Sytist Manual > Changelog


4.2.0 September 8, 2022
Another follow-up update to 4.1 because trying to accommodate people causes a lot other problems which I will no longer be doing.

  • Fixed not being able to see the contents of shopping cart of unregistered users in the admin.
  • Fixed recently added favorites displaying in alphabetical order instead of by date / time added descending. ​
  • Fixed in some cases not all shopping cart contents displaying for the customer.

4.1.9 September 2, 2022

  • Fixed not being able to see shopping carts in the admin of customers that are not logged into their account.

4.1.8 September 1, 2022
4.1 Follow-up Update

  • Fixed on rare occasions when items are added the cart a lost PHP session and added to cart with null data creating ghost carts.
  • Fixed again (correctly) with Square web payments customer ID not being passed which is used as a backup incase the customer session ID is not passed which can cause orders being placed with no products on it. 
  • Fixed when emailing a contract to multiple people email address getting separated with a semicolan instead of a comma by default. 

4.1.7 August 17, 2022
Follow-up update to 4.1 with some bug fixes: 

  • Fixed auto archive orders not automatically archiving when using Square payments. 
  • Fixed when viewing favorites in the admin the pages after the first are not in the correct order.  
  • Fixed with Square web payments customer ID not being passed which is used as a backup incase the customer session ID is not passed which can cause orders being placed with no products on it.
  • Fixed tax amount not being recorded in come cases with Square payments (though being charged).

4.1.6 July 18, 2022
Important Update for Square Payment Users. Learn more

  • Integrated Square Web Payments card payment front end as the current integration of Square SqPaymentForm being removed by Square on July 21, 2022. More information here.
  • Moved the agree to terms & conditions at checkout to the first page.
  • Added last 4 card number to orders that shows next to payment type like visa 1234 for square payments 
  • Fixed packing slips not showing option prices added to package price.

4.1.5 June 15, 2022
Follow-up to 4.1

  • Fixed free downloads not working when clicking from thumbnail and using PHP 8 (says invalid category). 
  • Fixed after editing labels for account returning to the wrong page and showing an error when using PHP 8. 
  • Fixed not being able to create new contact forms when using PHP 8. 
  • Fixed not being able to add new form fields to contact forms when using PHP 8. 
  • Fixed not being able to add new menu links when using PHP 8. 
  • Fixed not being able to add new administrators when using PHP 8. 
  • Fixed error message showing when exporting accounts and using PHP 8.
  • Fixed error message in export file when exporting orders and using PHP 8.
  • Fixed error message in export  when exporting mailing list and using PHP 8.
  • Fixed error when batch "Add shipping or notify email" and an order contains an eGift cart and using PHP 8.
  • Fixed due date showing on orders when there is none and past due when no payment and using PHP 8.
  • Fixed error in Stats -> Visitors -> Referrals in some cases and using PHP 8.
  • Removed the additional checkout fields from showing from the list of orders. 

4.1.4 June 10, 2022
Follow-up to 4.1

  • Fixed error in some cases when trying to get the DPI an image when using PHP 8. 
  • Fixed error in Stats -> Recent Visitors when using PHP 8.
  • Fixed not being able to add account credits when using PHP 8.
  • Fixed unable to update billboard slide order and  settings when using PHP 8.
  • Fixed numbers (ID) displaying when emailing customers about a gallery from the admin.
  • Fixed enlarged photo sharing not working when photo share description contains an apostrophe or multiple lines. 
  • Fixed a slow query when deleting photos.

4.1.3 May 20, 2022
Follow-up to 4.1

  • Fixed Stripe Checkout - 3d secure V2 / SCA payment option not working with PHP 8
  • Fixed booking confirmation emails missing the subject
  • Fixed duplicate options on order exports of pre-orders and removed collection options from the product options field so collection options on pre-orders are only in the collection options field. 
  • Fixed when entering an expense on an order it not retaining the order ID and only showing in the expenses section.
  • Fixed reports section not loading with PHP 8 in some cases. 

