3.3.1 Jan 30, 2019
Follow-up update to 3.3
- Fixed icons color and menu background color over justified thumbnails not using theme colors
- Fixed the large photo display file only using the large file and not the small one if selected in the photo display settings.
- Fixed gap at top of photo view in gallery exclusive mode after scrolling down then clicking a photo.
3.3.0 Jan 29, 2019
Support forum post on this update.
In this Sytist 3.3 update I reworked most of the view photos & purchase interface.
Now on mobile, thumbnails will be displayed in 2 columns with the justified & stacked (masonry) photo display options (depending on the orientation of the photos) and customers will tap the photos to view. There we have the purchasing options, add to favorites, share, etc... while viewing the photo. Swipe left/right or tap the arrows to navigate photos.
This also now allows B&W previews and slideshow functionality.

Basically the computer & mobile view are the same now except on the computer the photo products are to the right of the photo and on mobile the products are underneath the photo. Technically a lot changed with all this, but I won't get into that.

On all devices you now have view cart and my favorites links pinned to the bottom of the screen for quick access.
Now on the computer when you click to enlarge the photo from photo view, there is a magnifying glass to view more detail if the photo is actually larger than the viewing are. On mobile you can tap then pinch zoom.

You can view these changes in a demo gallery here.
Other additions & changes in this update include:
- Photo view count. Since on mobile the customer taps to view the photos, we can count photo views. You will see an eye icon under the thumbnails in the admin with how many times the photo has been viewed and the date/time last views. Note: it won't log photo views if you are viewing the gallery and logged into the admin. This also starts with this update.
- Reworked the justified thumbnails photo display option so the photos don't get cropped anymore.
- Made the shipping address fields hidden when ship to billing address is checked at checkout for a cleaner layout especially on mobile.
- Added a function to the checkout page to check to see if the shopping cart has been modified in another tab or device (items added or removed) and if so, reload the page and totals.
- Centered the next/back buttons during checkout and removed the checkout progress elements on mobile.
- Added batch delete of photo products in the product base & collections.
- Added a total count of price lists, products & collections in the left menu of the Photo Products section of the admin.
- Reworked the delete queue (gradually deleting photos when deleting galleries) to prevent multiple requests at one time and added the option to pause the photo delete queue.
- Made modifications to the files that get called to display sub-galleries and thumbnails to not render if the gallery is expired or closed and you are not logged into the admin. This is to prevent those files from being shown independently in those cases.
- Addressed some compatibility issues with PHP 7.2
- Made it so passwords for photos (passcode photos) can contain special characters like + and & signs.
- Added booking date and time to order emails and order view.
- Removed the static icon menu on thumbnail photos when viewing favorites.
- Added a check when someone logs in at checkout if they have an existing paid access in their cart for the same gallery deleting the duplicate cart entries.
- Fixed when download option added to a print is set to "Do not allow download until I upload a replacement file or manually approve it" still allowing download before approved.
- Fixed No multiple bookings by the same person & Override booked times from other services options disappearing when mousing over the area and there are options added to the booking service when editing a booking service.
- Fixed editing a photo in the admin and selecting multiple existing tags, only the last tag saving.
- Fixed when viewing favorites, the buy all photos and download all (if available) buttons pushed to the right on mobile.
- Fixed when print products include a download in a pre-order gallery, the download not available when the customer comes back to select photos later.
- Fixed product options to standard products on pre-order pages not showing prices including tax if enabled
- Fixed missing upload photos link when viewing a greenscreen background folder in the admin.
- Fixed when having a custom price list assigned to an account with free downloads and have individual photos in a gallery assigned to a different price list from the main gallery, free downloads not working on those images,
- Fixed when using special events in booking calendar not accounting for how many slots per time are available for each date of the special event.