Below are the additions, changes and fixes for Sytist. How to update.
5.2.5 - January 18, 2024
Follow-up update. See 5.2 below for major changes.
- Fixed # of photos in collections drop down options not working after the 5.2 update.
- Made first & last names required for checkout in Settings -> Account Requirements since payments need that information and without it the order won't be placed.
- Fixed tab product options for store items not saving when adding to cart.
5.2.4 - December 17, 2024
Follow-up update. See 5.2 below for major changes.
- Fixed missing fields error at checkout when you don't ask for a state or country in the account requirements and require a shipping address.
- Fixed when download photos in zip files and they are watermarked for logo added, duplicating one photo for each one.
- Fixed when selecting an existing photo in a gallery as a preview photo it sometimes removing the existing preview photo from the gallery.
5.2.3 - December 14, 2024
- Follow-up update to fix tax not getting charged in some scenarios that don't require shipping info from a change in the 5.2.0 upgrade. See 5.2 below for all changes.
5.2.2 - December 13, 2024
- Follow-up update to fix paying invoices not working caused from a change in the 5.2.0 upgrade. See 5.2 below for all changes.
5.2.1 - December 12, 2024
- Follow-up update to fix downloads not working when photo is processed caused from a change in the 5.2.0 upgrade. See 5.2 below for all changes.
5.2 - December 12, 2024
- Added the option to restrict which gallery someone can add photos to pre-ordered products.
- Added the option to print out QR codes with the photos that have been taken of that subject. Additional information toward the bottom of this page.
- Added the option to export data from QR passcode galleries with the order product export like subject first & last names, passcode, leader and extra fields. To enable those fields go to Orders -> Product/Order Export Settings
- Added a Forgot Passcode option for QR Passcode Photos & Passcode Photos galleries when there are email associated with passcodes. If an email is found with a passcode for that specific gallery, it will email them their passcode(s).
- Added information to the second half of this page on how to use screenshots of QR codes for QR Passcode galleries:
- Changed up checkout flow so it doesn't ask to ship to billing address or different address before the shipping option is shown. Now it will only show a shipping address option AFTER they have selected a shipping option.
- Added additional checks at checkout for modified fields at when paying.
- Added for dropdown options in products & price list options a list option where you can enter in / copy & paste a list of options to select from instead of enter in the options as line items.
- Added the option to merge accounts. It is in the Action menu when viewing an account in the admin.
- Added the option in the Product Export for orders "Select a certain purchased photo product to export " which will only export the photos with that product. Example: only export purchased 5x7s from selected orders.
- Added when downloading photos from multiple orders the option to only download photos that were purchased as a certain product .
- Added when replacing a photo or photos in a Passcode Photos gallery or QR passcode gallery, not to replace the photo passcode (photo title). Previously it would remove the passcode when updating the photo data on upload.
- Added when deleting a photo product from the product base or a collection, delete it from any active shopping carts.
- Added + - icons to adjust quantities for pre-orders
- Added to the " Do not allow purchasing from multiple galleries on the same order" option in price lists to check at checkout incase someone logs in and their account had photos in their cart from another gallery. It was only stopping them from adding to the cart from different galleries. Now it checks at checkout too.
- Added where email addresses are inputted by a visitor in forms, account creation, email to access gallery, booking requests and checkout, changing the input type to type="email" instead of text so the browser can do email validation.
- Added placeholders to fields that ask for password and email when accessing a page. Also added some spacing to that page.
- Added when sending out gallery invite emails, to check in the automated messages queue for duplicate entries based on email AND subject. Previously it would only check for the email which would cause someone not get put in the queue of they had someone in another gallery that was just sent emails and still in the queue.
- Added when creating a booking invoice and the booking is taxable and the booking doesn't not have an account to calculate tax on, to automatically calculate tax based on your settings.
- Added when deleting a gallery, delete gallery specific coupons & active carts with photos from that gallery.
- Added salt to the MD5 hash when creating photo file names.
- Fixed "Tax rate for all pickup orders" only working if "Calculate tax on billing or shipping address" was set to shipping address. It will now also work when it is set to billing address.
- Fixed country not getting added to invoices when creating an invoice from a booking service and in turn causing issues when trying to pay the invoice with the credit / debit card option in PayPal Checkout.
- Fixed the "show only" option when viewing photos in the admin to show only purchased or unpurchased photos not working correctly with photos on archived orders.
- Fixed menu when searching orders from the search form in the header going off screen when you have really long questions for additional checkout fields.
