replies dependant on a certain selection. This was thinking I could possibly change the template when manually confirming a booking.
This reply was deleted.
Jamie Elle
156 posts
Tue Sep 04, 18 12:21 PM CST
Would love it if there was a way for the database to be emailed to me every night for extra security.
Darcie Strobach
7 posts
Wed Sep 05, 18 12:32 PM CST
Would love to see a global sale option available as we had in photo cart.
michael milner
283 posts
Thu Sep 06, 18 1:32 AM CST
is it possible to add unavailable times dependant to particular calendars. EG. for headshots we want to make lunchtime unavailable but on other calendars where we are holding a 3 hour shoot that goes over lunchtime we don't care and want to still make those time blocks available
Karl Austin
8 posts
Thu Sep 13, 18 5:33 AM CST
Stripe - Can we please have an option for using Stripe.js instead of the current method where card details are captured via Sytist please? Doing so massively reduces the PCI-DSS (SAQ-A only) burden on accepting cards and makes things much more secure. This also fixes the Apple Pay etc. issues as well, as integrating against Stripe.js means you're integrated against all payment methods Stripe supports.
Incidentally telling people that there are payment options such as Worldpay that don't require them to have https is incredibly dangerous, the whole payment flow needs https, not just the part that captures card details - otherwise the link to Worldpay could be swapped to a phishing site instead. I'm pretty sure it's also one of Worldpays requiremtns for PCI-DSS that you have to have SSL on the site that links through to them as well.
Incidentally telling people that there are payment options such as Worldpay that don't require them to have https is incredibly dangerous, the whole payment flow needs https, not just the part that captures card details - otherwise the link to Worldpay could be swapped to a phishing site instead. I'm pretty sure it's also one of Worldpays requiremtns for PCI-DSS that you have to have SSL on the site that links through to them as well.
Edited Thu Sep 13, 18 5:35 AM by Karl Austin
This reply was deleted.
69 posts
Sun Sep 16, 18 7:53 AM CST
I would like to request that the new "Client Menu" also be available when using the "Gallery Exclusive" option. It's really helpful if the client does not have to go all the way back to the home page in order to see the "Client Menu".
I would like to request that the new "Client Menu" also be available when using the "Gallery Exclusive" option. It's really helpful if the client does not have to go all the way back to the home page in order to see the "Client Menu".
Michael Leenheer
535 posts
Thu Sep 27, 18 7:00 PM CST
Is it possible you still read these messages after more than ten thousand posts?
I was thinking it would be nice if larger galleries that are broken into sub-galleries could also have a "view all photos" option, where a client could click to see all the photos in all the sub-galleries in one long scrolling gallery.
I was thinking it would be nice if larger galleries that are broken into sub-galleries could also have a "view all photos" option, where a client could click to see all the photos in all the sub-galleries in one long scrolling gallery.
Michael Leenheer || My Sytist:
Scott Gloger
3 posts
Tue Oct 16, 18 6:21 AM CST
I would love the ability to add a $ amount (ie “late fee” to pre-buy pages for clients who order after a specific date. Ideally this would show at checkout as a line item named whatever the admin chooses with the option of being pre tax or post tax.
I would love the ability to add a $ amount (ie “late fee” to pre-buy pages for clients who order after a specific date. Ideally this would show at checkout as a line item named whatever the admin chooses with the option of being pre tax or post tax.
Michael Weeks
296 posts
Tue Oct 16, 18 6:27 AM CST
personally I reckon that is a bad business choice, it will alienate people - my personal choice is to offer an early bird discount, does the same thing but is a reward action and not a punishment
personally I reckon that is a bad business choice, it will alienate people - my personal choice is to offer an early bird discount, does the same thing but is a reward action and not a punishment
Michael Leenheer
535 posts
Tue Oct 16, 18 10:29 AM CST
@Scott: There is the option to have them pay to extend a gallery after it expires; could you use that feature to achieve what you are hoping? In general I agree with Michael Weeks though, if they actually want to buy something there's no real benefit to 'punishing' them with an extra fee. Motivate them with an early-bird, perhaps, but don't punish them with a late fee.
