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Current Version: 5.2.5 | Sytist Manual | Common  Issues | Feature Requests

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Feature Requests

251 posts
Fri May 14, 21 2:50 AM CST
For privacy reasons, European GDPR etc in certain events we are asked to make the online photo galleries visible to the whole world only for X days later access should be limited not to the whole world but only to participants or those who request it. motivated.
1) If I set an expiration date, the gallery disappears completely and this is not the solution
2) I have to remember the expiration date of each event and manually set a password, I would certainly forget

3) if I could add to the form where you enter the gallery's expiration date, the possibility of entering password mode upon expiration. it would be automatic, convenient and would solve some problems with European laws.
251 posts
Fri May 14, 21 3:07 AM CST
if a gallery has many photos,
if the gallery is set to display 100 photos per page, it becomes inconvenient to wait for all the previews to be loaded on each page to get to the bottom of the page and be able to move on, perhaps already knowing that his photos are indicatively on page xyz
Attached Photos

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251 posts
Fri May 14, 21 3:12 AM CST
ability not to view the file extension
Attached Photos

251 posts
Fri May 14, 21 3:57 AM CST
the viewing modes are very nice - Stacked thumbnails and Justified, but in view on mobile (90% of my customers) it does not allow you to view the numbers without opening every single photo, it does not allow you to add them to your favorites while scrolling, nor to add them to the cart without opening them.
so I have to use Standard thumbnails but it is not very optimized in space, if it were possible to do something it would be fantastic.
I allocate a hypothesis as food for thought, then you will know how to do better.
or create something on Stacked thumbnails and Justified that allows you to see the numbers, add to favorites and cart from mobile without having to enlarge the photo.
Attached Photos

251 posts
Fri May 14, 21 3:17 PM CST
quantity discount
from the attached photo
now, for example, if I buy 7 photos, I spend: 7x3 = 21

I would need the opportunity to buy 7 photos by paying 4x6 + 3x3 = 33

each row closes a calculation
the final total is the sum of the totals of each row
Attached Photos

Edited Fri May 14, 21 3:28 PM by Marco B
251 posts
Wed May 19, 21 2:41 AM CST
I hope you will be able to add the ability to remove photos from a collection in the cart in the future.
in the case, for example, of a collection of 10 photos at a fixed price and price for extra photos, it is possible to remove only the extra ones and not the others.
The risk is that the customer has to delete everything and do it again from the beginning, go and look for his photos in the midst of thousands and he could postpone until tomorrow and then the day after tomorrow and then he won't order anymore.
In moving events, sales are in the first 24 hours, small hitches like this can cause important orders to be lost.
Attached Photos

25 posts
Wed May 19, 21 7:45 PM CST
Be able to change colour of products on order overview-so prints stand out! Be able to move Galleries, Categories easily to new Categories,just the whole folder to a new category.

251 posts
Thu May 20, 21 4:16 AM CST
When creating an event gallery, having the possibility to associate a date (different from the creation date that is now and could be a few days before the event) so that the customer can search for it through a graphic calendar, even after a long time
If the events start to be many over the years, this research becomes very useful
Attached Photos

Edited Thu May 20, 21 4:45 AM by Marco B
251 posts
Thu May 20, 21 5:18 AM CST
within a gallery I can move the arrangement of the subcategories using "rearrange sub galleries"
this is not possible to do it at a higher level, being able to move the order of the main galleries.
it would be useful to manage a chronological or other disposition and not automatically given by the creation or modification date
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301 posts
Fri May 21, 21 6:51 AM CST
Marco, you can manually arrange main galleries. You do that in "category settings"
Edited Fri May 21, 21 6:52 AM by Vance Birno
301 posts
Fri May 21, 21 6:53 AM CST
forgot this
Attached Photos

251 posts
Fri May 21, 21 8:42 AM CST
Vance Birno great, thank you very much, I owe you a beer
Edited Fri May 21, 21 8:42 AM by Marco B
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80 posts
Thu Jun 10, 21 7:32 AM CST
Please could you add Apple Pay and Google Pay? I think they have become increasingly popular since COVID and everything being careless, and I know that I use it for everything as it's so quick and easy. I find I have quite a few abandoned carts and I think the reason is having to go and find a card. I tried using PayPal to make it easier, but had to refund 3 in as many days for taking the payment twice so it is just not reliable enough.

I would also like the ability to order session discounts, as currently coupons do not work for bookings.

