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Current Version: 5.2.5 | Sytist Manual | Common  Issues | Feature Requests

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Feature Requests

47 posts
Tue Oct 27, 20 8:03 PM CST
Booking Calendar > (any event) > Custom Available Days

Can we please add up to "12 hour blocks" for those that shoot weddings and births that require longer times than just 4 hours? It currently only allows up to 4 hour blocks.
Also, there seems to be an issue with this selection and Mozilla. It stalls out the website if checked and saved. But not in safari. It's weird.
Edited Tue Oct 27, 20 8:05 PM by ErikaThiele
7 posts
Fri Oct 30, 20 2:58 PM CST
I would like to see the contract be added to the booking process. For example right after they choose their date and time on the calendar, they'd be directed to the contract, sign and then pay their deposit. It makes it easier than emailing them and them taking forever or me hounding them to sign it.
55 posts
Fri Nov 06, 20 8:56 PM CST
A way to do a people search while using my phone would be great! Sometimes I need someone's address while in the car.

Being able to search by phone number would be helpful

I would LOVE to be able to simply print out price lists
10 posts
Mon Nov 16, 20 2:55 AM CST
So after about 2 months usage, I have found a few things that would make life easier for simple day to day use

1- Export download credits by all, selected or batch to CSV file.
2- Simple removal of download credits (by batch, or age, or set expiry date, etc)
3- Have flexibility with the "jump to page" in galleries. Either at the top, top and bottom, floating (scrolls with page) instead of only at the bottom of the page.
4- A bit better bulk exporting of orders, I've been getting a bit stuck with lots of orders. I'm struggling putting together a stable workflow for print orders.
-I'd like to see something like a CSV with all selected orders and a Zip file with the original files.

Don't get me wrong, I'm extremely happy with my purchase... All these things can already be done at the moment, these would just make life a lot easier.
225 posts
Wed Nov 18, 20 8:45 AM CST
Would love a way to connect to Venmo! Venmo now allows business transactions.
225 posts
Thu Dec 03, 20 5:23 PM CST
In regards to ORDER STATUS Column:

We use the different status but we use those to track bookkeeping. My bookkeeper moves things from "OPEN" to "DONE". but done doesn't mean 'DONE' if it's a Print order. It might be "in process".
I would LOVE LOVE LOVE a SECOND status column. One for money and one Production Cue to help track "did this get put in quickbooks" and "Did this get ordered as a print/album" and where is it in the process.
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2 posts
Sat Dec 05, 20 1:19 PM CST
I would love to see:

1) an option to add a child's name under the preregister option (as I don't know who I am supposed to be photographing if I only do the registered list)
2) a way to add download credits to an account with the purchase/completed invoice of a certain session -ie you buy a deluxe session and 15 credits gets auto-added to your account
3) I also upvote for the tick boxes in the order status area. (galley sent, order placed, order sent to lab, order delivered(
Edited Sat Dec 05, 20 1:30 PM by Mande Wickham
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69 posts
Mon Dec 07, 20 11:38 AM CST
I would like to have the option to use a telephone icon image in my main menu.
69 posts
Wed Dec 09, 20 7:11 AM CST
Hello Tim

I would like to have a 3rd "Pay Offline" option. Currently, I use one for BACS (Bankers' Automated Clearing Services) payments, and another for IPP (interest free Instalment Payment Plan); I would like another for cash at studio payments.

I also "upvote" XT's FR of contracts being added to the booking process which would streamline this admin process immensely, and Martha Widdowson's FR to print out price lists/pre-order price lists.
Edited Wed Dec 09, 20 7:18 AM by Dre
11 posts
Wed Dec 09, 20 10:18 AM CST
Hello! I often use the proofing section to allow clients to select a fixed number of images for editing. May I request settings to control the minimum and maximum number of images to be selected (with a way to set the limits to ‘no limit’ if desired). Thank you!
34 posts
Wed Dec 23, 20 12:35 PM CST
I am 2nd this feature request
"Would love a way to connect to Venmo! Venmo now allows business transactions."