Michael Leenheer || My Sytist:
Scott Gloger
3 posts
Tue Oct 16, 18 10:35 AM CST
@Michael I thought of that but I don't want to take money before they see the pricing. As far as using an early bird discount... I don't believe that is a motivator to call people to action BEFORE the photos are taken, I use it extensively for galleries where they are selecting images after the photos are online. The Late fee is more to push people to order before the photo day. It works well for me. This is the great thing about everyone being able to have their own business model. Thanks for the comment. I appreciate the input.
Michael Leenheer
535 posts
Tue Oct 16, 18 10:51 AM CST
@Tim: it would be awesome if this forum could allow commenting threads so we can reply to and discuss ideas -- and even up-vote them. I'd bet that would also make this huge thread more useful to you!
Michael Leenheer || My Sytist:
Jeff Bachstein
41 posts
Thu Oct 25, 18 3:10 PM CST
A section where we can put client images into that they could download and have access to share without having to checkout. Also if possible for the client to be able to change the password.
Edited Thu Oct 25, 18 3:17 PM by Jeff Bachstein
Carol Gibson
8 posts
Tue Oct 30, 18 8:54 PM CST
Add options on products in the Price List not just in the Product base.
It's great we can change the price, but some Price List I have need to be tax free while others are taxed.
And some products need different options for different clients.
It's great we can change the price, but some Price List I have need to be tax free while others are taxed.
And some products need different options for different clients.
David Coxsell
149 posts
Fri Nov 02, 18 4:40 AM CST
Hoping this may be a simple request.
Please could you implement an option for a delay on splash screens showing up?
Please could you implement an option for a delay on splash screens showing up?
Magued Guirguis
4 posts
Fri Nov 02, 18 10:08 AM CST
I'm currently using the website as my main selling for school portraits, getting hundreds of visitors each day.
I'd love to have an online chatting feature added to the website in order to provide a quick customer service and answering questions.
You can make it as an add-on for extra fee like any wordpress plugins. Still don't know how hard to code such feature :) hope it's easy.
I'd love to have an online chatting feature added to the website in order to provide a quick customer service and answering questions.
You can make it as an add-on for extra fee like any wordpress plugins. Still don't know how hard to code such feature :) hope it's easy.
Bruce Pham
292 posts
Wed Nov 07, 18 1:16 PM CST
Tim, I would like to request the ability to download the images right from the order view. I currently use green screen and it would really help that I can download the purchased images including the backdrop already installed directly from the order. This would help tremendously with workflow. Currently I have to assign myself to have the download permission and log in from the front side and download from each gallery. It's a 3 step process or manually install the backdrops from the files on my computer to the png files. Again, tedious. Being able to download from the admin side would smooth things out a lot.
Bruce Pham • Forever Studio • School Pictures At Their Best
8 posts
Mon Nov 12, 18 12:29 PM CST
Two requests:
#1 - Discount on everything or a specific product group, once a "Buy All" is purchased and/or a collection is purchased. I want to offer a discount on physical products if they purchase all of the digital files.
#2 - Some kid of feature that requests selections from the client. I do in person sales with clients first and sometime they can't make decisions on an image to use for a physical product at the time and want to look over the photos online for a few days to decide. It would be nice to be able to maybe add something to their cart or create something that would require them to make selections and then send to photographer. The feature could allow them to filter their images by favorites too for easier selecting. It would also allow for multiple selection requests. For instance if the photographer needs them to choose prints for a greeting card, or a cameo image on their album, and also for a framed print. Pic-Time has this feature, but I don't want to use them in order to make this switch:
#1 - Discount on everything or a specific product group, once a "Buy All" is purchased and/or a collection is purchased. I want to offer a discount on physical products if they purchase all of the digital files.
