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Current Version: 5.2.5 | Sytist Manual | Common  Issues | Feature Requests

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Feature Requests

24 posts
Mon Dec 18, 23 8:34 AM CST

It would be really helpful if we could upload our images directly to the Amazon S3 Bucket then Sytist processes them from there.

For example, right now I am uploading over 13,000 images which is a lot of space and bandwidth to be paying for on my hosting site every year, for that short space of time they get processed and moved to S3 anyway.

Love the new ordering system BTW Tim :-)

507 posts
Mon Dec 18, 23 2:24 PM CST
Lee wrote:

It would be really helpful if we could upload our images directly to the Amazon S3 Bucket then Sytist processes them from there.

For example, right now I am uploading over 13,000 images which is a lot of space and bandwidth to be paying for on my hosting site every year, for that short space of time they get processed and moved to S3 anyway.

Love the new ordering system BTW Tim :-)

Lee that is not possible, sytist needs to process first in order to make everything including encryption code , and it would be the same amount of resources used if not more.

Edited Mon Dec 18, 23 2:52 PM by Vance Birno
20 posts
Wed Dec 20, 23 8:00 AM CST

Would it be possible to have an option for customers to enter multiple passcodes, so they can view all their children’s images at one time?

6 posts
Wed Dec 20, 23 10:36 AM CST

Accept bitcoin lightning for payment please. I really need this feature specially working with international school oversea

Maybe this would help you :

22 posts
Sun Jan 21, 24 7:53 PM CST

I'd love to be able to collect a deposit on services (Selling physical products, product downloads or services.) the same way we can on the booking calendar option.

I'd also love for the checkbox to have the "Check this box if this option is required." because it helps to have a simple way for clients to visibly agree to a statement/term before purchasing.

22 posts
Sun Jan 21, 24 8:26 PM CST

I'd like the "message added to order" to show up in the shopping cart before they checkout and not just on the placed order. Or give the option for a brief description.

2 posts
Wed Jan 24, 24 1:21 PM CST

A simpler Cart/Invoice view when purchasing a collection that DOES NOT require cropping.

Instead of showing the same thumbnail for each product in the collection, can the photo be displayed only once with the collection description instead?
As school photographers, we do not allow for cropping. We have gotten feedback that the cart/invoice gets long and confusing when the same image is displayed multiple times for collections.
Thanks Tim!
507 posts
Wed Jan 24, 24 3:50 PM CST
Costa Michelios wrote:

A simpler Cart/Invoice view when purchasing a collection that DOES NOT require cropping.

Instead of showing the same thumbnail for each product in the collection, can the photo be displayed only once with the collection description instead?
As school photographers, we do not allow for cropping. We have gotten feedback that the cart/invoice gets long and confusing when the same image is displayed multiple times for collections.
Thanks Tim!

Hi Costa,

To answer your cropping question, do not put dimensions in your print sizes and or select do not allow crop in each print size. see photo.  To your other request Tim just completely redesigned the collection section to accommodate all the school photographers requests for this feature.

Attached Photos

2 posts
Wed Jan 24, 24 4:02 PM CST
Vance Birno wrote:

Hi Costa,

To answer your cropping question, do not put dimensions in your print sizes and or select do not allow crop in each print size. see photo.  To your other request Tim just completely redesigned the collection section to accommodate all the school photographers requests for this feature.

Hello Vance,

Yes, I saw the new Sytist feature on the demo version and I like it a lot.
But do you know if the cart & invoice are also simplified?

My request is to display the thumbnail once for the entire collection instead the same thumbnail for each product in the collection.
I'm not sure if my request is clear. Let me know if I should clarify this.

Thanks for the reply

507 posts
Wed Jan 24, 24 4:27 PM CST
Costa Michelios wrote:

Hello Vance,

Yes, I saw the new Sytist feature on the demo version and I like it a lot.
But do you know if the cart & invoice are also simplified?

My request is to display the thumbnail once for the entire collection instead the same thumbnail for each product in the collection.
I'm not sure if my request is clear. Let me know if I should clarify this.

Thanks for the reply

Hi, Have you tried "Do not show products that are in the collection"  in the collection? Do not no if that will solve your problem. Tim will not answer here 90% of the time, so first ask a question in the regular forum, Like "Is there a way to only list a single pose collection and not display the actual products in the cart".  There are no other simplified cart or invoices to my knowlage.

