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Current Version: 5.2.5 | Sytist Manual | Common Issues | Feature Requests
Feature Requests
I know I previously requested the ability to send a twilio message along with the Gallery Owner Email, but I just noticed there are other standard, automated email messages without the ability to send an SMS. I'd like to have the ability to send an automated SMS messages along with every standard automated email (e.g. order confirmation, etc).
Tim, a feature I would like to see in future updates is the abilitiy to schedule when a gallery opens. For volume photography such as schools I generally open the gallery Monday morning, however when Monday morning comes around I'm either heading to my shoot very early in the morning and don't have time to set the gallery to open.
Having the ability to schedule a date and time when the gallery automatically opens and sends out emails to the parents would be a tremendous help.
It would be awesome if we had the option for Sales Tax to automatically be added as an expense for orders. I know I can do it manually and I do, but an automation for this would be great!
You can view the total tax collected in the Reports section.
My Email Address:
so many people loose their access codes and we get lots of message with requests for access codes. with the new feature of being able to link direct to a gallery without the user having to input the code i have been sending as direct links like this
if possible it would be nice to have a copy link button under the photos that is already formatted like above. then when i look up the subject i can just press copy link and then paste into and email message.
Phone number included in the order email would be awesome, please! :-)
Ability to move pre-paid orders between galleries would also be literally the greatest thing ever ;)
Hi Tim,
I would love it if you could add Wasabi Cloud to the storage, as many know, Wasabi only charge for the storage, so will be a great addition to users who need to store a lot of images, and make them available online. Thank You!
Would like to be able to offer discounts for multiple products (not multiple quantity of one item) in a store. Any coupons now work for gallery items too, which I don't want. Is that a feature that might be added some day?
Could you make it where form responses or inquires can be sent to you via Twilio / sms?
I can't remember if I already requested this, but a search option on the admin side for each section would be great.
Ie: when we have lots (180+ for us at the moment) galleries in one section, it would make it much easier to find what we're looking for :-) Improved search/filter options would be great.
Hi Tim,
I would love to see the Pre-Sell Collection be tied to a specific gallery, meaning customers are restricted to only choosing pictures from that specific gallery and no other after they've purchased this Pre-Sell Collection.
You may have this already in your notes, but just in case, I'd love to see this feature for next year when dance festivals start up again. Thank you Tim! :-)
Hi Tim,
Could you add a way to label photos by photographer?
When we do school shoots with the QR codes, there are sometimes 3 camera stations and it would be very helpful to know which photographer took the photos. This comes up when we look at sales (which photographer sold the most) and volume (who took the most photos) and feedback (who got the most compliments / complaints).
I think this was one of mine .. and probably others .. this particular thread is hard to navigate and people will add the same thing over and over as it's hard to search if someone already said it.
An UPVOTE or DOWNVOTE like on Reddit. It just allows Tim to see what might be something many want, vs something one person wants that everyone else is a bit ??? about.
yes please! Also to foster a reward system among staff!! Leaderboards, top performers etc .. month prizes ..
To be able to auto expire any unused credits on accounts after a certain point in time ( currently this needs to be done manually )... if I miss one and repeat the event the next year it makes me so shitty if they used a 2023 credit and a 2024 credit to result in a single sale with double the discount.
OR, as Kate said, have credits attributed to only one gallery - be it a 2023 gallery .. or a 2024 gallery .. in the example above, this would mean they would need to place 2 orders to get the benefit of both credits.
Bonus Credits .. I would love the bonus credit to be applied to a FUTURE order, thus encouraging a "thankyou call again" mentality.
Currently, they need to apply the bonus while in the current sale. As they are already here to buy, the extra is nice for them, but it's not encouraging comeback behaviour. Most of my work is annual, repeating ( as I assume most in this group ), so a comeback credit reward for purchase is a bit like a frequent flyer reward for next year.
Or the last minute panic order 6months later at Christmas.. they remember the credit, and spend with me rather than some tat from a store - voila, 2 sales in one year for me...
I would like to be able to add an expense item to a gallery, so as to be able to obtain the real profit excluding for example the cost of photographers, locations, rentals, travel, hotels, restaurants, etc.
you can change the price list by setting a date. It would be useful to have an automated email notifying you of the change.
On the Stats > Downloads page, is it possible to have a filter option to show only individual downloads? (And filter out the thousands of photos that were downloaded in zip files?)
according to European GDPR laws an unused account must be deleted after 2 years.
I have many accounts that don't confirm the email and therefore without registering they can't see their photos, some because they write it badly (few) others don't receive the email at all.
I would like it not possible to see the total receipts on the home page, but to be able to activate and deactivate them, or put them in a subpage (report?)
For the Booking Calendar -
I really need a way to provide information and links for Appointments (e.g. meeting location, how to prepare, etc) that the client can see in order to best prepare for their session. Something like the "Options" field would work, but it is not visible by the Client. I need to the field to accept HTML content so I can include HTML links.
Feature Request:
Gallery Labels that are NOT visible to clients or search engines.
Please add an admin-only way to label galleries and then filter them. (I'm sorry, I am not sure if these should be called labels, tags, keywords, metadata, or something else. )
More details:
Version 1: Implement this just like you already do in the PRODUCT BASE, where you let us add labels and then filter them by label.
Version 2: Separate the existing gallery TAGS from the META KEYWORDS, so that adding a TAG doesn't automatically put it in the gallery metadata. The TAGS could be searchable from the admin side but not visible to clients or search engines.
Benefits: This would let us filter and search galleries across all different sections and then make reports for data analytics. (You don't even have to design different reports, just allow us to filter results when downloading orders.)
Example 1: galleries labelled with a photographer's name could make it possible to see how well their work is selling. e.g. "How many sessions did Photographer A take this year?"
Example 2: label galleries with client groups to do some analytics. e.g. "How much did we sell to School A across all our photo programs this year?"
To make it easy to use: allow these labels to be applied in the upload window, so when a new gallery is made the labels are added to it right away.
Thanks for considering my idea,
This could also work if there was either a filter or a report that would show "all galleries with no people assigned to them" or "all galleries that have not been viewed".
When using the Rearrange Photos feature in a gallery, I'm running into a couple of issues.
Sorting by file number doesn't work when files are named filename-1.jpg, as it will sort them filename-1.jpg, filename-10.jpg, filename-100.jpg, filename-2,jpeg, etc.
So, if I need to sort by file number it will require some manual rearranging. This isn't a huge issue, aside from the fact that the thumbnails are so small that it's nearly impossible to tell similar images apart.
I guess this is a two-part solution request. Is it possible to program so that the files sort numerically? And is it possible to have a more user friendly manual rearranging panel?
That's just the way Linux sort works.
Use leading zeros in your filenames to sort in the way you wish it worked, e.g. filename-01.jpg, or filename-001.jpg if you have less than 1000 files to sort.
Lightroom doesn't allow the leading zeros on export unfortunately. I might have to number starting at 100, but I like do like having them start at 1 for simplicity and image count purposes.
The manual rearrange panel being more visually friendly would still be a big help.
Thank you for the image sample! I have never seen that template editor before, but it's nice to know what to look for. I appreciate your time in grabbing that for me.
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