4.1.2 May 10, 2022
Follow-up update to 4.1

  • Fixed error in the product base section that causes the rest of the page not to load when a free download has multiple dimensions 
  • Fixed short URLs not redirecting to the correct page when installed in a sub folder. 

4.1.1 May 6, 2022
Follow-up update to 4.1

  • Fixed when creating an account from the admin not getting the option to send the welcome email. This won't add it to an account created already. Fixes new accounts created.
  • Fixed Twilio text messages not updating the status in the logs.
  • Fixed coupon editing and creation missing fields. 
  • Fixed not being able to create  / edit photo product options. 
  • Removed restriction of having a password protect gallery (or paid access) when using passcode photos. 

4.1.0 May 3, 2022

NOTICE!: If you are self-hosting Sytist this update makes it no longer compatible with PHP 5 (the programming language). You are most likely not using PHP 5 unless you are specifically using it for something else. You can check with your host about what PHP version you are using if you are not sure.

  • Now compatible with PHP 8, up to 8.1. (This is the program language running on the server)
  • Added the option " Do not allow purchasing from multiple galleries on the same order". This is an option in the "settings" of your price lists, Photo Products -> Price Lists.
  • Added the option to require agreeing to terms & conditions when creating an account. Settings - Account Requirements.
  • Added the option to automatically arrange the photos by file name ascending in sub galleries when uploading folders for sub galleries into the main gallery for when the upload does not upload the photos in order (bug in Apple computers). Settings -> Photo Settings
  • Added the ability to batch send out downloads are ready emails. See #4 in this article.
  • Added the ability to set the default watermark & logo files and location on a per category basis. Edit the gallery section / category and go to Defaults -> Watermarking.
  • Added for pre-orders if customers are coming back to select photos for their pre-ordered products not to charge shipping (since it was probably collected during the pre-order) unless they have added products to their cart that are not part of the package.
  • Added the ability to sort customers' favorites in the admin by filename, when added to favorites and uploaded.
  • Added when viewing customer favorites in the admin the date & time the photo was added to favorites. 
  • Added the option to remove customers favorites when viewing their favorites in their account in the admin.
  • Added the ability to batch send out downloads are ready emails. 
  • Added notice in order list if an order is a pre-order 
  • Added the ability to set the default watermark & logo files and location on a per category basis. Edit the gallery section / category and go to Defaults -> Watermarking.
  • Added the ability to sort photos in proofing projects by status (approved, revision requests & rejects). 
  • Added the ability to export filenames by status of photos in a proofing project. 
  • Added removing packages that includes other packages that have a buy all from favorites when the option to not offer buy alls in favorites is selected. 
  • Added when uploading a photo to the text editor applying 0644 permissions to the file.
  • Added PHP error reporting option in basic settings. 
  • Added a check in sub galleries if the parent gallery has a price list assigned to it. 
  • Added phone number search when searching orders. 
  • Added when booking service has "Override booked times from other services" checked to override also all day events.
  • Added on the bottom of each page of the admin to display what PHP version the server is running.
  • Removed the "UNPAID" notice on orders in the admin with scheduled payments added. 
  • Fixed PCP02 error message when using passcode photos & greenscreen that is shown before the passcode is entered.
  • Fixed in booking calendar when you entered in a booking at a time that doesn't fit the intervals (time  blocks) it not calculating that booked time into the available times. 
  • Fixed pay now button not showing on orders where the admin creates the order from the customers' shopping cart in the admin. 
  • Fixed download all in gallery exclusive mode not showing sometimes.
  • Fixed extra photo prices in packages sometimes getting wrong price from another product.
  • Fixed with the time blocks option to sort photos by time block 11:pm to 12:AM not working.
  • Fixed collection names not exporting for archived orders. 
  • Fixed when duplicating a page / gallery the new page not getting a new short URL and password. 
  • Fixed extra photos from collections not saving sale price if on sale through the price list.  
  • Fixed when sending out booking reminder emails the subject not changing when sent when you change it in the subject area
  • Made a change that might be causing pre-order packages getting removed from cart when removing photos from a collection.

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