12 posts
Sat Jan 27, 24 10:53 AM CST

AI Search Capabilities.  We do large events and  I would love if there was a way for our customers to quickly locate there kid In blocks.  Is there a way to add this or a program to add to it if we hosted.

23 posts
Wed Jan 31, 24 9:18 PM CST

Would love the ability to edit a pre-register form to add in more fields.

Certain jobs we only require a name/email/phone number,

But other jobs we require specifically "student name" and their postal address etc. 

62 posts
Sat Feb 03, 24 11:43 PM CST

I would love to see the next update include the option to make add's charge shipping.   I have several digital only collections - but offer add on in the form of prints.  If a customer purchases the digital package and adds on prints and they do so AFTER my closing date for free shipping.... It wont charge them shipping at checkout as the main collection is digital only. 

Is this possible.

62 posts
Sat Feb 03, 24 11:45 PM CST

For the next update - would it be possible to include grabbing the stats and sales for ALL galleries within a section.  Currently you have to grab the stats and sales for each gallery.... I would love if this could be one tickbox to collate all sales from all galleries within that section.

62 posts
Sun Feb 04, 24 12:01 AM CST

For the pre-registration page (AKA store page)- can their be some more design functionality within that page eg currently all questions end up on one side of the webpage - is there no way to just have a form centred(and no photo on the left side).     I dont use this function of sytist as the interface for customers is not great looking if you are just grabbing pre-register information.  Perhaps a new section called Registration would be great..... instead of creating a store page.    I actually grab registrations through a link to a jotform - entirely because this page setup is not "pretty" at all.  Also the export of the page to a csv looks messy and requires some "tidy up".  Jotforms integrates with google sheets and requires no tidy up. Any chance to have a look into that at all so I dont have to rely on jotforms ???

62 posts
Sun Feb 04, 24 12:03 AM CST

Is it possible to do a few videos/manual to show how to integrate things on your website  such as social posts/ a chatbot etc.  Rather than having to research and figure it out using coding.  

62 posts
Sun Feb 04, 24 12:09 AM CST

Is there a way to add an expense to EACH collection / product/ package.  So a report can be run with each centre/school etc in regards to expenses for print.  This would also need to be included on any add on options (a space to type in the expense amount for the add on option).   

I have several base collections and know how much they are to print - but no where to allocate that other than going through each order 1 by 1 and adding the expense... so I just dont bother and use my accounting program for expenses for the week.... but would like to see this as an option .

62 posts
Sun Feb 04, 24 12:22 AM CST

On the PreOrder page at checkout - is there any chance for the option to add more fields here and then be able to swap the way they display -eg change the order in how they appear.   There is only space for 5 additional questions.

UPDATE : dont worry - apparently - 5 extra fields come up when you have used these up... I havent tried it yet though

Attached Photos

Edited Tue Feb 13, 24 5:57 AM by Trina Julius
308 posts
Mon Feb 05, 24 10:08 AM CST

It would be great to be able to dictate how often cron emails are sent by hours instead of days. 

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62 posts
Tue Feb 13, 24 5:56 AM CST
Marco B wrote:

- further dissect what can be done and seen in the admin area of our collaborators

- on/off button to view the daily and monthly earnings in the admin home
- new layout templates and lightboxes for viewing photo galleries and enlargements
- make the X more visible or simplify the exit from the photo enlargement lightbox. now in a large desktop screen stay away from everything in the upper right corner.
- additional fields for entering the address if there is a printout in the cart, so as not to ask everyone who buys downloads for it
- the biggest limitation now in my opinion is not being able to easily move groups of photos from one gallery to another, from one subfolder to another. the current solutions are theoretical and not feasible if we are talking about thousands of photos. the all photo section is in fact useless.

I second the " on/off" button to view daily and monthly earnings from admin area....

I know we can make new admins - but you need to turn off orders/stats for this to turn off those sales figures.  If we have staff members working for us - this is info I dont want them to see.

292 posts
Tue Feb 13, 24 1:10 PM CST

Hi Tim,

I would like to see the following:

1. Have the pre-registration email field extend across the mobile screen, currently its is too short.

2. I'd like to be able to mass label customers. And be able to label an order and not just a person.

3. Your new feature where customers can not order the same file in a download is creating an issue for those who use green screen. Customers sometimes buy the same file with a different backdrop. Can we make this a toggle switch instead of a permanent feature?