Thank you!
8 posts
Fri Jun 11, 21 6:40 AM CST
Hi Tim,

In Wall Designer, is it possible to make a matted frame the default, so clients can't select a frame without a mat? I want to make it as easy as possible and as I don't sell unmatted prints, it would be a great help.

10 posts
Tue Jun 15, 21 4:08 AM CST
We have a lot of clients purchasing digital-only orders. When looking at the orders page, is there any way in which I can see which orders have been downloaded and thus can be archived? It is a real pain to have to open each order in turn to see if it has been successfully downloaded. Part of the issue for me is that sometime clients who have Gmail addresses don't receive the emails with the links and I have to send the order via WeTransfer instead.

It would be fantastic to have an option to automatically archive digital-only orders once the order has been completed.

251 posts
Thu Jun 24, 21 10:52 AM CST
quote Simon Coates
We have a lot of clients purchasing digital-only orders. When looking at the orders page, is there any way in which I can see which orders have been downloaded and thus can be archived? It is a real pain to have to open each order in turn to see if it has been successfully downloaded. Part of the issue for me is that sometime clients who have Gmail addresses don't receive the emails with the links and I have to send the order via WeTransfer instead.

It would be fantastic to have an option to automatically archive digital-only orders once the order has been completed.

wetransfer, which gives you an email confirmation of the download
sytist no seems to me to offer solutions for this
Edited Thu Jun 24, 21 10:53 AM by Marco B
251 posts
Thu Jun 24, 21 11:01 AM CST
on May 14th I posted here asking for an improvement of the thumbmail display, I found the answer in
edit my theme
styled thumbnail gallery.

it is not a complete solution but it gets very positive

p.s pity that in this threads no answers are given as in the other threads
Edited Thu Jun 24, 21 11:21 AM by Marco B
137 posts
Wed Jun 30, 21 8:10 AM CST
I would love to see in a future release a redesigned client dashboard.

Something that would clearly list to the client all unpaid invoices, unsigned contracts, etc as soon as they log in.

The client interface as of now is a bit a bit hidden. A client needs to go two levels deep into a menu to even see options for things like contracts. It should all be up front as soon as they log in along with a link to all the galleries they are assigned to.

283 posts
Mon Jul 05, 21 8:51 PM CST
Would love to see the option for Apple Pay
283 posts
Mon Jul 05, 21 8:52 PM CST
How about a take home product -pay later such as after pay or equilivent
296 posts
Tue Jul 27, 21 6:30 AM CST
It would be great to be able to merge client accounts as I have a large number of registered users that just create new accounts
292 posts
Thu Aug 05, 21 8:12 AM CST
I would like to see a labeling feature for orders too. Currently we can label customers but it would be nice to be able to label orders too. This would help when requesting model releases from parents of children and you can mark the order.
Bruce Pham • Forever Studio • School Pictures At Their Best
69 posts
Thu Aug 05, 21 9:12 AM CST
Hello Tim - I hope all is well with you & yours.

My request is for the functionality to offer interest free instalment payment plans to clients spending over a certain amount automatically. It would be great to have the PayPal Interest Free options along with the ability to have a nice, neat & unobtrusive message advertising the same placed on the homepage. I currently offer an interest free instalment plan manually (the scheduled payments function is great) but PayPal have the coding for it with Pay Later offers (UK) ~ it provides two options: (1) "Pay In 3" or "PayPal Credit". Is this already in the pipeline? If not, would you consider it? Here is the link to the PayPal Developer site:

Thanks in advance.
(also posted in Payments section )
308 posts
Fri Aug 06, 21 12:18 PM CST
It would be nice to have a notation of who(based on login) and when next to notes and other things when people with make notes and change different things.
137 posts
Thu Aug 26, 21 7:08 PM CST
It would be great to be able to upload PDF files to a client gallery.
Edited Mon Oct 11, 21 7:19 AM by ShutterSpeak
308 posts
Wed Sep 15, 21 1:36 PM CST
Thanks for all of your hard work Tim! It would be nice to be able to download customers favorites easily from the admin side.
225 posts
Sun Sep 19, 21 10:29 AM CST
I would love to see the abilty to bulk add options to client booking pages. So if I have a section (say SENIORS) where people book senior photography, in the Section setting, be able to add options for all galleries in there.

