5.2.5 - January 18, 2024
Follow-up update. See 5.2 below for major changes.
- Fixed # of photos in collections drop down options not working after the 5.2 update.
- Made first & last names required for checkout in Settings -> Account Requirements since payments need that information and without it the order won't be placed.
- Fixed tab product options for store items not saving when adding to cart.
5.2.4 - December 17, 2024
Follow-up update. See 5.2 below for major changes.
- Fixed missing fields error at checkout when you don't ask for a state or country in the account requirements and require a shipping address.
- Fixed when download photos in zip files and they are watermarked for logo added, duplicating one photo for each one.
- Fixed when selecting an existing photo in a gallery as a preview photo it sometimes removing the existing preview photo from the gallery.
5.2.3 - December 14, 2024
- Follow-up update to fix tax not getting charged in some scenarios that don't require shipping info from a change in the 5.2.0 upgrade. See 5.2 below for all changes.
5.2.2 - December 13, 2024
- Follow-up update to fix paying invoices not working caused from a change in the 5.2.0 upgrade. See 5.2 below for all changes.
5.2.1 - December 12, 2024
- Follow-up update to fix downloads not working when photo is processed caused from a change in the 5.2.0 upgrade. See 5.2 below for all changes.
5.2 - December 12, 2024
- Added the option to restrict which gallery someone can add photos to pre-ordered products.
- Added the option to print out QR codes with the photos that have been taken of that subject. Additional information toward the bottom of this page.
- Added the option to export data from QR passcode galleries with the order product export like subject first & last names, passcode, leader and extra fields. To enable those fields go to Orders -> Product/Order Export Settings
- Added a Forgot Passcode option for QR Passcode Photos & Passcode Photos galleries when there are email associated with passcodes. If an email is found with a passcode for that specific gallery, it will email them their passcode(s).
- Added information to the second half of this page on how to use screenshots of QR codes for QR Passcode galleries:
- Changed up checkout flow so it doesn't ask to ship to billing address or different address before the shipping option is shown. Now it will only show a shipping address option AFTER they have selected a shipping option.
- Added additional checks at checkout for modified fields at when paying.
- Added for dropdown options in products & price list options a list option where you can enter in / copy & paste a list of options to select from instead of enter in the options as line items.
- Added the option to merge accounts. It is in the Action menu when viewing an account in the admin.
- Added the option in the Product Export for orders "Select a certain purchased photo product to export " which will only export the photos with that product. Example: only export purchased 5x7s from selected orders.
- Added when downloading photos from multiple orders the option to only download photos that were purchased as a certain product .
- Added when replacing a photo or photos in a Passcode Photos gallery or QR passcode gallery, not to replace the photo passcode (photo title). Previously it would remove the passcode when updating the photo data on upload.
- Added when deleting a photo product from the product base or a collection, delete it from any active shopping carts.
- Added + - icons to adjust quantities for pre-orders
- Added to the " Do not allow purchasing from multiple galleries on the same order" option in price lists to check at checkout incase someone logs in and their account had photos in their cart from another gallery. It was only stopping them from adding to the cart from different galleries. Now it checks at checkout too.
- Added where email addresses are inputted by a visitor in forms, account creation, email to access gallery, booking requests and checkout, changing the input type to type="email" instead of text so the browser can do email validation.
- Added placeholders to fields that ask for password and email when accessing a page. Also added some spacing to that page.
- Added when sending out gallery invite emails, to check in the automated messages queue for duplicate entries based on email AND subject. Previously it would only check for the email which would cause someone not get put in the queue of they had someone in another gallery that was just sent emails and still in the queue.
- Added when creating a booking invoice and the booking is taxable and the booking doesn't not have an account to calculate tax on, to automatically calculate tax based on your settings.
- Added when deleting a gallery, delete gallery specific coupons & active carts with photos from that gallery.
- Added salt to the MD5 hash when creating photo file names.
- Fixed "Tax rate for all pickup orders" only working if "Calculate tax on billing or shipping address" was set to shipping address. It will now also work when it is set to billing address.
- Fixed country not getting added to invoices when creating an invoice from a booking service and in turn causing issues when trying to pay the invoice with the credit / debit card option in PayPal Checkout.
- Fixed the "show only" option when viewing photos in the admin to show only purchased or unpurchased photos not working correctly with photos on archived orders.
- Fixed menu when searching orders from the search form in the header going off screen when you have really long questions for additional checkout fields.
- Fixed when deleting a sub gallery preview photo not redirecting to the correct page.
- Added alt="pixel" to email tracking pixel.
- Fixed with green screen photos thumbnail not showing correctly once added to cart mainly with horizontal images and vertical backgrounds
- Fixed issue with booking calendar special events and short sessions (like 5 minutes) not showing all the available spots when there is another active special event on the same day with different a length.
- Removed sub galleries from the gallery exclusive mode when hide sub galleries is checked.
- Removed from the 5.0 update since Apple products can't upload photos in the correct order: Made it when uploading with the built in uploader setting the values for the gallery and sub gallery preview photo. (had been in the FTP upload but somehow missed the regular uploader).