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Current Version: 5.2.5 | Sytist Manual | Common  Issues | Feature Requests

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Feature Requests

16,921 posts (admin)
Tue Dec 20, 22 4:49 AM CST

If you have a feature request, do not post a new topic. Reply to this topic.

Here is the old feature request thread that was started in 2015.

Feature requests posted as new topics and not posted here will be ignored!

Edited Mon Apr 03, 23 8:11 AM by Tim -
Tim Grissett, DIA -
My Email Address:
490 posts
Wed Dec 21, 22 6:21 PM CST

I'd love to see more ability to limit admin in the backend so employees are not privy to my financials etc.

Currently, limiting admin seems to go from SEE ALL THE THINGS or SEE NOTHING at all.

I'd love to have editors have access to galleries so they can upload their work to the right place, and later, print/pack people being able to download orders to print folders for me.

I've tried having them upload to "ALL PHOTOS" and then I move them later, but with multiple people and multiple galleries it gets pretty messy and I had to go back to me doing all the things myself.

To give gallery access at the moment means they see all my business and earnings/everything and I really cant have that.


507 posts
Wed Dec 21, 22 7:35 PM CST

Leanne that is incorrect. EDIT your admins and this is what they will see.

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490 posts
Wed Dec 21, 22 8:48 PM CST

Not incorrect Vance, and this has been moved from another thread where many agreed with me - im just putting it where it belongs.  I have edited my admins and they can see too much of my backend.  I would hate to see this fresh new admin-thread rubbished with back-n-forths - discussion belongs in the regular forum, but thanks anyway.

This reply was deleted.
225 posts
Wed Dec 28, 22 10:08 AM CST

Would love to see a feature where we can sort in a gallery for someone's hearted favorites. I have a client that 'favorited" her images but I can't sort them. 

This feature doesn't seem to work. :(   I don't see a favorite setting in galleries.

You can sort customer's favorites when viewing their favorites from their account in the admin.

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Edited Thu Jul 27, 23 10:09 AM by Tim -
145 posts
Sun Jan 01, 23 11:42 AM CST

I use custom days a lot in the booking calendar, by extension I would love to see custom months option added that works with custom days.

For example, instead of just offering mondays and tuesdays (from custom days) I can now offer Mondays and Tuesdays April to Oct avoiding the winter months.

145 posts
Sun Jan 01, 23 11:59 AM CST

As an extension, and to deal with sunset varying between 4pm and 10pm here in the northern hemisphere adding the available time by month.

I currently deal with this by exclusion, I have to go into every single day and block out "sunset" times or "bad light" to make the times unavailable. This is a huge pain, often with errors and if I want to change something up, takes me hours and hours and impacts my other booking calendar services (including studio work).

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145 posts
Sun Jan 01, 23 12:09 PM CST

Auto Create Invoices.

When people pay deposits, I often forget to invoice the rest of the session, which is a manual exercise (search through calendar, then find un-invoiced balances then create invoice).

In the booking calendar service, can we have an option to auto invoice the balance X many days before the session, with a Y many days payment due date?

145 posts
Sun Jan 01, 23 12:44 PM CST

Service price snippet.

On the booking calendar service, we have the snippet of code at the bottom that we can use to insert a book now button elsewhere on the website. I use it all the time and I think its great.

I would love a similar snippet of code to pull back the price of that service, so when it comes time to change prices around, it automatically updates all my informational pages rather than searching and potentially missing manually added entries.

47 posts
Mon Jan 02, 23 9:06 AM CST

I went to the link you posted - and it says "Topic Closed" - so I couldn't post there - here ok??

I would LOVE to see a few things added to the forms:
1. The ability to attach files (.jpg, .pdf specifically)
2. The ability for the form to calculate a payment and go straight to the payment gateway

3. The ability to use $ sign. When making my forms that have a dollar amount, you can't use the sign.

251 posts
Thu Jan 05, 23 7:44 AM CST
1) I would like to have inside a gallery in my admin area, a space where I can freely annotate text. like the notes which is on the admin home page.
often I would like to jot down details about that race

2) the STAT&SALES form within an event shows the total of shipments and gross receipts but there is no trace of the paypal, stripe, etc. commissions that have been paid and which are however reported in each individual order. it would be useful to have a net total and possibly also a box where we can add a cost for that event (e.g. sponsorship or contribution to the event)

3) in the admin tab you can add users with limited access but who see too much. I want to increase the number of internal photographers and do more sporting events on the same day, paying them a percentage of sales. it would be useful for each gallery / event to be associated with a user who can then check and send orders, without seeing my receipts.

