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Current Version: 5.0.2 | Sytist Manual | Common  Issues | Feature Requests

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Feature Requests

14 posts
Wed Jul 24, 24 4:41 AM CST
Tim - wrote:

If you have a feature request, do not post a new topic. Reply to this topic.

Here is the old feature request thread that was started in 2015.

Feature requests posted as new topics and not posted here will be ignored!

Hi Tim,

I hope this message finds you well.

I have a request for a future update to the site. On the site content page where all the galleries are listed, is it possible to add an option to hide the stats and sales amount? While I know I can turn off access in "admin," my staff need access to the site content to upload images. However, I would prefer they not see the sales figures for each gallery.

Implementing this feature would be greatly beneficial. Please let me know if this can be included in a future update.

Thank you for your assistance.

441 posts
Fri Jul 26, 24 9:59 AM CST

Outstanding credits on any account to be erased when orders are archived.

I know this has been a well-liked & discussed standalone thread in the past by many.

441 posts
Fri Jul 26, 24 10:03 AM CST

Fix Collections within Collections so the client does not think they have finished selecting their order when they have not ( disable the pop-up that says they are done and can checkout )

Especially urgent and pertinent to largest collections.  When creating BUY-ALLS with prints, the ONLY option is to add collections to that package and I have had to resort to manually doing these orders by hand. 

This is on other threads and you were looking at it back in April but im not sure what's happened but those threads are now being ignored.


16,564 posts (admin)
Fri Jul 26, 24 10:06 AM CST
Leanne wrote:

Fix Collections within Collections so the client does not think they have finished selecting their order when they have not ( disable the pop-up that says they are done and can checkout )

Especially urgent and pertinent to largest collections.  When creating BUY-ALLS with prints, the ONLY option is to add collections to that package and I have had to resort to manually doing these orders by hand. 

This is on other threads and you were looking at it back in April but im not sure what's happened but those threads are now being ignored.


How about reading the changelog 

  • Fixed when a collection contains other collections and one of those collections is a 1 pose collection showing that the collection is complete.
Tim Grissett, DIA -
My Email Address:
441 posts
Fri Jul 26, 24 10:13 AM CST

Hi Tim - I updated right away and and wrote in the update that it hadn't changed and you didn't say anything there if you've made a further update, but you replied to others with changes, as you do, so i'm not sure why the short reply when I haven't been rude?? 

I tried again a week ago, I will try again now.  I appreciate it.

347 posts
Thu Aug 01, 24 10:45 AM CST

Combine all the search fields, that way you can just type ANYTHING into the search box and it doesn't matter if it's an order, page, account, etc. And then have an "Advanced Search" if you need to break it down.

18 posts
Sat Aug 03, 24 5:33 AM CST

I am using the paid access feature for galleries and I would love to see that a Sub-Gallery could be set to paid access as well. We have a lot of customers per event and for some we would like to set the sub-galleries to paid access instead of the whole gallery.

8 posts
Mon Aug 05, 24 9:03 AM CST

Maybe someone has requested this already, but on my college education platform, there's a pop-up that shows up when you screenshot a page. It says something like, "Screenshots are not allowed, this screenshot has been recorded." No punishment actually happens if I screenshot a page, and I doubt it's recorded, but it's meant to scare people away from cheating on a test. I wonder if something similar would scare away people who try to screenshot images. Even with low-res watermarked images, people will still screenshot and use AI to remove watermarks and sharpen, so maybe this pop-up would deter some of that? Just a thought, in case that's a possible addition. :)

347 posts
Sat Aug 10, 24 6:45 PM CST

When putting in payment information or updating order totals, allow it to accept the comma , and not auto delete everything after it. A comma is a proper accounting symbol and sytist should treat it as such.

347 posts
Fri Aug 16, 24 4:21 PM CST

Would love for the option to expire a cart after 15 minutes of inactivity. Sometimes I get multiple bookings for flash events, and people leave a time slot in their carts, and then go to book it after a couple hours and it's gone. 

There's sites like ticket master and such that once you add an item to your cart it then initiates a countdown.

I find myself going in often to delete carts manually.

14 posts
Thu Aug 22, 24 3:50 AM CST
Leanne wrote:

I'd love to see more ability to limit admin in the backend so employees are not privy to my financials etc.

Currently, limiting admin seems to go from SEE ALL THE THINGS or SEE NOTHING at all.

I'd love to have editors have access to galleries so they can upload their work to the right place, and later, print/pack people being able to download orders to print folders for me.

I've tried having them upload to "ALL PHOTOS" and then I move them later, but with multiple people and multiple galleries it gets pretty messy and I had to go back to me doing all the things myself.

To give gallery access at the moment means they see all my business and earnings/everything and I really cant have that.


Hi Tim,

I completely agree with this point. Please seriously consider implementing this, as many business owners, myself included, would prefer that staff not have access to sensitive information such as overall sales figures.

Thank you for your attention to this matter.

38 posts
Sat Aug 24, 24 6:44 PM CST

Please consider implementing Google's address verification (or some similar service) for when customers type in their billing / shipping address. You would not believe how many orders get returned to us due to customer error.

31 posts
Tue Aug 27, 24 10:20 PM CST

Would there be a way to have multi-layer green screen renderings?  In other words, a background, the photo/extraction, then a front layer that would also be a transparent PNG (smoke, captioning, graphics, etc.)?

10 posts
Thu Aug 29, 24 10:20 PM CST

Hi Tim, 

Not sure if it is a function yet or I am doing it wrong. 

(mine says photos not found if I activate the pre-register for qr only galleries)

But if we could have a pre-register for the qr code galleries that would be awesome.

46 posts
Thu Aug 29, 24 10:33 PM CST

Hi Hi!

It would be amazing to have an option to allow customers to search for a gallery without having the galleries listed :-) So they just have the search function :-) 

It would be even MORE awesome if that was a fuzzy search with auto complete so once they start typing, it narrows down the search for them :-) 


10 posts
Wed Sep 04, 24 11:43 PM CST

Someday it would be amazing to have the ability to host and sell video in similar ways that we do photos - the option to upload, watermark, and organize, then let clients view the watermarked video and purchase if they like it.

236 posts
Sat Sep 07, 24 12:07 PM CST

I would like to know how many people are viewing the site in real time.

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