- Fixed when deleting a sub gallery preview photo not redirecting to the correct page.
- Added alt="pixel" to email tracking pixel.
- Fixed with green screen photos thumbnail not showing correctly once added to cart mainly with horizontal images and vertical backgrounds
- Fixed issue with booking calendar special events and short sessions (like 5 minutes) not showing all the available spots when there is another active special event on the same day with different a length.
- Removed sub galleries from the gallery exclusive mode when hide sub galleries is checked.
- Removed from the 5.0 update since Apple products can't upload photos in the correct order: Made it when uploading with the built in uploader setting the values for the gallery and sub gallery preview photo. (had been in the FTP upload but somehow missed the regular uploader).
5.1.1 - October 1, 2024
Follow-up update. See 5.1 for major changes.
- Fixed Square payments not working when paying invoices
- Fixed keywords not getting captured from the IPTC data with FTP upload.
- Fixed keywords from FTP process carrying over to other photos being processed in the same session.
5.1 - September 25, 2024
- Updated downloading photos in zip files that if the total size of the zip file goes beyond 3GB, it will automatically create multiple zip files. 4GB is the max that can be generate, so this resolves the issue with it being too large. The size it starts to generate multiple zip files can be set in Settings -> Photo Settings.
- Added the ability to show only: Purchased photos, photos not purchased, favorited photos and photos not favorited when viewing photos in a gallery in the admin. The new "Show Only ... " menu.
- Added Pre-Order Account Credits
- Added the option for pre-orders: "Customers will return later to select photos for ONLY PRE-ORDERED DOWNLOADS to download those photos.". This way they can get their downloads even if they are not selecting photos for prints. It is in the Settings section of your Price Lists.
- Added "Show only orders with downloads" in the sort section when viewing orders from a gallery to only show the orders with downloads.
- Added phone number option with Pre-Register
- Added Pre-Register text & success text on a per gallery basis.
- Added if a gallery set to QR Passcodes & Pre-Register, you can have visitors pre-register and supply information like subject name, and additional fields that tie in with the QR Passcodes system and automatically generates passcodes.
- Learn more about the Pre-Register update.
- Added Pre-Order to batch edit options.
- Added a check with Square payment option to see if the customer's session has changed when the payment is posted, and if so, stop the payment attempt and display a message. I've seen 1 occurrence where this may have happened possible due to an issue with the customer's device clearing cookie or something in the background.
- Added the additional order fields back that show up when searching from the main search form in the admin.
- Moved the Import Sub Gallery Passwords into the More menu.
- Added page status option when creating a new gallery.
- Made it where all pre-ordered a la cart products must have photos selected to be able to checkout.
- Removed this from the 5.0 upgrade because apparently people like to send the same customers multiple gallery invite emails within 2 hours. So if you have a server hiccup and it sends our multiple emails to the same customer, sorry. Added a check in automated emails to see if an automated email has been sent to an email address (other than the admin email address) within the last 2 hours and if so it will not send the email and delete it from the queue to help prevent multiple emails going out due to network or server issues.
- Fixed group photos in QR passcode galleries not displaying when the photos are in sub galleries.
- Fixed keywords not being read from photos when uploaded via FTP.
- Fixed open orders not assigned in the gallery sort not working.
- Fixed the option to not allow the purchase download credits not working.
- Fixed when buying download credits not forcing to create an account at checkout
- Fixed Maximum width in pixels in Content Area of the Theme editor being pushed down and not visible.
5.0.2 - July 23, 2024
Follow-up update. See 5.0 below for major changes.
- Added to record into the database the last gallery a sub gallery was in when it is moved in case of error.
- Fixed an issue with selected options in collections items when a photo is selected for more than 1 product and then that photo is removed from all products not deleting the recorded options and then multiple options get added when a photo is selected again for that product.
- Fixed when a collection contains other collections and one of those collections is a 1 pose collection showing that the collection is complete.
5.0.1 - July 20, 2024
- Fixed error when viewing orders from some order statuses (unpaid, past due)
5.0 - July 16, 2024
- Updated PayPal Checkout / Advanced Checkout with required changes they have forced to be done by July 31, 2024. If you are using PayPal Checkout / Advanced Checkout you must update your Sytist by July 31, 2024 or it may stop working.
- Added the ability to move sub galleries into other galleries / sub galleries Learn more
- Added a sort orders functionality when viewing orders from a gallery. Sort by payment method, shipping method, coupon used or not, date range, etc.... Learn more
- Added a icon next to the sales totals in the gallery list in the Site Content area that takes you directly to the list of orders for that gallery.
