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Current Version: 5.2.5 | Sytist Manual | Common Issues | Feature Requests
Feature Requests
I would love a design option/config such as attached for ease of client use.
Photos on the left, Packs on the right, your choices at the bottom.
This also helps with choosing packs as you can see & compare all images at once.
It makes choosing easier and faster, and less likely for a client to declare "too hard" and come back later ( maybe never! )
I also find the scroll button a bit glitchy when I manually key an order for clients having trouble - which validates their concerns, plus you can only see one pic at a time or you need to flick in & out, back and forth etc. It is the biggest bugbear when asking for feedback - "ease of use".
A Chatbot configuration ( or a place to upload script for one )
For customers that place orders for images that can be downloaded (e.g. instant downloads, add a digital image to a print purchase, etc), I would really like to have the ability to send an image release stating what they can and cannot do with the images. Ideally, Sytist would generate a PDF with the image release and purchased images on it after an order is placed and send it as an email attachment. But, sending a separate image release email with thumbnails of the purchased images would suffice.
I looked for a way to add a message to orders with Download-type products are purchased similar to the "Add Message To Order" option for services, but couldn't find a way to do it.
I would need:
I would like to have the ability to override the price list minimum order amount and set it for a specific proof gallery.
enable and disable viewing in home admin Sales Today, Yesterday, Sales This Month, Last Month, YTD
Also, there's no ability to send a custom text message for the order.
IT would be great to be able to turn off Account creation required to order per gallery. Our situation is when we are at an event onsite, we offer gallery deposits to see photos from home, however the account creation process on people's mobile phone gets them frustrated.
I would like to have the option to send text messages for order confirmations, too.
Delete all carts or carts older than 7, 14, 30, or 60 days
add : 120, 365 days
or : xyz days
I enable writing the email twice for gallery login
if they are not equal, text appears:
update 5.2:
now even if you get the email format wrong, the warning message is not translatable into design/page text
Multiple languages
Down here in the south we have a ton of Spanish customers that can not read or speak English. I would love to have a multi language changer.
Is it possible to get Xero integration please?
It seems to be common with a lot of job management software eg Servicem8. So that any orders/invoices are automatically sent to Xero
It would be great if there was an upload option for customers, or better yet for several photographers working under 1 sytist website. So that they can sell their work, for example, as in a stock section or create galleries themselves with a front-end uploader. With the option to moderate photos and galleries by an admin before they are live on the website.
For customers, it could give opportunities to order print products or retouching services by uploading a file in their order.
Just some directions to think about, what I think a lot of colleagues can offer nice extra revenue models. Would definitely even want to pay extra to have these features in Sytist.
Another extra feature would be great to be able to sell video (clips) via sytist. Although I do understand that technically adds a whole dimension with the necessary support questions. Although many hosts have everything for photo websites (php, sql, gd library etcetera) there is video (ffmpeg?) Some difficulty with it. But still, it would be nice to be able to sell video!
Would be great to have better functionality within the calendar for client bookings.
1. The ability to set gaps between available bookings.
2. The ability to block out some sessions if we want to add a break or a gap at some stage.
3. The ability to auto add credit to customer accounts when they book a session
Now that we can import data from our booking calendar / pre-registers, how about the ability to email attendees with their unique QR code before the day of the photoshooot?
All attendees to the event are sensible adults and will have their mobile devices available.
That way they can bring their own mobile devices for us to photograph their unique QR code rather than the photographer having to print them out and having to distribute to the relevant person. They are emailed their passcodes after the photos have been uploaded and the gallery has gone live anyway.
I have an event coming up where this would be ideal.
Also, as subject name and contact name are the same (they are adults), is it possible to remove the subject field?
Hi #1 and 2 are already possible, not sure about #3, but you can manually add a credit.
If the licensing details aren't too wordy, you can add this right into the product description so they know before buying, and it shows in their order details. It's a simple way to have it all in one spot.
I would love to have the shipping options, additional order fields, and additional image options set up much like the Product Base and Price Lists are.
So we would create a base of shipping options, which can then be selected to add into a shipping group. Or additional order field base options, which then can be selected to add to a price list.