I just had to add the option "PRIVACY OF IMAGES" and wanted to add it to ALL my pages, but it's a daunting task to add tan option to all booking pages. Wonder if there can be a way to add it to all at once? Or pick and choose options on all pages/
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225 posts
Sat Sep 25, 21 12:30 PM CST

I would love to see this redesigned. This photo is the "options' that come up in a booking.

Its very cumbersome and the design makes it hard to read. I would love the option to bold some of the fonts, or add lines to separate the sections.

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48 posts
Sun Sep 26, 21 3:15 AM CST
This would be a bigger project but I'd be happy to pay more for it possibly as an 'add on'.

An album designer. Where the customer can select their own choice of photos, choose a book product and then create their own image layouts. It would need to be detailed enough to do things like cropping, nudging of image position, precise line-ups etc.
357 posts
Mon Sep 27, 21 9:41 AM CST
Dynamic Forms

I offer both Photo and Video services. And offer multiple options for each service. By default options are set to "No", options available would be hidden until they select Yes. This would help could forms cleaner and more relevant. If someone doesn't want Video, they shouldn't see 5 options for Video.
55 posts
Mon Nov 01, 21 12:40 PM CST
I have a simple one, I would like a real red and a real green in the color choices. :)
225 posts
Wed Nov 03, 21 1:57 PM CST
I recently went through and labeled ALL of my clients. So they have a tag by "year" and also by "genre"
I was so excited, and went to export label "2021", "seniors". What it did was export anyone marked as seniors. I learned that you need to label the client the way you want to be able to export. You can't have two labels or it will pull ALL (which totally makes sense. )

Wondering if we can have an option where it asks what labels to include in export. I will go back through and relabel, but oy! :)
55 posts
Wed Dec 08, 21 8:25 AM CST
I would like to see under the green screen part where you can add text to the photo.
A lot of my photos I put the Players names on them
46 posts
Mon Dec 20, 21 11:11 AM CST
Google Maps API integration for the customer checkout process. We have a handful of customers that give us an incorrect mailing address (either completely misspelled or just not the right address all together). Something like this will minimize any delivery issues.
55 posts
Tue Jan 04, 22 11:26 AM CST
I would love to see QR cards or barcode scanning be added that way it would automatically sort into individual galleries. We do a lot of per-orders and this would help out a lot when it is time to upload 300 kids or 900 photos.
357 posts
Tue Jan 04, 22 12:00 PM CST
Admin Portal mobile redesign. I am now using this on the go more to access things, and it is sadly useless. A app would be amazing to have.
535 posts
Sun Jan 09, 22 1:36 PM CST
A CRM (Customer Relationship Management) module for school and volume photographers.

Expanding on the tags and email CRON jobs for individual customers, this idea would be to have "parent" customers like schools or companies. It could connect each gallery, client, price list, and order to a parent group - and as a CRM it would include automatic emails to the school like "photo day is coming" and possibly generate lists of customers who have been photographed under that parent company.

Potentially this could be your own thing, or a link to an existing open-source project like NextCloud.
Michael Leenheer   || My Sytist:
4 posts
Fri Jan 14, 22 1:14 PM CST
Hi Tem,

I'd like to ask you to consider adding a feature for exporting the Price List. I think it will help us to track history and sales made by each item and collections as well as when we need to adjust price. Now the only way to keep the record or look as reference is making screenshots. And it is a hassle to get everything, especially collections/packages, It needs multiple screenshots for just one collection/package. Sytist already has a way to show how many sales were made for some items. I think it would be nice if there is a way to export so that we can use records to manage it. I really appreciate Sytist! As a small business owner I don't have tons of budget to make my own system to fit for my business nor use an expensive system which could be customized for the business. Sytist helps me a lot and I'm sure there are a lot more functions with possibilities to improve my business if I figure out some of the issues I have now. I might use not even half of its capabilities. But I'm getting better at utilizing it for my photography business. And I intend to use it even better. Please consider this request for new features for the next update.

Thank you,

535 posts
Fri Jan 14, 22 6:49 PM CST
Request: Please stop adding admins to a gallery when we click 'VIEW THIS PAGE ON YOUR WEBSITE' from the admin area.

Whenever I open a client gallery from the admin side it adds me to that gallery's 'PEOPLE' list, and I start getting the reminder emails and gallery expiration notices. Obviously I don't want that so I have to manually remove myself from the gallery.