- Changed on list of orders where it says how many downloads, prints & unique images to icons. Also red download icon means all photos have not been downloaded and green download icon means all downloads have been downloaded.
- Added the option for Paid Access & Paid Gallery Extensions to be taxable. Also added a batch option to set these in the Site Content area underneath the left menu.
- Added the QR reading functionality to the Watch Folder option.
- Added the option to not display QR Passcode Photos and Passcode Photos galleries with the list active galleries on website.
- Added the option to display or not the browse folders button that navigates the sub galleries for 1 level sub galleries and multi level sub galleries in Settings -> Photo Settings.
- Added the option with the rearrange photos after upload that contain sub galleries (Settings -> Photo Settings) and also to the Resort Upload option in the gallery to sort by date taken instead of filename.
- Added an information icon under purchased items on admin order view that shows when the item was added to cart, the IP address and if the item is marked as taxable.
- Added to view the additional extra fields from QR passcode data on admin order view with the thumbnails.
- Added the option to create booking service specific coupons that will only apply to that booking server. Coupon tab when editing a booking service.
- Added the option to disable payment options for booking services.
- Added an extra check if an email address is already pending in gallery notices and Automated Emails and not add a duplicate.
- Added a check in automated emails to see if an automated email has been sent to an email address (other than the admin email address) within the last 2 hours and if so it will not send the email and delete it from the queue to help prevent multiple emails going out due to network or server issues.
- Added when replacing a photo on an order that has customer cropping, removing the crop preview of the replaced photo.
- Added an option to set a Canonical URL in Settings -> Metadata
- Removed archived booking services from the list when adding a booking in the admin.
- Made it when replacing photos in a gallery and it is a QR gallery not to overwrite the title / passcode.
- Made it where you have photos with price list A and you try to add photos to it from another price list (B), it currently stops the customer from adding the photo to the collection. Now it checks to see if the product itself is part of the price list B and will allow it to be added to the collection.
- Made it when uploading with the built in uploader setting the values for the gallery and sub gallery preview photo. (had been in the FTP upload but somehow missed the regular uploader).
- Updated Stripe Checkout to work with current API versions.
- Fixed QR gallery share link with password not saving the password when redirecting to the gallery.
- Fixed the URL in the downloaded QR code for the homepage being incorrect.
- Fixed when viewing orders from galleries then trying to download original files from order mixing it up with the photos in the gallery the order is from.
- Fixed when redeeming a bonus coupon and in a gallery view, the manage package area not automatically showing up at the bottom of the screen and also removed the old manage coupon button above the product list that shouldn't be showing.
- Fixed when you have a product group that requires a selection before you can select from another product group and you delete the package from your cart from the tray at the bottom it not locking back the other product groups. Fixed SQL error when duplicating a collection and the SKU contains an apostrophe.
- Fixed a scenario where a savvy user in a QR passcode gallery could open a passcode in one tab, then open another passcode from the same gallery in another tab, click to view photo, then go back to the other tab and add a package to cart that is marked "Do not allow adding photos to this collection from different galleries, sub-galleries & different passcodes" then go back to the other tab, refresh, get to add 1 photo to that package before it shows the photos of the current passcode session.
4.9.4 - May 21, 2024
Follow-up update. Please see 4.9 below for major changes.
- Fixed " Do not allow duplicate photos" being unchecked in collections with selections only not allowing multiple photos to be selected.
- Fixed error in QR passcodes when a group field value has special characters like apostrophes.
- Fixed account ID not saving when changing email to send from the default.
- Fixed sub galleries not being recorded correctly in visitor stats .
- Fixed delete section / category not working when deleting from the tab in edit category (though the link does work in the left menu).
- Fixed when creating a proofing project not using the default password settings.
- Fixed greenscreen instructions not displaying and causing the screen to become unavailable if the window is scrolled any before the instructions pop up.
- Made it where if a customer has photos in their favorites from different passcodes and the collection does not allow adding with different passcodes to remove the option to add all favorites to the collection.
4.9.3 - April 26, 2024
Follow-up update. Please see 4.9 below for major changes.
- Fixed when uploading folders of photos into a sub sub + gallery losing part of the breadcrumb trail in the title.
- Fixed issue with bookings that are using Square as payment getting an error and showing the payment button again and possibly double charging.
- Remove the country from the ship address copy function
4.9.2 - April 22, 2024
Follow-up update. Please see 4.9 below for major changes.
