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Current Version: 5.2.5 | Sytist Manual | Common  Issues | Feature Requests

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Feature Requests

225 posts
Fri Nov 29, 19 4:34 PM CST
I could be just missing this - and the cart could already do this.

Id like to be able to select all galleries from 2019 and send out an Cyber Monday sale. I have no idea which galleries are which even when I filter by date? Does the cart do this and I just missed it?

Second request:

On the Gallery list page, I'd like it to also show the pricing page its pulling. It lists the client name and the number of photos and how many people have viewed and favorites, but I'd like to see from that list which pricing I have it using. I have multiple pricing for different things, and I recently made a HUGE error, where people were getting free downloads. I didn't catch it. I attached a photo of where I would like to see it.

Attached Photos

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225 posts
Thu Dec 05, 19 11:08 AM CST
Would love to have you add the button "EMAIL Invoice" on this screen....

This is when you click on a booking on the calendar, and open it. You can only generate an invoice the only way to email is to click on the invoice number and then click "email". I have duplicated invoices by clicking Generate Invoice.
Attached Photos

330 posts
Thu Dec 12, 19 9:55 PM CST
Two most important to me now are:

1: To have the ability to link to a PDF file in email.

2: To have the ability to manually add an IP address to an account or when creating an account for a client.
M Davis
33 posts
Fri Dec 13, 19 11:42 AM CST
I'd like to have an option within the upload photos dialog box to automatically switch a gallery from Draft to Publish when an upload is finished. Right now if I am uploading a big gallery I keep it as draft to keep people from viewing it until it's finished or they email wanting to know why not all are there. I then have to keep checking to see if it's finished and then change to publish. I sometimes start the upload at night and go to bed, so then it has to wait until morning to publish. Having the option to automatically publish will help these.
56 posts
Wed Dec 25, 19 8:52 PM CST
2 fairly simple requests...

1st could you have the order number included as part of the data that gets sent to Stripe during checkout? I have a plugin on my accounting system that downloads data from Stripe directly into it and it would make my reconciliation so much easier if the order number got input to my accounting system automatically from the stripe download.

2nd I'd love to see a second Favorite button on admin side added to the admin gallery photo screen where you view a photo full size. Sometimes I need to see the photo larger to know if I want to favorite it, and it gets annoying to have to click to view it large then back to thumbnail view to mark it as a Photographer Favorite.

9 posts
Mon Dec 30, 19 3:35 AM CST
Full Stripe integration with local payment gateways :D
149 posts
Mon Jan 06, 20 5:55 AM CST
Hi Tim,

I would love to see a referral/affiliate link program similar to the one you have set up for us to refer potential customers to yourself.
I'm not sure how yours currently works but it would be great to have the ability to add an optional discount/credit to the person who is being referred and a reward for the person who the link belongs to (Referrer).

142 posts
Tue Jan 07, 20 10:08 AM CST
The Mollie payment gateway delivers very much more payment options to European customers. Implementation of this Mollie service is a very welcome feature to sytist ;-)
64 posts
Sat Jan 11, 20 11:25 AM CST
I would love to see forms that can be associated with a client account that they can edit after it has been submitted. I currently send out questionnaires for my wedding couples via google docs but I would love to do that through sytist! Sometimes a client fills out the form early and then something changes and I have to make notes about the changes in a separate place if I use the current forms so it would be great if a client could go and change a submitted answer.
26 posts
Wed Jan 15, 20 12:15 PM CST
Allow clients to reschedule or cancel their appointments themselves. A button that can be attached to their confirmation email, for example, would be great.
120 posts
Wed Jan 15, 20 2:33 PM CST
We're going to be using Sytist as our primary invoicing software and needing to make literally thousands of manual invoices over the coming years. We're a photo lab and have made this choice because Sytist allow us to get both Stripe and Paypal onto the payment requests and also allows us comprehensive sales galleries for our clients. Perhaps there's better ways but we can't find one.