It feels like such a time waste when I need to re-type the same things when setting up new price lists and shipping groups.
I would love to have a way to sort or filter price lists. Folders would be great, but tags to filter would suffice too. The product base and the collections seem to have tags, but the price lists are just one long and messy list to scroll through.
Requests surrounding Forms:
1. Add the ability to Duplicate a form, so it's quick and easy to make a new one by tweaking the duplicate of an older one.
2. When creating a form, add some sort of indicator to show if a field has been set as mandatory without having to go into the edit for that field. (This shows with an * in the actual form, but not in the create/edit module.)
3. Add a signature field in forms. (Helpful to use for things like model releases when a client account hasn't been created yet so a Contract isn't an option.)
4. When creating a form, there is an option to add a text/information field that doesn't require customer input. This is very helpful BUT that information doesn't show in the submitted form. I want these details to be sent to me and the client. Can a "show in submitted form?" checkbox be added to that field option?
The following was posted in the wrong area. Moved it to Feature Requests after realizing my error:
Is, or could there be, a way to offer a subscription to "view photos"? I know I can set individual galleries to pay-to-access. But, as we deal with families who have multiple children in multiple events I am reluctant to charge per event. An annual or day pass, on the surface, seems like it would help us reduce the number of people visiting to take screen shots of our work. Yep, they get the logo, too, but based on the Facebook pages and senior photo board displays I've seen, they simply don't care about that. A subscription won't stop screen shots but would allow us to collect something up front for the all of people viewing but not buying.Hi Tim,
it may have been mentioned in the past but, I’d love to see additional OAuth login options beyond Facebook, such as Google or Microsoft Sign-In for the client login. Implementing this through Auth0 or another provider could enhance accessibility and flexibility for users.
Would this be something you’d consider adding?
Would be great to create a special event but not have to specific a time for example we take sibling photos but we just want to capture the bookings for a specific day and not a time.
Could you find a new web page editor?
Basically I'd like my non-expert staff members to be able to make updates and add page elements without messing up the rest of the page. The current default editor is fairly basic, and the "Page Editor" doesn't include a number of handy page elements that are fairly common nowadays. (Accordion drop-downs and help pop-ups are two I can think of right now.)
1) I hope that the thumbnail display mode that has been bug for months will be fixed.
I know ive popped this in the previous requests thread and it was very popular .. but .. if we were able to upvote/downvote these requests so you could have a good idea what was a popular wish and what might be just one person's wish :)
I know ive popped this in the previous requests thread and it was very popular .. but .. if we were able to upvote/downvote these requests so you could have a good idea what was a popular wish and what might be just one person's wish :)
Additional Order Options:
I wish there was a multiple choice dropdown or "tick all that apply" radio button.
Currently I ask people what day they are attending the event and they would write "tuesday and wednesday" or "all days" or "just monday" .. etc. Then I have to sort that mess out in the spreadsheets. If I had 5 buttons for Mon - Friday they simply ticked off, this would allow me to quickly ascertain everyone attends on the Monday & Wednesday and then, those would be the days I plan to be on site...
Came here to suggest exactly this - the QR code system works great and was a revelation for us but we also use it to create QR codes for adults where half of them may not come to get their photos taken... at the moment we are given a list of names by the institution and use it to print QR codes for everyone, which creates a lot of paper waste.
I know there is the mobile display functionality, but it takes too much time to search up someone's name (we have extremely limited time to shoot and no assistants), it would be so much easier if they were already prepared with their own QR code when they got to us, and also means they can't lose their bit of paper after!
Thanks Tim!
Yes, I hope Tim is able to code this.
I think most of the infrastructure is already in place in the emails sent to customers, e.g. links to images from order confirmations and even tracking pixels, so as long as their unique QR is stored on our servers then it should be straightforward (he says!).
I click print then save as PDF, no paper waste.
Not enough time on a pressured job to name search. Seconds count over hundreds of subjects.
That's why on big job's I pay to have an assistant. at a .3 cents a page I just print them, if all subjects don't show, I make scratch pads out of my left overs. Special events like easter bunny pics, I have them print there name on a generic qr code. have them take a pic of it right there so incase they loose the paper, I have a search charge for name after posting.
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