Sytist Manual > Changelog


3.8.4 December 16, 2020
Follow-up update for the 3.8 release for some bug fixes

  • Added automatic formatting of SMS number when manually sending a booking reminder email.
  • Added a "failed - invalid" status in the text message log when a text message fails because it is not a valid number.
  • Added the error message returned in the info icon in the text message log when a text message fails.
  • Fixed when sending a text message to multiple numbers and one is invalid it stopping the process and not sending to the rest of the numbers.
  • Fixed in some server enviroments cron jobs failing with automated messages when text messaging is enabled and text messaging failing.
  • Fixed free download all showing in gallery exclusive mode when it is set to me limited.
  • Fixed graphic options with quotes " ' in the option name not working.
  • Fixed when adding greenscreen photo to cart from favorites with a one pose collection not getting the background selection in the cart.
  • Fixed PHP depreciated message after deleting sub galleries from a gallery

3.8.3 November 17, 2020
Follow-up update for the 3.8 release for some bug fixes

  • Fixed passcode photos where password contains a space not displaying the thumbnails
  • Fixed when someone redeems an eGift Card and have a balance and pays with an offsite payment option like PayPal, Stripe 3d Secure, Wordpay, etc... not showing the eGift Card information on the order though the grand total reflects it.
  • Fixed when sending email to notify customer downloads are ready, not populating the text message number with the phone number from the order
  • Fixed booking invoices not getting sent out
  • Fixed Sending email reminder manually for schedule payments not working

3.8.2 October 18, 2020

  • Added text message option for the message sent when admin creates and account and the customer must create a password (welcome email).
  • Fixed free download all in zip file directly from sub gallery returning an error
  • Fixed when confirming a booking appointment from the admin it not sending the confirmation email.
  • Added text message option when confirming booking appointment from the admin.
  • Fixed product group sale prices not calculating correctly is some circumstances.
  • Fixed in some cases when checking out and selecting a different shipping method the tax on shipping is not being updated in the grand total.
  • Fixed in some cases photos hosted on Amazon S3 not deleting after the 3.8 update and S3 upgrade
  • Fixed when you have enabled text messaging, but not asking for a phone number at checkout, and someone logged into their account goes to checkout not advancing to the next screen.
  • Added code to remove the download link on an order when someone purchasing a print that includes a download and you have the photo checked to not allow downloads.
  • In some cases (depends on the server environment) you can have failed or incomplete downloads on Apple products (safari, iphone). But not all. If you have that issue and maybe I have sent you files in the past to work around it, you can now edit your config file and add this line of code: 

$setup['do_not_use_content_length_header_download'] = true;

  • Added a backup Twilio callback validation if the standard validation does not work. If sent text message statuses don't update from queued, add to config file

$setup['twilio_callback_validate_signature'] = true;

3.8.1 October 5, 2020

  • Fixed in some scenerios while checking out and creating an account at checkout getting a grand total of $0 so not asking for payment when no shipping is being selected.
  • Upped retries when moving photos to Amazon S3 when it returns a 500 error for not being able to verify the hostname.

3.8.0 October 4, 2020

  • Added the ability to text message customers (IntroductionManual.)
  • Updated Amazon S3 to allow for regions with both signature version 2 & 4 and also the ability to be able to change your bucket/region without affecting the existing photos. (Self-hosted Sytist users)
  • Added a highlight to the quantity of products on an order if it is more than 1 to admin order view, printable version and in the manage photos tab. 
  • Added phone number to list of accounts in the People section which can be clicked to send text (if texting is enabled). 
  • Added a slight delay loading the charts on the admin home page which could be causing the homepage to load slowly. 
  • Added short redirect URLs for orders links that don't require logging in or entering in email, zip & order number. 
  • Added short redirect URLs for pages that get used when sending links via text message and also available in the share dialog when sharing a page/gallery from the admin. 
  • Added a robots noindex tag to the code when orders. account, favorites, etc... are viewed so Google and other bots won't crawl those.  
  • Added some code to the packing slip so rows don't get split on 2 pages when printing. 
  • Added the ability to view all orders made with a certain payment method from Settings -> Checkout & Payment and view the payment option and click the link.
  • Added a check at checkout to see if the customer has the same booking date & time in their cart and if so, send them to the cart with a message to remove one. 
  • Added the option to edit the company name on an invoice when editing an invoice. 
  • Fixed with print products that include a download & pre-orders with customers coming back later to select photos no download option available on order.
  • Fixed missing delete icon on approved comments
  • Fixed when searching a main gallery showing results from password protected sub-galleries.
  • Fixed with pre-orders + customers coming back later to select photos + product options that the option prices being added to the second cart when it should be $0 because of the sale function.
  • Fixed when searching pages and the search term has 3 characters or less, search results includes pages with draft status.
  • Fixed when "Do not offer image options if available in the price list." is checked for a product and "  Collapse Options & Descriptions " is not checked, still displaying the image option.
  • Fixed store items that uses the pop up from the list of items not displaying the first photo.
  • Fixed page designer content displaying in sub galleries too
  • Fixed eway payments not working when paying invoices
  • Fixed when uploading photos with passcodes and the group photo field has a name with an apostrophe generating a SQL error or spinning wheel.
  • Fixed when requiring an email address to view a gallery and it is password protected and customer not logged in, asking for email address twice.
  • Fixed (maybe) in come rare cases orders getting created but no products on the order. Getting the customer ID via form field instead of session. 
  • Fixed with coupons set to once per person and order placed with a coupon sent to archived still allowing the coupon to be redeemed.
  • Fixed replacing photos with same file name not working in a stock photo section. 
  • Fixed error with get_magic_quotes_gpc and PHP 7.4 

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