It would be nice if there where a way of drawing items and item descriptions from a master price sheet for the services that we do instead of having to rely on Chrome's auto fill.
127 posts
Mon Feb 03, 20 5:23 PM CST
Would love the ability to automatically add a product to a shopping cart when the cart value exceeds a preset value. We are using this incentive for our schools work at the moment - but customers get confused when the free product isn’t shown.
296 posts
Mon Feb 24, 20 4:23 AM CST
can we have a way in the registration to stop single character names, I do not know anyone called A B but the current system sees that as a valid name
40 posts
Tue Feb 25, 20 11:58 AM CST
Tim -
Is it possible to make a new Cron Job entry to automatically send email reminders for open invoices? I'm tired of going back to people and sending reminders manually.
100 posts
Mon Apr 06, 20 1:42 PM CST
Customers are allowed to upvote their favorite photos and photos float to the top of the gallery as well as added to favorites.

Have a portfolio section fan favorites where if the photos are allowed to go public the top rated photos live on that page or in our portfolio section. Voting can still happen in that area.

Create a swipe left for no (to dislike), swipe right (to hold/like) and swipe up for a for an upvote or favorite/finals.

4 icons on the photo in (like Tinder) (revert/ curved arrow) (dislike/ red x) (upvote/star) (like/keep heart)

p.s. I do not use tinder ;p
Attached Photos

153 posts
Sat Apr 11, 20 1:04 PM CST
this idea is mostly with stock in mind but it could also be useful for event photography. use a keyword or something on upload, to change an images pricelist away from the default.
5 posts
Mon Apr 13, 20 11:14 AM CST
would love forms to be saved to a client account, so they can be reviewed and edited. If I create a lengthy questionnaire for a wedding couple, I would like them to be able to work on it, save and come back to it as they have more information to add.

Would also love some type of workflow management
Edited Tue Apr 14, 20 3:14 PM by Justine Wiedrich
120 posts
Thu May 14, 20 5:51 PM CST
It would be extremely helpful if a complete set of replace codes were offered for use in the "Create New Default Email" template.

Thank you!

120 posts
Thu May 14, 20 6:00 PM CST
To have a way to deliver video and have video galleries in Sytist would be amazing for our business.
28 posts
Mon May 18, 20 11:35 PM CST
Another vote for video galleries!

Any new exciting features you're working on that you can share with us Tim?
28 posts
Tue May 19, 20 8:53 PM CST
I love the login with facebook function on my site, but I was wondering if it might also be possible to add other sign in options, like google or other social media platforms?
490 posts
Tue May 26, 20 9:19 PM CST
I'm just going to pop the wish for Afterpay / Buy Now Pay Later here as well .. im sure it's already in here somewhere .... fingers crossed for 2020!
120 posts
Fri May 29, 20 3:20 PM CST
As per our discussion - my feature request...

It would be extremely helpful to be able to link an invoice to a paid access gallery so that when that access is paid, the invoice's status becomes paid. This will allow us to create an itemized invoice that pertains to the work done to create the images in the gallery the invoice is linked to. This will also mean that client gets a properly itemized invoice of the work we've done instead of the details typed out into the "message" area of the paid access area when the gallery is created.

Thank you
Greg Miller

40 posts
Mon Jun 22, 20 12:19 PM CST
Tim --

Is it possible to add the ability to download Calendar events via *.ics format (outlook). I'm on Office 365 as I would think many others are and I would love to import calendar entries like you have for Google Calendar.

I've looked at your to-google-calendar.php file and it looks like all the information is there that would be needed for the ics file creation, I just can't seem to get it coded correctly (just a sample ICS script, but I think with the right variables substituted, it should be a very quick implementation)

--- EDIT ---

I've sent you a copy of some files I added to Sytist to add calendar export functionality for Outlook as well as to an iPhone's calendar app directly from Sytist. If you need anything else, please let me know.
Edited Thu Jun 25, 20 7:59 PM by Thomas Kay
45 posts
Tue Jul 07, 20 5:57 PM CST
Not sure if this is available....couldn't find it in manual or in the option settings.

Coupon Code specific to a gallery (event), rather than the Early Bird Special, or by creating a separate specific price list.