- Fixed resort upload and option to resort photos after upload affecting all sub galleries from all galleries.
- Removed the tab whitespaces when copying address from order.
- Added first and last name QR data on admin order view.
4.9.1 - April 18, 2024
Follow-up update. Please see 4.9 below for major changes.
- Made it with QR Passcode galleries, if you imported or added subject data and that subject doesn't have photos in the gallery (no show), it won't send the gallery invite and reminder emails to those subjects.
- Added to the data in the QR Passcodes tab a photos icon with the number of photos that subject has in the gallery (if photos are uploaded).
- Fixed buy all button showing when having a buy all product group with only show on favorites.
- Fixed the new Browse Folder feature not displaying sub galleries in the correct order.
- Fixed passcode not exporting with the new export photos with QR data option.
4.9 - April 16, 2024
Forum post on this update.
- Added when someone places a pre-order to come back later to select photos they can now place additional pre-orders. Previously it would stop them from placing another pre-order because no photos were selected for the first pre-order. Now they can make multiple pre-orders (like for multiple children).
- Added a "Resort Upload" tab when viewing the Photos in a gallery that has sub galleries to resort the uploaded sub galleries and photos by name / filename ascending.
- Added a Browse Folder feature in the admin to view the folder tree of sub galleries in a gallery.
- Added a Browse Folder button feature to the customer galleries to view the folder tree of sub galleries in a gallery when sub galleries are available.
- Added the option to export all photo file names with QR data from QR Passcode Photos galleries.
- Added the ability to print individual QR print outs with subject data.
- Added the ability to change the passcodes of group QR codes.
- Added a QR code download option in the admin that will link directly to the page / gallery and if it is a password protected gallery or page, it will include the password and won't have to be entered when scanning the QR code. It is located in the Share tab when viewing galleries / pages in the admin.
- Made it when viewing and navigating orders from a gallery to stay within the orders of that gallery when going from order to order. Previously it would list those orders, but when you would view an order and go back it would forget the gallery you were viewing orders from.
- Added a drop down menu to jump from order to order when viewing orders from a specific gallery.
- Added the total number of orders to the Sale Today, Sales Yesterday, etc... at the top of the admin homepage.
- Added some QR code data like subject name, leader under the photos on the admin order view of orders from QR passcode galleries.
- Added the gallery name to pre-orders and collections in the order email sent to customer and admin.
- Added when uploading photos it updates the last modified date/time of the gallery.
- Added a copy to clipboard option to copy shipping address from an order in the admin.
- Added a second verify email address field when entering in a email address to view a gallery that requires an email address to view to help reduce bad email addresses from being entered.
- Made it when "Display a masthead (1 billboard slide) of the first photo or cover photo on pages displayed in this section" is checked in a section and the gallery has no photos (like a pre-order) not to display an empty billboard container.
- Made some tweaks to speed up the All Photos section.
- Fixed issue on some servers with uploading QR photos not working and generating 500 errors.
- Fixed tax-exempt accounts still getting charged tax in some cases.
- Added back Prep / Travel Time for booking calendar special events that was accidentally removed in the 4.8 update.
- Fixed bookings that use a credit is still showing money owed because it is not taking the credit into account.
- Fixed products from collections that include other collections on pre-orders not getting added to the order.
- Fixed Add / Edit Payment not working when trying to apply a payment to an existing order that has a gift certificate on it.
- Fixed issue with some states duplicating when going to Settings -> Countries and States and also bad encoding with accented characters.
- Fixed the option in product groups for buy alls "If this product group includes Buy Alls, ONLY offer when a customer is ordering from favorites." not working.
- Fixed possible incorrect tax calculations when there are multiple states in the database with the same abbreviation.
4.8.5 - March 4, 2024
Follow-up update. Please see 4.8 below for major changes.
- Fixed when creating a new gallery with the new gallery dialog it not remembering the price list selected if it is not the default price list.
- Fixed passcodes [PASSCODE] not going into emails for original passcode photos method.
4.8.4 - March 1, 2024
Follow-up update. Please see 4.8 below for major changes.
- Fixed field labels not showing when editing an entry on the QR mobile site.
- Fixed error with Godaddy hosting (and maybe others) when trying to process QR codes.
- Fixed not being able to edit or create new Forms in the Forms section.
- Fixed image options not counting toward free shipping coupon calculations.
- Fixed with QR passcodes and FTP upload process QR codes photos getting previous passcode.