#2 - Some kid of feature that requests selections from the client. I do in person sales with clients first and sometime they can't make decisions on an image to use for a physical product at the time and want to look over the photos online for a few days to decide. It would be nice to be able to maybe add something to their cart or create something that would require them to make selections and then send to photographer. The feature could allow them to filter their images by favorites too for easier selecting. It would also allow for multiple selection requests. For instance if the photographer needs them to choose prints for a greeting card, or a cameo image on their album, and also for a framed print. Pic-Time has this feature, but I don't want to use them in order to make this switch:
Alex Gerner
74 posts
Mon Nov 12, 18 2:39 PM CST
Hello Tim,
I thought it would be time again to remind you of the feature we need most and which you promised years ago when we first were in contact before purchasing a license. That would be multilingual support with a quick way to switch between languages.
You told me directly that this is really a lot work to do but we need it dearly. In the moment we help us out by hacking around with different price lists but as the site itself still is German, that is far from ideal. We would even pay a fee to get that implemented (as long as it's not more than the update fee). Please, please, please, push that feature up your agenda!
Greetings from Germany
I thought it would be time again to remind you of the feature we need most and which you promised years ago when we first were in contact before purchasing a license. That would be multilingual support with a quick way to switch between languages.
You told me directly that this is really a lot work to do but we need it dearly. In the moment we help us out by hacking around with different price lists but as the site itself still is German, that is far from ideal. We would even pay a fee to get that implemented (as long as it's not more than the update fee). Please, please, please, push that feature up your agenda!
Greetings from Germany
Carol Gibson
8 posts
Thu Nov 15, 18 9:05 PM CST
It would be nice to be able to batch edit the early bird discount across a group of galleries, like you can batch edit the price group and expiration date.
Alicia Williams
225 posts
Tue Nov 20, 18 9:48 AM CST
On the Album Proofing page, I would like to see more dates. Clients comment but I don't know when, and it confuses me if I already did something.
On the green APPROVED line, I'd like a date.
Where client wrote "looks great" I'd like it to say "Looks great "written on xxx"
ON the green approved, I'd like a date in that green box.
On the green APPROVED line, I'd like a date.
Where client wrote "looks great" I'd like it to say "Looks great "written on xxx"
ON the green approved, I'd like a date in that green box.
Attached Photos
Jesse Johnson
18 posts
Wed Nov 21, 18 1:08 AM CST
I would like to see video that loops for backgrounds and/or banners
Michael Gara
3 posts
Sat Nov 24, 18 7:43 PM CST
Hey Tim,
Videos (specifically Boomerang style videos) are becoming a bigger part of Photo Booth businesses now. I'd love to be able to have a gallery that could display mp4 files for download just like jpg's and gif's!
Videos (specifically Boomerang style videos) are becoming a bigger part of Photo Booth businesses now. I'd love to be able to have a gallery that could display mp4 files for download just like jpg's and gif's!
Michael Leenheer
535 posts
Wed Nov 28, 18 5:46 PM CST
Feature idea: reverse the green screen gallery feature so we can put the overlay on top of the client photos instead of behind them.
This would be VERY useful for school and sports photographers, and also for anyone who sells picture frames. Just a few ideas of how this enables new products and features:
• Show how a photo frame would look on top of their picture. (There's already a version of this feature in the 'Wall Designer' but it is very small.)
• Make Greeting Cards such as birth announcements, Christmas cards, etc.
• Sports photographers could feature things like trading cards and magazine layouts.
• Simple graphic overlays like a small border and the year in the corner
I got really excited thinking of all the products we could add to our online selections with this option. As I mentioned it could be similar to the "Wall Designer" setup but without the photo of the room. What do you think?
This would be VERY useful for school and sports photographers, and also for anyone who sells picture frames. Just a few ideas of how this enables new products and features:
• Show how a photo frame would look on top of their picture. (There's already a version of this feature in the 'Wall Designer' but it is very small.)
• Make Greeting Cards such as birth announcements, Christmas cards, etc.
• Sports photographers could feature things like trading cards and magazine layouts.
• Simple graphic overlays like a small border and the year in the corner
I got really excited thinking of all the products we could add to our online selections with this option. As I mentioned it could be similar to the "Wall Designer" setup but without the photo of the room. What do you think?
Edited Mon Dec 03, 18 1:34 PM by Michael Leenheer
Michael Leenheer || My Sytist:
Michael Leenheer
535 posts
Mon Dec 03, 18 1:33 PM CST
Feature upgrade idea: allow ratings on photos (1 to 5 stars) rather than just a "favourite" flag.
