3.4.5 April 13, 2019
Follow-up update for bug fixes in the 3.4 version.
- Fixed MySQL error with automated emails and scheduled payments.
- Fixed no being able to rearrange products and options in collections if "Upload folders to create sub galleries" is set to default in the photo uploader
- Fixed when having Deleting Purchased Photos options checked in Settings -> Photo Settings and orders are archived, still deleting the photos.
- Fixed graphic options for products not adding the additional cost if additional cost is added to the option
- Fixed conflict when using gallery exclusive mode and setting the photo display settings to open with the first photo as a slideshow and then viewing cart or checking out it opens the first photo again.
- Fixed sale message showing when set to show above all product groups and the sale is set to start in the future.
- Added to the function that checks to see if a booking is taken while checking out to include the book ID of the one currently being booked in case of a network delay in the function which could possibly make it delay until after the payment processing is completed.
- Fixed collections that include other collections totaling prices from the include collections along with the main collection price.
- Fixed is photo is marked as do not allow download still showing download as free download when photo is enlarged.
- Changed the login with Facebook logo
3.4.4 March 29, 2019
Follow-up update for 3.4 to fix a few issues from this update. Scroll down to see the major changes for the 3.4 update.
- Fixed assigning price lists to sub galleries that have addtional order fields not showing the additional fields at checkout.
- Fixed when using a splash window, behind the splash window has a message unable to find photo.
- Fixed options for buy alls not being calculated correctly.
- Fixed not being able to click to enlarge and view photos of customer favorites in the admin.
3.4.3 March 21, 2019
Follow-up updates for version 3.4. Includes 3.4.1 - 3.4.3
- Fixed not being able to add products other than product base products to price lists in the admin
- Fixed overriding collection price in price list not using the override price after adding to cart.
- Adjusted padding on product group titles when product groups shown in a list.
- Fixed products marked as do not allow discounting still getting discounted because of an error in the sale functions in the 3.4 update.
- Fixed next icon going off screen and uncentered photo when viewing an enlarged photo on a computer from a gallery with no purchasing options and the zoom level set to 100% or less in the browser.
- Fixed when having more than 1 date in a special event in the booking calendar and deposit not required and having more than 1 slot per time available not being able to book more than 1 spot.
- Fixed when viewing photos in green screen background folders showing not showing the photo when clicking to enlarge.
3.4.0 March 19, 2019
New Sale Option
Create a sale for products in your price lists. You can have a sale on all products in your price list or set a sale just on certain product groups. For example, run a sale on prints but not on downloads.
You can also create discount levels to offer more of a discount if more is purchase.

New Product Group Display Options
There is now an option to display your product groups in a list instead of selecting tabs to view the products.

You have the option to use the tabs like it has been, use the tabs on computer / full size screens and as a list on mobile / small screens, or as a list on all devices.
This option is in the settings menu of your price lists in Photo Products -> Price Lists. I also added an option at the bottom of the list of price lists to set this option for all price lists.
See the product group display section in the manual here for more information.
Other additions & changes in this update include:
- Made is when viewing a photo and scrolling the products, the photo doesn't scroll and stays on the screen for computer/full display (fixed display).
- Added an option to rearrange product groups in price lists by dragging and dropping instead of having to edit the display order in each group. Arrange Product Groups link when viewing the price list.
- Added the option for Text/Information in price lists that can be displayed above the list of products. Photo Products -> Price Lists and Settings for the price list.
- Added backup code when copying photos from Amazon S3 when the copy function fails for no reason.
- Added category name to gallery names on the packing slip / print version of the order.
- Added the option to "do not group products by photos" when exporting products on orders. By default, products are grouped together by photo file names. Checking this option it will export each product on its own line.
- Added the option to export prices for products & category names on the product export on orders. Setting in Orders -> Product/Order Export Settings
- Added a default option for "Upload folders to create sub-galleries" when uploading photos. It will remember the last option you used.
- Added back to product list button when someone has a collection in their cart and view a photo that is using a price list that doesn't contain the collection and can't add photos to the collection.
- Added the file name for backgrounds in green screen galleries over the background photo where it is being selected.
- Added "Add & manage photos in your collection." text under the view my collection button that shows above the products when a collection is in the cart.
- Added the option to not display the wall designer option (if enabled) in the price list on mobile.
- Made it where when using a green screen gallery and passcode photos to not show the background selections until a passcode has been entered.
- Made product names when adding photos to collections bolder and the collection count (0 of 3 selected) a lighter color so the product name stands out better.
- Updated the admin photo view.
- Fixed "Do not allow to be purchased as a download or downloaded as a free download" not saving when editing photo.
- Fixed error expected integer value for some Square users when payment is made.
- Fixed the gallery thumbnails not loading when someone purchases an extension for an expired gallery with individual access.
- Fixed paid gallery extensions not getting updated when using the manually collecting credit card information then applying payment.
- Fixed when gallery is set to open first photo of gallery as a slideshow, and showing sub galleries with no photos in the main gallery opening with a window saying photo not found.
- Fixed product export from order list not saving as the file name entered into the file name field.
- Fixed the login page title having an H3 tag instead of a H1 tag because it didn't match the tag for the title of the create account page.
- Fixed graphic options not working on products within collections that have graphics options.
- Fixed when clicking to a gallery from the home page, then clicking a photo, then clicking back, not able to click back one more time.
- Fixed scheduled payment reminders still being sent to orders sent to trash or deleted.
- Fixed download credit purchases not showing on packing slip / printable version.
- Fixed download credits and egift cards not showing on archived orders.
- Fixed mini photo shown next to add photo to collection for selection only collections not displaying when images are hosted on Amazon S3.