4. The ability to put in expenses when creating an item or package and have the expense totalled up when viewing the order. This would automate expenses instead of having to manually enter the expense per order.

5. The ability to move multiple galleries to a different category. This would help with seasonal events once they are done they can be moved to a category name "Past Events"


Edited Tue Feb 13, 24 4:11 PM by Bruce Pham
Bruce Pham • Forever Studio • School Pictures At Their Best
490 posts
Thu Feb 15, 24 3:09 PM CST

I would like to be able to batch-delete coupons.  I currently have 6 pages of them,  .. it is tedious to delete one by one.. it would be good if they could be deleted like old shopping carts ( after 30.60.90 days etc ).  Thanks.

535 posts
Wed Feb 21, 24 2:40 PM CST

Feature Request: Please add the option to make Early Bird specials to activate automatically for galleries.  

Michael Leenheer   || My Sytist:
58 posts
Sat Feb 24, 24 12:13 AM CST

Would be AWESOME if we could have Collection Options included when exporting orders :) 

53 posts
Sat Feb 24, 24 11:12 AM CST
Leanne wrote:

I would like to be able to batch-delete coupons.  I currently have 6 pages of them,  .. it is tedious to delete one by one.. it would be good if they could be deleted like old shopping carts ( after 30.60.90 days etc ).  Thanks.

You can add an expiration date when creating the coupons.

24 posts
Sat Feb 24, 24 5:32 PM CST

would love to see passkey or faceid biometic logins

286 posts
Tue Feb 27, 24 5:25 AM CST

I would really like to see Sytist offer a way for clients to purchase just their favorites from a gallery to make it easier for them to order and streamline the purchase process. For example, purchase instant downloads of all favorites at once, or 5x7's of all favorites at once, etc. 

I often have galleries with 150-200 images and clients will favorite 30-40 images. Having a "buy all favorites" often would really help them out and speed up the checkout process. A lot of my clients have been complaining that they have to manually go back through 30-40 favorites to then order them individually.

16,920 posts (admin)
Tue Feb 27, 24 9:39 AM CST
Paul M wrote:

I would really like to see Sytist offer a way for clients to purchase just their favorites from a gallery to make it easier for them to order and streamline the purchase process. For example, purchase instant downloads of all favorites at once, or 5x7's of all favorites at once, etc. 

I often have galleries with 150-200 images and clients will favorite 30-40 images. Having a "buy all favorites" often would really help them out and speed up the checkout process. A lot of my clients have been complaining that they have to manually go back through 30-40 favorites to then order them individually.

You can with Buy Alls

Tim Grissett, DIA -
My Email Address:
142 posts
Thu Feb 29, 24 4:36 AM CST

Implement Imagemagick-library instead of, or next to, GD library

GD washes out photos which are in another color profile than sRGB. I know that GD has an other bug that resized photos lose their meta/iptc/exif-data, where imagick keeps them. Is it possible in a future update to switch to imagick, or have Sytist owners the possibility to choose between GD and IM? In my case where clients can order digital resized photos for publications, all data are lost. IPTC like title, description and copyright are important to keep...

I know that imagick isn't available on every server, so I understand why GD is used. But in most servers it's implemented nowadays.

58 posts
Wed Mar 06, 24 8:40 PM CST

On the open orders page it would be amazing to be able to filter those by gallery. 

I'm aware that you can view the orders just for one particular gallery by going through the gallery, then sales stats. But once you open one order, it takes you back to the open orders page, and then need to go through the whole process again. 

Being able to filter the order by gallery would enable us to process our orders in Sytist, rather than having to export, which is more cumbersome :-)

286 posts
Fri Mar 08, 24 5:50 AM CST

I'd like to have the capability to automate more SMS messages like the automated email currently available.  For example, I could absolutely use the ability to send SMS messages for these email notifications:

Order Email

Order Shipped Email

Gallery Owner Email

A lot of customers aren't receiving the automated email notifications for these since they're being marked as spam/junk. Having the ability to automate these as SMS messages would eliminate a lot of the manual follow up I'm doing today to make sure clients know their galleries have been published, orders have been shipped, etc.