251 posts
Thu Jan 12, 23 5:43 AM CST

integrate whatsapp business features

6 posts
Fri Jan 13, 23 10:27 AM CST

Hi Tim.

Let's make this happen this year. A crypto payment option for customers to choose. this will save some fees for us as the seller

292 posts
Tue Jan 17, 23 9:55 AM CST

I would love to see an option to add cost and expenses to a product or package and have this totaled in reports. It would save a lot of time being able to see how much I spent on lab costs and or expenses.

Bruce Pham • Forever Studio • School Pictures At Their Best
535 posts
Tue Jan 24, 23 12:36 PM CST

Wall Designer position lock:

Could you enhance the wall designer feature by letting us lock the size and position of saved collections for our customers?  

In other words, could we make pre-set wall designs for customers to pick from, and they can only choose the photos, not change the products?

Michael Leenheer   || My Sytist:
535 posts
Tue Jan 24, 23 12:40 PM CST
Lou S. wrote:

Hi Tim.

Let's make this happen this year. A crypto payment option for customers to choose. this will save some fees for us as the seller

For example, integration with NowPayments would work: 

Michael Leenheer   || My Sytist:
292 posts
Wed Feb 01, 23 2:42 AM CST

For future updates please look into the ability when writing an email we can add email addresses based on labels we designated to a clients.

Bruce Pham • Forever Studio • School Pictures At Their Best
142 posts
Wed Feb 01, 23 2:59 AM CST

It would be great to have the option to let other photographers upload their own photo's. Like contributors to a stock section for example. With or without being reviewed by an admin. Or customers upload for printing their own photos via my lab.

251 posts
Thu Feb 23, 23 8:13 AM CST
customer feedback form combined with orders, which I can then enable to view or not in a public page
251 posts
Thu Feb 23, 23 8:26 AM CST

- further dissect what can be done and seen in the admin area of our collaborators

- on/off button to view the daily and monthly earnings in the admin home
- new layout templates and lightboxes for viewing photo galleries and enlargements
- make the X more visible or simplify the exit from the photo enlargement lightbox. now in a large desktop screen stay away from everything in the upper right corner.
- additional fields for entering the address if there is a printout in the cart, so as not to ask everyone who buys downloads for it
- the biggest limitation now in my opinion is not being able to easily move groups of photos from one gallery to another, from one subfolder to another. the current solutions are theoretical and not feasible if we are talking about thousands of photos. the all photo section is in fact useless.
251 posts
Thu Feb 23, 23 8:45 AM CST

starting from a gallery, being able to "associate" it with other galleries selected by me, which will then in some way be suggested to the customer who sees the starting gallery.

example. if you look at the 3rd race of a specific championship, I'll remind you and show you the link to also look at the photos of the 1st and 2nd race.
it's different from making a category for each championship like you can do now
1 posts
Fri Feb 24, 23 10:43 AM CST

I would love to be able to search or filter orders by the products ordered. That way, I can find everyone who ordered a specific product at one time instead of having to search through every order to find them.

432 posts
Fri Feb 24, 23 12:29 PM CST
Timothy Turnmire wrote:

I would love to be able to search or filter orders by the products ordered. That way, I can find everyone who ordered a specific product at one time instead of having to search through every order to find them.

You can sort by column for the product in the CSV export if you open it in a spreadsheet program.

Edited Fri Feb 24, 23 1:00 PM by Trailboy
48 posts
Wed Mar 22, 23 3:33 AM CST

Print orders:

Quite often our print orders are a mish-mash of print sizes and it's a bit of a chore to have to sort through them and mistakes are sometimes made, especially when the same file is ordered at different sies.