- Fixed error in Design -> Page Text
- Made mobile view of list & view of orders in admin a little better
4.8.3 - February 28, 2024
Follow-up update. Please see 4.8 below for major changes.
- Fixed "Print QR Code Without Subject Data" QR code linking to
- Fixed mobile sub menu not showing in Settings section (redid how the mobile menu shows in general).
- Fixed error when processing FTP upload and checking for QR codes.
- Fixed missing link in passcode URLs when emailing passcode information.
4.8.2 - February 27, 2024
Follow-up update. Please see 4.8 below for major changes.
- Fixed issue with the updated PHPMailer() that was causing orders to appear not to be placed because of a conflict with the new PHPMailer integration and sending a second notification email.
- Fixed category preview photos not displaying.
- Fixed error when trying to view a list of QR entries and PHP 8 Fatal error: Uncaught TypeError: in_array():
- Fixed an error when trying to export entries from a QR Passcodes gallery and PHP 8.
- Made QR code display on mobile device to shrink down when screen resolution is low / zoomed in.
4.8.1 - February 26, 2024
Follow-up update. Please see 4.8 below for major changes.
- Fixed booking special events not working when the option to add subject name fields is not enabled.
- Fixed uploaded gallery previews not showing.
4.8 - February 26, 2024
Support forum post on this upgrade
- QR Passcode Photos! Generate QR codes that contain a photo passcode to photograph when photographing subjects that automatically password protects the subjects' photos in the gallery. Learn more. Video tutorial.
- Updated PayPal Checkout to Advanced Checkout where you can enable the credit card form to display directly on the page.
- Added the option to add "Subject First Name" and "Subject Last Name" fields to booking services to collect the subject's name (e.g., child's name when parent is booking).
- Added the ability for Special Events in the booking calendar if there are multiple dates to be able to show only bookings for certain dates.
- Added the option for lead time to special events so you can prevent same day bookings. Set lead time to 1 to prevent same day bookings.
- Added to the "Do not allow adding photos to this collection from different galleries, sub-galleries" option in collections to include not allowing to add photos with different passcodes. So a parent can't add multiple children to the same collection without having to create different sub galleries for siblings.
- Changed the way the stats file is rendered which now doesn't use the document.write() javascript function
- Added a &display=swap value with the script loading Google fonts to help with page load and to display system fonts until Google fonts are loaded.
- Now compatible with PHP 8.2
- Rearranged some of the items in the main menu of the admin.
- Updated PHPMailer to version 6.9.1 which is now compatible with PHP 8.
- Made it so prints that include a download can be added more than once to a collection as long as "Do not calculate shipping" is not checked for that print product.
- Made it so greenscreen photos can be added multiple times as a download to a collection as long as a different background is selected.
- Changed the All Photos section to not automatically load the left menu (tags, upload sessions) which can make it take a long time to load.
- Made some cosmetic changes to the admin.
- Fixed an issue with booking calendar special events and having a booking entry for the day with " Block out all available slots for this time " and the start time of the special event being later in the day.
- Fixed photo file name not exporting in ordered products export in some cases.
- Fixed with booking reminder text messages message going to a wrong number if a message is added to the queue where one booking has an account and the next does not getting the next one the phone number from the previous one.
- Fixed meta data from photos not getting read when the photos has to be rotated on uploaded.
- Fixed photo file size being recorded when discard original is checked.
- New getting started video
4.7.3 - December 6, 2023
Follow-up update to 4.7. See 4.7 below for major changes.
- Fixed when overwriting the price list of individual photos in a gallery not allowing photos to be added to some collections and allowing others to be added to collections that shouldn't be.
- Also changed up the way it determines what price list the collection was added to cart from to accommodate all the different options.
4.7.2 - December 5, 2023
Follow-up update to 4.7. See 4.7 below for major changes.
- Fixed when text in the added collection to cart notice includes an apostrophe creating a JavaScript error and causing the manage collection element not to show when someone is redeeming a print credit.
- Fixed when redeeming a print credit and the collection for the print credit isn't included in the price list of the gallery not allowing adding photos to the print credit collection.
- Fixed when collection includes other collections and the included collection is not part of the price list not allowing to select a photo for the products in the included collection .
4.7.1 - November 30, 2023
Follow-up update to 4.7. See 4.7 below for major changes.
- Fixed JPG images mixed in a Green Screen gallery showing broken images when added to a collection.
- Fixed when text in the added collection to cart includes an apostrophe creating a JavaScript error and causing the manage collection element not to show.
- Fixed for extra photos in collections not showing price including VAT if enabled and taxable.
