Sytist Manual > Settings

Account Requirements

This section will allow you to select what information is required from a customer when they create an account, placing an order and other account options. 

You will see the fields for both just creating an account and placing an order like name, address, city, etc... with ask & require.

  • Ask = the field is shown but not required.
  • Required = field is required to create an account. 

For placing an order, you will need their state at least for tax calculations. 

Require the customer to confirm their account via email.

This is a new option for Sytist version 3.5 that will have the customer confirm their account via email to activate their account. Their account will not be active and they will not be able to log in until they click the activation link in the email sent to them. This option will validate they are using a correct email address. 

If by chance the customer does not receive the email, you can manually activate their account by going to the People section and selecting Uncofirmed in the left menu. 

Require customers to type in email address & password twice to confirm it is correct.

Checking these options the customer will type in then re-type in their email address and password when creating an account.

Require customers to agree to a terms & conditions when creating an account (new for version 4.1)

With this option checked the customer will have a link to view the terms & conditions you enter and won't allow them to create the account unless they check the box to agree. When they do you will see in their account that they did agree, the date & time and the terms & conditions at that time.


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