22 posts
Thu Jul 09, 20 7:10 AM CST
I would love for my clients to be able to delete a single image choice from a collection or print credit they've added to their shopping cart. If they add 5 images to a collection for 5 digital images but decide they want to change one of those images, they have to delete the whole print credit/collection and start over. It gets even more frustrating with larger collections.
91 posts
Sat Jul 11, 20 9:44 AM CST
Would it possible to have the shopping confirmation sent as a text message to a mobile no?
37 posts
Thu Jul 16, 20 1:00 PM CST
I apologize for re-posting this, but now realize my initial post was not in the Feature Request thread:

It would be helpful to be able to designate certain People as super users, for lack of another term. These users would have the same ability to access expired galleries as those whom we designate gallery by gallery, but the designation would be done at the People level as opposed to the gallery level.

As an example, for each of the 60-70 events we post for each of our 4 yearbook advisors, we must go into each event , after it has expired, and add someone who will have access to the expired gallery. By moving this action to the People/Account tab we would only have to do it once for each person who may need this access. Ideally, this action would retain the expiration date for the additional access.

Looking down the road, this also could be a Buyer's Club feature we could set and forget as opposed to having to track every gallery and who might need added to the list of "Expired Access Users."
296 posts
Sun Jul 19, 20 6:51 AM CST
Automatic emails for change of post charge - due to Covid I am currently running free post for 7 days and it would be great to remind people that they have 48 hours to benefit from scheduled change in post charges
296 posts
Sun Jul 26, 20 7:14 AM CST
Season Ticket

Idea is that it contains a number of collections, such as 8 packs of 4 prints which they can redeem at any time, so each event they redeem a pack and it includes such things as post etc.

43 posts
Fri Jul 31, 20 7:07 AM CST
Loving Sytist so far, and I appreciate all of your help Tim!

My feature requests would be:

- a down arrow on a full page slider/billboard. Visitors might not realize there is content to see below.

- better looking galleries on mobile (they normally display as a list, one after the other. The format specified for desktop doesn't seem to carry over on mobile). Ideally, better looking photos on desktop also. I like the justified/stacked options and ability to reduce the padding, but ideally I'd love a layout which makes some photos bigger, others smaller and somehow makes them all line up in a giant rectangle on both mobile and desktop.
Edited Mon Aug 03, 20 9:42 AM by jacqui k
4 posts
Mon Aug 03, 20 9:14 AM CST
I would love to be able to do a split gallery, with half text and half slide show.
18 posts
Mon Aug 17, 20 11:44 AM CST
The ability to have zip file names reflect the respective gallery name would help clients who download multiple galleries sort them easier.
91 posts
Mon Aug 24, 20 7:59 AM CST
Is it possible to have the order no reflected in the square payment page.

At the moment if a customer needs a refund or partial refund then tracking the payment in square is problematic as I need to ask the customer for the last 4 digits of her card and then search by date / time. Since covid all orders are online as onsite printing isn't allowed. So I can - thankfully - receive a large volume of orders in a very short time frame.

I realise at the point the order is sent to square it hasn't been authorised so i guess its a question of when Sytist allocates an order no
225 posts
Mon Aug 24, 20 12:40 PM CST
AS always -love your cart and love that you listen to our wants!!!

On the back end of the system in Calendar, could there be a way to MARK or notify me if a client hasn't paid their session. The only way now is to click on the booking, and then when it opens click on the name... Then look to see invoice and paid. If it's 0 they haven't paid. I wish the calendar would show me a color code, or a check box if the invoice has been paid.

I had a book keeper that didn't realize clients hadn't paid and I lost a LOT of money :(
10 posts
Wed Aug 26, 20 5:27 PM CST
Is it possible to have the order no reflected in the eway payment page.

I noticed this asked for the Square payment also.
Edited Wed Aug 26, 20 5:28 PM by Craig Turton
225 posts
Thu Sep 03, 20 12:17 PM CST
Is there a way to get a reschedule button on the emails? I have a lot of clients that end up having to reschedule and it’s so difficult
11 posts
Thu Sep 10, 20 2:21 PM CST
Could you add a field for creating forms that is specifically formatted for phone numbers?

A field that auto formats it to 1+(areacode)xxx-xxxx when someone just type in numbers.
8 posts
Thu Sep 17, 20 3:22 PM CST
I'd like clients to be able to download their images to google photos or dropbox and/or another popular consumer photo cloud service
33 posts
Wed Sep 23, 20 4:48 PM CST
Is there an easy way to print a postal address label to go with orders?
If not could something be added please?