This is most useful when creating wedding albums, for example; the client can go through and flag photos as "ok" or "great" or "amazing" and we can then use that information to assemble their final albums.
This is most useful when creating wedding albums, for example; the client can go through and flag photos as "ok" or "great" or "amazing" and we can then use that information to assemble their final albums.
Michael Leenheer || My Sytist:
Vance Birno
301 posts
Mon Dec 03, 18 4:02 PM CST
A block bad bot list,
Louise Mallan Photography
26 posts
Sun Dec 09, 18 4:39 AM CST
Hi Tim,
With ongoing efforts to improve SEO it would be great if a image sitemap could be created from Sytist and automatically updated like the current sitemap for pages.
With ongoing efforts to improve SEO it would be great if a image sitemap could be created from Sytist and automatically updated like the current sitemap for pages.
Michael Weeks
296 posts
Tue Dec 11, 18 3:21 AM CST
Could we have an easy link from the main menu to the greenscreen backdrops please, unless it is already there and I am missing it
Michael Weeks
296 posts
Mon Dec 17, 18 7:56 AM CST
Download Credits, would be great to add these as a standalone product to the Digital price list as they are not obvious for many people, as in to see that they are available they have to go to the product and see that they can purchase with credits
Louise Mallan Photography
26 posts
Tue Dec 18, 18 5:49 PM CST
Would be great to introduce a couple of SEO features like rel="canonical" for pages and rel="nofollow" on login/create account and for editable menu items such as links to external sites.
This reply was deleted.
Louise Mallan Photography
26 posts
Mon Jan 07, 19 3:04 AM CST
Hi Tim,
I would love to use the booking calendar more but have a specific request that a number of newborn photographers may also like to see as a feature.
Newborn Photography can't always be pinned down to a day as it is dependant on when the baby arrives, often it is easier to book customers in for the week of there due date and limit the number of booking you take for that week.
Would it be possible to add an additional feature to limit service bookings with a number of bookings in a week?
I would love to use the booking calendar more but have a specific request that a number of newborn photographers may also like to see as a feature.
Newborn Photography can't always be pinned down to a day as it is dependant on when the baby arrives, often it is easier to book customers in for the week of there due date and limit the number of booking you take for that week.
Would it be possible to add an additional feature to limit service bookings with a number of bookings in a week?
82 posts
Wed Jan 09, 19 3:36 PM CST
I've been doing blogging with Sytist more the last year (2018) so more blogging templates or page designer enabled. And the ability to pin to pinterest via the blog.
G Med
23 posts
Wed Jan 30, 19 9:58 AM CST
custom fields please..
or just add two to the client page
birthdays and anniversary
or just add two to the client page
birthdays and anniversary
Lachlan Ryan
31 posts
Fri Feb 08, 19 6:00 AM CST
Add the option:
Limit to 'x' downloads
Add the option:
Limit to 'x' downloads
Alicia Williams
225 posts
Tue Feb 12, 19 9:22 AM CST
I would love to have a pull down on the Album proofer that says "completed," or "in-progress" .
I have lost track of if I ordered an album a couple times and if I forget to delete the album proof gallery, I think I haven't ordered the album yet.
I almost just ordered an album the client has!
I have lost track of if I ordered an album a couple times and if I forget to delete the album proof gallery, I think I haven't ordered the album yet.
I almost just ordered an album the client has!
Michael Smart
3 posts
Mon Feb 18, 19 3:02 PM CST
I would love to see the override price with a WAS and NOW with a percentage saving, I offer specials from time to time but my value of my products are set at a certain price and having them just displayed as the discounted price makes them look like that is the going rate for my products.
Please could you add this, am surprised no one has requested this yet?
Please could you add this, am surprised no one has requested this yet?
Edited Mon Feb 18, 19 3:04 PM by Michael Smart
Michael Gara
28 posts
Mon Feb 25, 19 7:11 PM CST
Hey Tim,
Super urgently need a way to offer video downloads (MP4)! I'd be happy to pay, or buy you a beer or 12 if you're able to get this done! :)
You're the best!