Edited Fri Mar 08, 24 1:36 PM by Paul M
11 posts
Sun Mar 10, 24 4:34 PM CST

In a future update, it would be nice to have an option in the 'Account Requirements' section to force the admin(s) to approve accounts individually. This would help prevent bots or bad actors from creating accounts without some form of moderation from an admin. Thanks.

296 posts
Sat Mar 16, 24 12:23 PM CST

Block disposable Emails

I find that image thiefs often use disposeable email addresses such as - I dont have time to manually block/approve accounts so would it be possible to automatically block such addresses

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32 posts
Wed Mar 27, 24 1:10 AM CST

Would love to see a feature to allow user-specified fields to capture when a new account is created.

Would also love to be able to add a specified number of download credits into an account automatically upon registration ("Register and get a free download credit!")...

507 posts
Thu Mar 28, 24 6:34 PM CST

A second appointment reminder for the same day. So basically the one we have and an additional appointment reminder.

286 posts
Tue Apr 09, 24 6:30 PM CST

The coupons are, as I understand them, global in nature and apply to entire order. However, I would really like the ability to create a coupon for a specific service or store/product item.

58 posts
Tue Apr 09, 24 10:54 PM CST

Feature Request: 

Would be great to be able to add our own Automated emails (even better if they can be set by gallery or section). 

Purpose: To be able to have additional automated emails which can be triggered by certain events. Eg, so if someone places an order from one of my pre-paid class photo galleries, an additional email will send out with information about photo days and times etc. Or, if someone orders sports photos, to trigger an email to send with information specific to those photos.

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159 posts
Fri Apr 12, 24 10:36 AM CST

With the increase in hacking in recent years/months it seems necessary to add a 2 FA or MFA when logging in to the admin. Having a user name and password isn't sufficient anymore. 

The best way (in my humble opinion) would be via a mobile app like Google Authenticator or Duo Mobile. Most people would be using at least one of those apps already.
58 posts
Sat Apr 13, 24 10:49 PM CST

I've had a few customers requesting being able to use Afterpay and Laybuy for their photo payments :-) 

Would be great to be able to offer these :-)

5 posts
Sun Apr 14, 24 5:08 PM CST

I am using the new QR code functionality.   Would like to be able to email/text only folks that have images in their gallery and not email people with no images in gallery.   Currently there are 4 options.   I need option "People who have pre-registered".  To be "People who have pre-registered with an image in gallery".  Also "People who have NOT purchased" to be "People who have NOT purchased with an image in Gallery".   Maybe it is supposed to work/be this way, but just had someone reach out to me that their was no photos in their gallery that I had blasted out when gallery when live... In the school photo biz all people register etc, but if a kiddo is sick / no show then we don't have a photo of them.   We look stupid if we send them emails/texts and they have no photos..

5 posts
Wed Apr 24, 24 9:28 AM CST
Tim - wrote:

If you have a feature request, do not post a new topic. Reply to this topic.

Here is the old feature request thread that was started in 2015.

Feature requests posted as new topics and not posted here will be ignored!

Would be fun to have Folders in Green Screen Backgrounds so we can have different categories - I could set up per sport, per colour or per anything I want. Thanks.

55 posts
Wed Apr 24, 24 1:27 PM CST
Kate Lambley wrote:

I've had a few customers requesting being able to use Afterpay and Laybuy for their photo payments :-) 

Would be great to be able to offer these :-)

If you use Square. Afterpay is buit it with it.

286 posts
Sun Apr 28, 24 1:43 PM CST

I would like to have a Twilio text message option that goes along with the Gallery Owner Email. As it is, I don't have an easy way to send an SMS once a gallery has been published with the gallery access code, etc.

58 posts
Wed May 01, 24 5:38 PM CST

This feels like a big ask, but I thought I'd add it to the wish list! 

When creating an invoice it would be awesome to be able to set a due date, after which the customer would be charged shipping. 

This would allow us to send an invoice to upgrade a package before the first print/delivery for a volume job, and if the customer doesn't pay it on time, then they will be automatically charged shipping for delivery of their separate order :-)

58 posts
Wed May 01, 24 5:40 PM CST
Todd Frazior wrote:

If you use Square. Afterpay is buit it with it.

Cheers Todd!

I couldn't tell if Afterpay would be an option on the integrated checkout for square? Or only if I send invoices manually?

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