This video is an overview of the administration area of Sytist just after installation and creating a customer gallery section and first gallery. Also see the Getting Started FAQ page here for common questions on getting this setup. ......
This video goes over designing your Sytist site with the theme editor, header & footer, menu links and home page overview.
Below is a video tutorial going over the page designer. Click here for additional information in the manual on this feature.
This video goes over the photo products section, creating & editing products and creating price lists.
This video goes over the calendar feature and creating a booking calendar and the options.
This video will go over the Photo Display Options for photos on a page.
This video is an overview of pages in the Site Content area and all of the options.
This video will go over using the text editor for pages in the administration area. If you are unable to view the video below, click here to view or right click here and save link as to save to your computer. Your browser does not support the video tag. ......
This video goes over managing your home page and features in the home page.
This goes over editing the header & footer of the website and / or adding a logo to the header.

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