Super urgently need a way to offer video downloads (MP4)! I'd be happy to pay, or buy you a beer or 12 if you're able to get this done! :)
You're the best!
Vance Birno
301 posts
Mon Feb 25, 19 9:48 PM CST
You can already do this by creating a "Store" section. But be aware if you are using Amazon S3 it will cost in data transfer. if you are hosting yourself on a shared server the hosting company will have issues with storage. Recommend just a online pay per view host, many of them also let you offer downloads. is one of the most reasonable video hosting sites there is.
Juan Pablo Agosti
2 posts
Wed Feb 27, 19 3:35 PM CST
I will be using Sytist exclusively for on line sales for school photos and emailing my clients.
These are the features I would like to see in a future Update.
Email and Data
1- It would be great that when we upload password protected individual school photos to a gallery be able to export individual links to for each individual/student to create QR codes for printed proofing.
2- Once we collect email address be able to send automated emails for each individual with a direct link or link to the gallery and their individual passcode.
3- At check out, ask for shipping information on step two. My clients have the option to pick up photos at their school and asking shipping address before they choose the shipping option may be confusing,
Thanks for asking for feedback Tim.
I very exited to be switching to Sytist this year!
Juan Pablo
These are the features I would like to see in a future Update.
Email and Data
1- It would be great that when we upload password protected individual school photos to a gallery be able to export individual links to for each individual/student to create QR codes for printed proofing.
2- Once we collect email address be able to send automated emails for each individual with a direct link or link to the gallery and their individual passcode.
3- At check out, ask for shipping information on step two. My clients have the option to pick up photos at their school and asking shipping address before they choose the shipping option may be confusing,
Thanks for asking for feedback Tim.
I very exited to be switching to Sytist this year!
Juan Pablo
Joey Freeman
308 posts
Wed Mar 20, 19 2:12 PM CST
I know this is probably not nearly as easy as it may seem, but it would be awesome to have the ability to build custom email templates that are able to use all or most of the variables.
100 posts
Sat Mar 23, 19 8:02 PM CST
I love your shopping cart! The fact you can deliver new features as often as you do and still handle the customer support requests you get is awesome! I'm excited to see what you do this year. It's always a lot of fun seeing the new version come out.
My request is for a ratings feature in the photo gallery where anyone who visits can rate the photos. Top Rated photos float to the top. Having the ability to enable or disable feature per gallery would be great too.
I think the addition would be yet another top feature that would completely set your shopping cart apart from the competition and create more activity in the gallery section.
Thanks for all the hard work! You're as close to a true artist as any engineer can get! Great Work!
I love your shopping cart! The fact you can deliver new features as often as you do and still handle the customer support requests you get is awesome! I'm excited to see what you do this year. It's always a lot of fun seeing the new version come out.
My request is for a ratings feature in the photo gallery where anyone who visits can rate the photos. Top Rated photos float to the top. Having the ability to enable or disable feature per gallery would be great too.
I think the addition would be yet another top feature that would completely set your shopping cart apart from the competition and create more activity in the gallery section.
Thanks for all the hard work! You're as close to a true artist as any engineer can get! Great Work!
Robert Maximiuk
6 posts
Mon Apr 01, 19 2:32 PM CST
Multi language is essential and suggested several times. Before purchasing sytist I didn't know it's not available in the product. Very sad, please add this, thanks.
Philippe Penel
159 posts
Tue Apr 09, 19 8:58 PM CST
I have set some galleries with each sub gallery having a different price list from the main one, but when I log in as customer it always defaults to the main gallery price list.
Because there are sub- sub galleries, I have to set the price list on each sub sub gallery as well. It would be great if we were able to set it so that the price list applies to the galleries below if they don't have a specific price list.
Most of the sub sub gallery have 50 to 100 folders and it is very time consuming having to apply the same price list to them all.
Because there are sub- sub galleries, I have to set the price list on each sub sub gallery as well. It would be great if we were able to set it so that the price list applies to the galleries below if they don't have a specific price list.
Most of the sub sub gallery have 50 to 100 folders and it is very time consuming having to apply the same price list to them all.
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