30 posts
Fri Dec 25, 20 12:37 PM CST
There is no direct Venmo integration offered by Venmo you must use paypal account to integrate. Also venmo is designed for small payments between friends and family and Venmo has discouraged it for business use.
Edited Fri Dec 25, 20 12:39 PM by Steve Marco
34 posts
Sat Dec 26, 20 12:38 PM CST
Thanks Steve. I knew Venmo was owned by PayPal and we use PayPal.
145 posts
Tue Dec 29, 20 4:14 PM CST

I would be very interested to have coupons apply to specific booking calendar services (sitting fees rather than client gallery products), and have similar early bird discount options.

I would also be very interested in having the ability to offer packages of sitting fees, for example, a maternity session, new born session and 3 and 6 month sitter sessions.

I love this product but it seems to be more geared towards photographers that sell their images rather than ones that sell their time.

Thank you!

34 posts
Wed Dec 30, 20 7:22 PM CST
I'd like to set up Wall Designer, but for Canvas, Canvas Thin Wraps, and Aluminum/Metal prints, with categories for each. Right now I just see Canvas and Framed Prints, with no way to add categories. I'd also like to disable Framed Prints temporarily, until I'm ready to add all those options.
145 posts
Thu Dec 31, 20 11:03 PM CST
I'd like a more dynamic availability on the calendar, specifically, I would like a sunset option for availability rather than time of day.

Availble from sun up + 1hr, to sunset for example. I appreciate this would be linked to location, but its readily available information.

145 posts
Thu Dec 31, 20 11:06 PM CST
Physical option on the gift certificates.

Many clients like to present a physical gift certificate, obviously if it could generate the code still and then we insert it into the design we use.
145 posts
Thu Dec 31, 20 11:09 PM CST
A download all option without checkout for digital only delivery when the client only pays a sitter session fee.

I will take advantage of the selling the prints later on, but as it stands, my clients will have to jump through a few extra hoops (putting in additional orders for $0.00) to reach the download all button, which they won't know is there.
11 posts
Fri Jan 01, 21 2:25 PM CST
Hi Tim,

I just enabled automated messages (which was well documented and ended up being quite simple). I often send out contracts early for events/shoots and sometimes the clients forget to sign until I remind them. Would it be possible to add a cron job for reminding clients to check/sign their contracts? Thanks.


PS with Covid I have used a 'contract' that the client has to fill out and sign attesting they are Covid-symptom free so it shouldn't be completed until the day of the shoot...which they may for get to do.
Edited Fri Jan 01, 21 2:27 PM by Steve Allen
145 posts
Sat Jan 02, 21 10:19 AM CST
I would love to be able to have little online polls on my site. Customer engagement and their feedback are all super valuable.
145 posts
Sat Jan 02, 21 10:27 AM CST
I've seen it asked many times on the support forum, but a functional Testimonial system would be fantastic.

I've seen the "use a form, manually add to your site" but here is what I would really like to see:

Pre-configured form to capture testimonial submission
Review section on admin side - approve / reject
visibility on customer account that they have submitted testimonial
testimonial gallery - we can select which testimonials to include and then have the ability insert using page designer
maybe a couple of different formats, but billboard style would be great.
option to automatically add $x account credit to submitter upon approval (with auto thank you email too).

This would be fantastic!
535 posts
Sat Jan 02, 21 12:11 PM CST
Request: Make downloads one of the one-time "Image Options" offered on price lists.

I'm sure many others offer the same as I do: buy a photo, get a download as an upgrade. My photo packages have the option to add a download in most of them, but if a client then purchases a canvas print as a separate product sometimes they buy the download again even though it's the same image.

