Here are some common questions on getting things set up in Sytist. I highly recommend viewing the getting started video tutorial to get familiar with the admin section of Sytist.
How do I create client/event galleries?
Site Content -> Create New Section. In the new section wizard select Customer Galleries. Once you have created the section you will be able to create galleries within that section. The Getting Started video tutorial goes through the this process.
How do I create a Booking Calendar?
Site Content -> Create New Section. In the new section wizard select Booking Calendar. Then within that section you can create your booking services. More information on the booking calendar and video tutorial.
How do I create a Pre-Ordering section?
You can either create a new section for pre-orders or use a section you created for client galleries. If you create a new section select Customer Galleries in the new section wizard. Then create a new page or gallery for the pre-ordering. More information on pre-ordering here.
How do I create portfolio galleries?
Site Content -> Create New Section. Select Portfolio Galleries in the new section wizard. Then you can create a new gallery in that section for each type of gallery you want in your portfolio.
How do I add my logo?
Design -> Header & Footer. You can either use the text editor to upload and insert your logo or click the link that says "Click here to simply upload a logo to add to your header". Be sure you size your logo before uploading. The size depends on the theme you are using but a good starting point is around 120 pixels in height.
How do I change the theme, colors, fonts, etc...?
Design -> All Themes. (or Design -> Edit My Theme to edit the existing theme) There you will see several different themes to start with and you can edit the theme to change the fonts, layout, colors, etc... Video tutorial on editing themes.
How do I design my home page?
Site Content -> Manage Home Page. From there you can click the Page Designer & Templates button to open the page designer. More information on using the page designer and video tutorial. Or you can simply add some text to the home page in the text editor and display your available galleries on your home page.
How do I show galleries on my home page?
Site Content -> Manage Home Page. After you have created a section for your galleries and added some galleries, click the "Featured Content / Galleries" under the text editor and you can select the section your galleries are in to display on the Sytist home page.
How do I add links to my menu?
Design -> Menu Links. There you can add links to your sections, categories & pages. More information on menu links here.
How do I create a contact page?
Site Content -> Top Level Pages. Create a new page in the Top Level Pages called Contact or Contact Us. Type out what text you want to display on that page and in the area you want the contact form to display put in: [FORM] . Then look for the option under the text editor "Add a form" and select the default Contact Form. Then save your changes. You can also create more forms in the Forms section.
How do I set my up my photo products & pricing?
Photo Products -> Product Base. There you create your print and download product.
Photo Products -> Collections to create collections / packages.
Photo Products -> Price Lists is where you create price lists and add your products and collections.
More about photo products & pricing here in the manual.
How can I offer Free Downloads?
See this article on offering free downloadsHow do I accept payments?
Settings -> Checkout & Payment. You will find the available payment options and gateways integrated in Sytist. ?
How do I change the countries available at checkout and creating account?
Settings -> Shipping. The countries and states enabled there control the countries and states available when customers are checking out or creating an account.
How do I change the currency?
Settings -> Checkout & Payment. You can change the currency code and currency sign.
How do I change the time zone?
Settings -> Admin / Main Settings. There you can change the time zone & date/time format.

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