Either send to a word document to print on a sheet of labels, or possibly send to a desktop label printer.

8 posts
Fri Sep 25, 20 11:29 AM CST
I would like graphic options on store items
127 posts
Tue Sep 29, 20 5:48 AM CST
Maybe mentioned before, but a number of us on our FB group would love a system where a "free gift" product could be automatically added when an order exceeds a certain value. I'm using a banner at the moment to mention the offer on the specific galleries - but then I need to remember to add it manually to the relevant orders - which is a pain.
Edited Tue Sep 29, 20 1:25 PM by Chris Nutt
56 posts
Tue Sep 29, 20 5:26 PM CST
I'm putting in the same requests I did last year. They are fairly simple, but I think very helpful requests...

1st could you have the order number included as part of the data that gets sent to Stripe during checkout? I have a plugin on my accounting system that downloads data from Stripe directly into it and it would make my reconciliation so much easier if the order number got input to my accounting system automatically from the stripe download.

2nd I'd love to see a second Photographer's Favorite button on admin side added to the admin gallery photo screen where you view a photo full size. Sometimes I need to see the photo larger to know if I want to favorite it, and it gets annoying to have to click to view it large then back to thumbnail view to mark it as a Photographer Favorite.

301 posts
Fri Oct 02, 20 7:02 AM CST
Add a floating "Jump to Page" for mobile, either at the top or bottom. Been receiving lots of questions on how to do that without doing so much scrolling, some galleries are pretty large.

Thanks Tim for a great product.
225 posts
Fri Oct 02, 20 7:36 AM CST
I would love to see the feature 301 redirect, I had to change one of my booking links and it's now giving people with the old link a 404 error.
225 posts
Mon Oct 05, 20 1:27 PM CST
Would love to see a way to streamline contracts with calendar bookings.

If I click on a client Appointment on Calendar, I would love to have the option (somehow) to attach their contract, or be given the option to create a contract for that client whose already booked.

To further that, when a client books, I would love for a template contract pop up automatically for them to fill in. For headshots and portraits and weddings, this would be super helpful.

If a client books my 250 headshot session, a contract pops up when they book for them to fill out. The way I have to do it now, is I have to send them an invoice and go create the contract from my templates, and then add the link to the contract in their invoice email. its a bit cumbersome.

31 posts
Mon Oct 05, 20 7:48 PM CST
I often include a low-res social media file (with a little logo from an event) for free when customers buy an image in high resolution. I would love to have this option pre-selected by default (ie. checked), otherwise people forget to check it and I have to go and export their photos manually with a watermark.

I realise the option is there to ensure that the option is checked, but it would be more seamless if it was just pre-selected by default rather than giving errors when people don't choose it.
47 posts
Fri Oct 23, 20 10:02 AM CST
Proof Galleries:
Can you add to the Proof Galleries page view (site content>proof galleries), the total purchased for of each gallery?
I feel like I get so caught up in marketing, booking, shooting, editing that I forget to keep up with galleries that need a little more help than others, and subsequently have galleries that the owner never ordered from for whatever reason. Just would like to keep track.

The Orders section:
1.) on an invoice is there a way to add "check boxes" for line items that allows us to check when that product is sent to the lab and/or back from the lab?
I've just noticed on long orders that sometimes I miss a small product or some items get sent to the lab before others and want to have a way to help me keep track better in the workflow.
2.) With a custom created invoice there is a way to set-up a "payment schedule". Is there anyway for online orders to have that same feature?
I just have some clients that want to make payments on their online orders when they are large $ amounts.

Then the Booking Calendar:
Can you please add the option of "Display on Booking Calendar page"?
There are some "bookings" that are just seasonal, and some are just for me to use for Viewing and Planning appts. I don't want those listed as options for clients to choose on a booking page, but I still want to have the ability to add then to my work calendar as needed. Make sense?

Edited Fri Oct 23, 20 10:03 AM by ErikaThiele
69 posts
Sun Oct 25, 20 8:02 AM CST
Hello Tim

I would like to request a "Before & After" image comparison slider function for photos. This could be as part of the proofing function, and/or an element which can be displayed as part of a Gallery function.

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