I'd like to be able to sort print orders by print size, so all the 6x4 are grouped together, all the 7x5 etc etc.  A bit like the old 'Work order' feature (I never figured out why that was removed).

A step further on from this to help processing orders even more, would be to arrange the file download from an order by size, so a folder structure something like:

   Order 12345
       Print 6x4
       Print 7x5

Each folder would contain the filenames ordered for that size - and if the same file is ordered at different sizes then the file is repeated in the relevant subfolders.

225 posts
Thu Mar 23, 23 9:09 AM CST

I would love for the image number to appear UNDER the photo when you make the image bigger from thumbnails.   Clients are not always intuitive with computer stuff and they can never find the image number in the top left.   (I I know.. I know..) 

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251 posts
Thu Mar 23, 23 9:24 AM CST
Alicia Williams wrote:

I would love for the image number to appear UNDER the photo when you make the image bigger from thumbnails.   Clients are not always intuitive with computer stuff and they can never find the image number in the top left.   (I I know.. I know..) 

I share ,

I had made the same request more than a year ago with the addition to yours of also removing the ".jpg" and removing the reference to the photo number with respect to the total number of the gallery, which only leads to confusion between the clients .
I really don't understand the choice of having the number in that top corner
225 posts
Thu Mar 23, 23 1:41 PM CST

I would love to also see the NEXT button with page 1, 2 on the galleries be more prominent.   I feel like clients don't realize there is a page two: 

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507 posts
Thu Mar 23, 23 6:41 PM CST

Ability To Select All Accounts That Have An Appointment In The Booking Calendar.

Be nice to be able to select each person and send text/email reminders or updates in one batch, instead of one at a time.
10 posts
Sun Mar 26, 23 4:59 PM CST
Marco B wrote:
customer feedback form combined with orders, which I can then enable to view or not in a public page

LOVE this idea!

10 posts
Sun Mar 26, 23 5:01 PM CST
Alicia Williams wrote:

I would love for the image number to appear UNDER the photo when you make the image bigger from thumbnails.   Clients are not always intuitive with computer stuff and they can never find the image number in the top left.   (I I know.. I know..) 

Love this idea, too!

134 posts
Thu Mar 30, 23 6:41 PM CST
Tim - wrote:

If you have a feature request, do not post a new topic. Reply to this topic.

Here is the old feature request thread that was started in 2015.

Hi Tim, I would love the ability when i have done a search in photos or in all photos - a select all button that relates to the results of the search. Currently I believe it justs selects all photos not just the search results. If that can't be done logically how about a search and select all button

105 posts
Wed Apr 05, 23 10:29 AM CST

I would love to be able to bulk or batch edit coupon codes. Right now, I can create a batch of codes, but once they are created there is no way to edit more than one at a time to change the value, expiry, etc.

105 posts
Wed Apr 05, 23 10:34 AM CST

Product Base

There is a label system, but the labels need to be applied product by product. It would be nice to have that added to the bulk edit feature that is already available there.

It would also be great to have more options in sorting the display order on the main product base page. Even just a simple drag and drop like many other areas have.

105 posts
Wed Apr 05, 23 10:37 AM CST

Price Lists

I would love to have some way to sort these! Either a label system or a folder or heading system. (Similar to what you see once you are actually inside the price list.)

134 posts
Wed Apr 05, 23 10:17 PM CST
Tim - wrote:

If you have a feature request, do not post a new topic. Reply to this topic.

Here is the old feature request thread that was started in 2015.

Feature requests posted as new topics and not posted here will be ignored!

To Add a new feature request - I can only see 'quote' as an option to add onto it? 

Surely I am missing something. 

Just copying this here so I can reference later when i know how to post properly
Hi Tim, I would love the ability when i have done a search in photos or in all photos - a select all button that relates to the results of the search. Currently I believe it justs selects all photos not just the search results. If that can't be done logically how about a search and select all button

432 posts
Mon Apr 10, 23 2:48 AM CST

Hi Tim

I know it has been asked before, but please consider adding a home delivery address entry modal box at step 2 when customers choose the home delivery radio button, akin to the testimonial text entry box.