If the download could be an "Image Option" then clients would get notified that they are already receiving a download of that photo when they view other products.
Michael Leenheer   || My Sytist:
357 posts
Mon Jan 04, 21 6:14 PM CST
All I want to be able to do is add multiple payments without it overriding my original payment.
8 posts
Tue Jan 05, 21 12:56 PM CST
I have a two part request, in order of priority. Within proofing projects, I'd love to be able to limit the number of images that could be approved. Then, I'd also love to have a way for the client to notify me when they've made their selections without having to leave the website. Could be as simple as a button that says Selections Completed or something.
47 posts
Thu Jan 07, 21 5:22 PM CST
REPORTS SECTION: Any way to get a "profit/loss(expense)" report printable from the site?
This would save me SO much time for taxes. A way to print out a sheet that shows Gross Profit, and then a listing of all expense categories with totals.
37 posts
Sun Jan 10, 21 11:21 AM CST
PayPal now offers Pay in 4 as an interest-free, pay-later check out option. I would like to see that added as another Checkout and Payment Option along with the other PayPal checkout options already available.
3 posts
Thu Jan 14, 21 10:54 AM CST
Is there any way to have a client upload a file with an order? For instance, I have a commercial client that orders banner stands, I'd like to have them upload a pdf during the order. Any thoughts? Would be willing to pay additional if that's an option.
145 posts
Tue Feb 02, 21 9:24 AM CST
IP Enhancements:

Could we make IP address information more accurate? I end up looking it up manually as the information is so valuable for marketing campagins etc.

I live in Canada and most of my traffic is canadian, the screenshot below shows that I can't rely on the dashboard.

-More accurate IP info
-Perhaps option to use premium IP service (which is the only way I think we can get very accurate info)
-Ability to tag additional IP's to clients
-Ability to add IP range to the admin (being logged in doesn't always work)

Much appreciated.

Attached Photos

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145 posts
Wed Feb 03, 21 11:48 AM CST
Custom Available Days - End Date please!
82 posts
Wed Feb 03, 21 1:59 PM CST
more customisation (Page Designer for Blog template?)
357 posts
Thu Feb 04, 21 11:24 AM CST
I've been saying for YEARS. It would be nice to be able to add multiple payments that aren't scheduled, without it overwriting the original payment.
5 posts
Thu Feb 04, 21 1:57 PM CST
The ability to add more than 2 product types in the wall designer. For example: Framed Prints, Canvas & Metals. Right now I have the Canvas & Metals together but it makes for a mile long list & confusing for clients.
5 posts
Thu Feb 11, 21 7:30 AM CST
Also the ability to align multiple pieces in the wall gallery.
7 posts
Wed Feb 17, 21 2:33 PM CST
Would love for their to be a requirement to view gallery to also include EMAIL AND PHONE (or an option to be just phone if it could be just one). IF both then phone could be optional.

Currently its email or create account (which i personally don't want to require them to do as I feel it creates a barrier for non-tech savvy people to just place an easy order.)

Would def use the text feature if this was an option so I could text them a gallery notice that the gallery due date is passing.
91 posts
Mon Feb 22, 21 8:20 AM CST
Would it be possible to have a dynamic watermark - my thought would be the image no is the watermark.

The simple fact is that people screenshot images, esp as it's SO easy on a phone to do a screen grab. If the copyright was or was able to include the image no it would make it easier to show the original to the social media companies and have the image withdrawn.

Another bonus would be that when (as has been the case recently) people get in touch and want to purchase an image they have lifted having the image no in the watermark makes this somewhat easier
251 posts
Wed Mar 03, 21 3:14 PM CST
Ciao a tutti, spero google translate traduca bene l' italiano.

sono in fase di passaggio dal mio vecchio sito a sytist e mi mancano 3 funzione secondo me utili, spiego

1) feddback.
Premesso che faccio solo eventi spostivi , per ogni ordine di foto il cliente ha un bottone all'interno del suo account per poter lasciare un feedback, nelle mail che riceve di riepilogo d'ordine e di conferma spedizione, viene richiesto di lasciare un feedback tramite un pulsante.

io in zona admin ho una pagina dedicata dove compaiono i feedback lasciati e decido se renderli pubblici o no, quelli che scelgo vanno in automatico a riempire due nuove righe di una " Tabella" in cui compare 1) nome e la prima lettera del cognome 2) il testo del feedback lasciato.

reputo molto importante questa funzionalità, il risultato di questa pagina semi automatica io l'ho messo in home page, il mio biglietto da visita non devono essere immagini belle che poi nascondono un pessimo servizio, ma la voce di tanti clienti soddisfatti

2) un calendario per ritrovare gli eventi in base alla data .