Michael Leenheer   || My Sytist:
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357 posts
Tue Jan 18, 22 8:31 AM CST
Multiple Booking Options

When doing Wedding Videography, it would be nice to have a "Additional Items" Check box selector and have 10 things listed and they can just check which they want, Full Length Ceremony, First Dances, Speeches, Cutting the Cake, etc. Rather than having a separate option for each and every one making it look cluttered. I don't offer packages because I don't like that style and do more el la cart and let people choose what they want rather than spending more money just to get one thing but then paying for 2 others they really don't want.

So having the option to select multiple check boxes or tab menus would be awesome.
535 posts
Fri Jan 28, 22 11:58 AM CST
Plesae add the integration for Quickbooks payments:

Michael Leenheer   || My Sytist:
251 posts
Fri Jan 28, 22 1:40 PM CST
for those who make sporting events, customers every week or so, they go to see their photos from their mobile phones. unfortunately I found that many take screenshots and are satisfied with the photo with the watermark above. what I ask is that you can block the screenshot from your smartphone as it happens in many banking sites or from sensitive data. online from a quick search I saw that there are various solutions. please learn more thanks
1 posts
Sat Feb 12, 22 10:21 PM CST
Hi Tim,

Hope you are well. I recently "upgraded" my account, and was planning to get Sytist to run 100% of my website (over the next few weeks), rather than just a few critical elements of it (as it currently does now). Yet, I've been having a devil of a time trying to get a few things (i.e., like "page designer templates" and "select photos to upload") to save after working on them, and I now think my troubles may be due to my having recently converted all of my (static) images (just for website marketing purposes, and not for sale) to a *.webp format.

Why, on earth, would I do such a thing? Well, I recently read something online that appeared rather officialish, and it suggested that photographers need to begin adopting the *.webp file format to keep the google bots happy and their websites lighter for ranking purposes. I have no idea if that's true, or needed, but I just realized that (maybe) Sytist does not accept *.webp file formats. Or, at least I presume that is the case based on your reply to Rob Shaw and his post to you on August 1, 2021 asking about webp compatibility with Sytist. If that's still true, would it be possible for Sytist to accept *.webp file formats?

I know Adobe Lightroom does not yet have the webp option easily available for saving files either, but I have been able to (painfully) create that file format through an Adobe Photoshop plugin and a lot more (unwelcome) elbow grease. I'm not sure why Google is pushing people to use that format when a lot of commercial applications to not appear to easily support it.

If no webp support now, or not anytime soon, then I could revert back to *.jpg to keep things moving forward.

Cheers and thanks.
308 posts
Mon Feb 21, 22 5:02 PM CST
1. It would be sper nice to be able to set a delay on the shipping emails. We attach tracking numbers and archive the orders when they are printed, but sometimes they don't get shipped out for a few days which has some customers calling asking about it.

2. It would be great to be able to expire a pre-order status on a certain date.

3. Would be great to be able to set a date and have a forwarding URL automatically set.

That being said it's an awesome piece of software. Thanks for all you do.
43 posts
Wed Feb 23, 22 6:37 AM CST
Ability to automatically remove watermarks from client favourites (without having to re-upload without watermarks), and remove non-favourited images from gallery would be SO GOOD!

If existing prices/services could be incorporated into contract templates that would also be a real time saver! Currently I adjust prices/package for almost every contract - is there a shortcut/tag for this?

As someone else mentioned earlier, I would love an album or photo book designer! Also, partnership with labs that can be coordinated within Sytist would be great (with reasonably priced shipping to Australia).

I'd like a horizontal display option for the booking calendar. Instead of all services being listed vertically, the option to have two or three columns rather than rows would be nice.

Page designer - ability to add elements side by side instead of just vertically would be great, if that's possible.

Hero image, similar to gallery exclusive mode but a bit more slick (maybe with a fade or transition or something) and with the option of including my photography logo on pages would be great. Currently gallery exclusive means no logos.

Option to randomise gallery photos! Instead of chronological, filename or manual. Sometimes galleries just look better randomised.

A separate mini session calendar, that doesn't interfere with settings in the normal booking calendar.

Thank you so much, love Sytist!
Edited Fri Mar 25, 22 7:15 AM by jacqui k
37 posts
Wed Mar 09, 22 10:25 AM CST
PayPal Checkout, which we use, now as the option for Venmo payments. What do I need to do to make this payment method show up as part of my PayPal Checkout options? I can find no settings which will add this.
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