I don't normally ask parents for any address details at all, as 90% of parents want free school collection.  I then have to chase up the address details of the home delivery customers.  

But I have one school that is insisting on all home delivery only.

A text address entry box that appears only when the home delivery radio button is selected would simplify this greatly.

Edited Mon Apr 10, 23 6:48 AM by Trailboy
105 posts
Tue Apr 11, 23 11:57 AM CST
Trailboy wrote:

Hi Tim

I know it has been asked before, but please consider adding a home delivery address entry modal box at step 2 when customers choose the home delivery radio button, akin to the testimonial text entry box.

I don't normally ask parents for any address details at all, as 90% of parents want free school collection.  I then have to chase up the address details of the home delivery customers.  

But I have one school that is insisting on all home delivery only.

A text address entry box that appears only when the home delivery radio button is selected would simplify this greatly.

Would this not just be a shipping option? Maybe I'm misunderstanding, but this is how I do it:

When there is an option of home or school, have the school drop off option set as "Group Delivery to School" with a price of 0 and check the option that removes the need for them to enter an address. For the home delivery option you would not check that box and they would then need to enter their address at checkout and pay for their shipping option if you have set a price. 

If it's only home delivery being offered, you would create a shipping group that doesn't offer that school delivery option.

251 posts
Mon Apr 17, 23 10:20 AM CST

with us in the photo of sporting events, we start selling many short slow-motion videos made with the recent mirrorlees,

it would be useful to be able to manage the sale of these MOV, MP4, H.264/MPEG-4 video files
283 posts
Tue Apr 18, 23 6:27 PM CST

2 Step authentication for logins to stem breach of website and data

10 posts
Tue Apr 18, 23 10:07 PM CST

A way to create an order from the admin side of things - for example, I have older clients that order prints and just can't seem to figure out how to do it online, so I give them a paper order and receipt. I like putting it into the website though as a way to track it, it would be great to be able to do that from the back end instead of from the client side of things.

This reply was deleted.
105 posts
Wed Apr 26, 23 7:45 PM CST
Hannah Borst wrote:

A way to create an order from the admin side of things - for example, I have older clients that order prints and just can't seem to figure out how to do it online, so I give them a paper order and receipt. I like putting it into the website though as a way to track it, it would be great to be able to do that from the back end instead of from the client side of things.

Have you logged in as the client (from the admin) and completed the order that way? I've had to do that for a few clients who struggle with the technology.

138 posts
Sun Apr 30, 23 5:39 AM CST
Special Request: Would it at all be possible for credits to automatically be applied when using the Booking Calendar (we have this option in the "Buy" section). I would greatly appreciate it...thank you in advance for considering!!
22 posts
Thu May 04, 23 8:29 AM CST

I'd love to be able to delete one item from a collection in a shopping cart instead of having to delete everything and start over. Some of my digital collections have 20 items and it's a pain when a client adds a duplicate by mistake. 

432 posts
Thu May 04, 23 12:42 PM CST
Corey F wrote:

I'd love to be able to delete one item from a collection in a shopping cart instead of having to delete everything and start over. Some of my digital collections have 20 items and it's a pain when a client adds a duplicate by mistake. 

If customers return to their gallery, they have a 'Manage Collections' button to amend.  

432 posts
Thu May 04, 23 12:44 PM CST
Trailboy wrote:

If customers return to their gallery, they have a 'Manage Collections' button to amend.  


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4 posts
Thu May 11, 23 1:21 PM CST

I would love the ability to include the PRICELIST in Reports exports.  Thanks!

507 posts
Sun May 14, 23 6:43 PM CST

Scroll bar in all admin menus would be very nice, especially for the "List site content" menu  

292 posts
Wed May 24, 23 1:51 PM CST

In the OPEN ORDERS UNASSIGNED page, have the ability to select digital orders only. This would help tremendously since digital orders do not require printing of the order. This would save time of scrolling down and check marking digital orders to be archived especially when over 100 orders are placed. This would help out the volume photography business tremendously.

Bruce Pham • Forever Studio • School Pictures At Their Best
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