3.1.1 Sept 15, 2018
Follow-up update to 3.1
- Fixed not being able to upload watermark file.
- Fixed loading thumbnail animation sometimes not going away and showing under list of sub galleries when there are photos in sub galleries and no photos in the main gallery.
3.1.0 Sept 13, 2018
- Added a new/best way for pre-order sales. Learn More.
- Added a new way to have group/class photos when using the Passcode Photos feature. Learn More.
- Added 3 extra fields for Passcode Photos that can have data in photos that can be exported in product exports from orders (example grade, teacher, etc...). See under "The EXTRA columns" on this page.
- Added the option on whether or not to treat untitled photos (no password) in a passcode photo gallery as group photos or not. Settings -> Photo Settings.
- Re-worked additional fields at checkout in price lists and added dropdown & checkbox options. These are located in the "additional order fields / options" in your price lists.
- Added the option to add a message on the checkout page in the price lists in additional order fields / options in your price lists.
- Added when duplicating a price list you can set the name of the price list before duplicating.
- Added the option to not display what the collection includes on the customer side when they are viewing available collections. Option when editing collections.
- Added the Add Photo text next to the checkmark when adding photos to collections.
- Added the option to batch edit photo data (title, password, caption, etc...). Select photos and click the edit icon in the tray that opens at the bottom of the screen.
- Added size dimensions for facebook shared photos.
- Added back the option to delete IP address from visitor stats
- Added a notice in the Alerts section of the admin home page if the error log is greater than 10MB and the option to delete it.
- Centered the download all photos & buy all buttons on the gallery page and moved below page text. If you rather have them aligned left or right : .gallerybuttonsmenu { text-align: right; }
- Added a max-width of 160px for thumbnails in order emails
- Reworked the gallery search box where it is neater on mobile.
- Fixed error when adding $ signs to sub product names for store items.
- Fixed when viewing a gift certificate order the from/to inverted on the admin order view.
- Fixed errors from PHP 7.2
- Removed canceled booking appointments from daily print out.
- Fixed screen stops scrolling on mobile when a package is added to cart then you add photos to the cart then you click the cart icon.