3) possibilità di esportare la lingua del sito, se dedico molto tempo a tradurre e sostituire tutte le voci in " Site Design / Page Tex/ " potrebbe tornate utile fare un export utile a chi arriva dopo di me per fare un semplice upload del testo in lingua diversa

grazie e complimenti per il lavoro fatto in sytist , bellissimo
Attached Photos

Edited Wed Mar 03, 21 3:25 PM by Marco B
490 posts
Thu Mar 04, 21 3:45 PM CST
Ability to "upsize your order" just before checking out via a simple no-brainer button akin to "would you like fries with that?"

Sample: Client orders a bunch of prints, goes to checkout, happy with their order. Sytist asks: "Hey, do you want to add the digital copies of these?"
Client things "sure, why not, it's only an extra $$" .. ticks the "Yes Please" button and without having to choose a thing, an extra nominal amount is added to the checkout total.

Money for jam.

62 posts
Fri Mar 05, 21 5:05 AM CST
Please please please add the ability in page designer to add a line of videos eg into columns as is done with photos.
I am creating a "Instructional video page " for clients to help them in the cart to order various packages and I can only do this by stacking the videos which
just is blah. So currently I am having to add an image to the column box and the link it off to vimeo - which is extra clicks.... and deters them from being bothered to watch.
17 posts
Mon Mar 08, 21 1:03 PM CST
Any chance we can get the expense report exportable? It would be great when tax time comes around. Thanks!
11 posts
Fri Mar 26, 21 2:32 PM CST

>>> Ability to "upsize your order" just before checking out via a simple no-brainer button akin to "would you like fries with that?"

Sample: Client orders a bunch of prints, goes to checkout, happy with their order. Sytist asks: "Hey, do you want to add the digital copies of these?"
Client things "sure, why not, it's only an extra $$" .. ticks the "Yes Please" button and without having to choose a thing, an extra nominal amount is added to the checkout total.

Money for jam.

11 posts
Fri Mar 26, 21 2:34 PM CST
PayPal now offers Pay in 4 as an interest-free, pay-later check-out option.

Would like to see that added as another Checkout and Payment Option along with the other PayPal checkout options already available.

You should add a like button to this suggestion area so you can see how many of us like or want these ideas!
108 posts
Wed Mar 31, 21 2:55 AM CST
Yes, I have this in my current - but terminally illcart and it is great - I literally made a custom icon that is photos in a Macca's style French fry container asking "would you like discounted prints with that" :-)

>>> Ability to "upsize your order" just before checking out via a simple no-brainer button akin to "would you like fries with that?"

Sample: Client orders a bunch of prints, goes to checkout, happy with their order. Sytist asks: "Hey, do you want to add the digital copies of these?"
Client things "sure, why not, it's only an extra $$" .. ticks the "Yes Please" button and without having to choose a thing, an extra nominal amount is added to the checkout total.
145 posts
Thu Apr 01, 21 10:02 AM CST
Special Event Days: Option to block out entire day rather than manditory.

I love this special event day, but when the logic of custom days doesn't work (which is often) I need to specify specfic times on specific days without ruining the rest of the day. Having a check box to block off the day or not would be ideal.
34 posts
Sat Apr 24, 21 11:32 AM CST

I primarily shoot action event photos, and people often screenshot the proofs, then later (sometimes years later!) they send me the screenshot and want to buy the photo. My solution is to use the Mogrify plug-in when exporting proofs from Lightroom to add the filename to both the center and bottom-center of the photo (100% opacity at bottom, and faded in the center in case the bottom gets cropped off) along with the usual logo and PROOF watermarking. If I could get this done automatically on the server side, then it would speed up my exports at events, and might also allow me to use an iPad to upload rather than setting up my laptop.
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296 posts
Mon Apr 26, 21 2:46 AM CST
Can we please get Download credits added as a product like a digital download as it would be much easier to track what has been sold

55 posts
Mon Apr 26, 21 4:12 PM CST
I would like to be able to click on a person's name in the scheduling calendar and it take me to their account. It would make it a lot easier to see if the person bought anything from that session.
296 posts
Tue May 11, 21 4:22 AM CST
Buy All

If I use Buy All set to a fixed price it records every product in the stats

So if a gallery has 124 images it makes it record as 124 sales, what is really needed is for it to record as one Buy All, that way I could know if the buy all is attracting customers

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