- Fixed when ctype functions have been removed (which checks if a request value is alphanumeric) by the host for some unknown reason and error saying the eregi function does not exist causing some pages not to load (like customer account login).
4.7 - November 29, 2023
Post in support forum about this upgrade
- Added a new redeveloped way for customers to select images for their collections (packages). Learn more.
- Now when a customer removes a photo from a 1 pose package, it removes the photo from all products. When they add a new photo to a 1 pose package, it will add the photo to all products in the package.
- Added when removing a photo from a package and the photo is selected for multiple products, it will give the option to remove the photo for all products or just the one.
- Collections will now not allow a photo to be selected twice as a download (the same download product).
- Added the option to selections only collections to not allow duplicate photos.
- With the extra photo / extra new photo on collections you can now offer the extra without an extra "new" photo. Previously a price for extra new photo was required.
- Added another back to product list link when viewing products to add to cart.
- Added the option for a description for image options that display above the options. (Photo Products -> Price Lists -> Image Options for the price list then at the bottom of that window).
- Moved image options to below the product options.
- Added disabling submit and showing loading animation on create account form.
- Made it so purchased download photos can't be downloaded if the payment status has been set to trashed.
- Made it where it won't show the option for greenscreen backgrounds until a password is entered for a password protected gallery.
- Made it when a booking service is set to auto confirm with payment and payment made by a pay offline method it won't auto confirm it.
- Added a check for the PHP version running on the hosting and a notice if it is not a compatible version.
- Fixed photos that have to be rotated on upload having the mini photos not cropped correctly and width / height values for the original file backwards.
- Fixed download only orders not automatically being archived if enabled when paying with PayPal Checkout.
- Fixed [ORDER_LINK_OPEN] replace code not working when adding payment to an offline payment option on an order and selecting to send an order email.
- Fixed when exporting orders and packages that contain image options and exporting with the older method and grouping by photo products exporting the same quantity for the same photo twice or more.
4.6.1 - October 9, 2023
- Fixed a issue from a bug with some iPhones that could cause the payment to be taken but no order created in Sytist when using PayPal Checkout
- Fixed keywords that contain spaces not getting added to the photo when processed in some cases.
- Removed the link in the action menus for Stats & Sales when an add-on admin doesn't have access to the Orders section (the Stats & Sales tab was already being removed).
- Fixed in Gallery Exclusive mode favorites total at the top of the page being doubled in rare cases on page load.
- Fixed when importing passcodes and there is an unnamed column with data, adding the file name as customer information in the People tab.
- Fixed when downloading photos from multiple orders in the admin and selecting to put photos in folders based on order numbers skipping photos they were include in a previous order in the batch.
4.6 - August 21, 2023
Forum post on this update
- Added an activity log for orders that logs when the admin changes the status of the order, archives, sends shipping email, edits payment information and more. Can be found when viewing the order in the admin down below the Notes section. Only logs moving forward.
- Moved the filename display and photo count when viewing an enlarged photo on the customer side centered underneath the photo (was in the upper left).
- Added the options to display (or not) photo filename, display (or not) the image count (2/52) and removing the file extension from the displayed file name when viewing an enlarged photo on the customer side. Global setting in Settings -> Photo Settings.
- Added an "Archive" status for galleries and pages where it removes the galleries from the list of content in the Site Content area but still keeps it in an Archived section (tab at the top of the Site Content area) where you can still reference the total sales for the gallery.
- Added an indicator (red currency sign) next to the list of bookings for an event or date to show that the customer still owes money (unpaid invoice, new invoice needs to be created, etc...)
- Added the option with Automated Emails for "Do not send admin notices of these emails" for expiring galleries, early bird specials and abandoned shopping carts. Option when editing the messages in Settings -> Automated Messages.
- Added the option to disable admin booking emails sent when someone makes a booking. "Do not send me booking notice emails" option when editing booking services.
- Added the option when downloading photos from multiple orders from the admin to place them into order number folders
- Added the option to set a name for photo zip files being downloaded. Settings -> Photo Settings
- Added removing .jpeg and .png file extensions when exporting customers' favorites and filenames on orders.
- Added a Select Batch dropdown option for coupons when batches of coupons have been created.
- Added on orders with Paid Access the date access is valid through.
- Added displaying the element ID for hero / billboards when editing row stylings of the element in the page designer which you can use to tweak the display based on screen size using additional CSS. (See instructions here).
- Added with Passcode Photos and if importing passcodes with email addresses showing the passcode under the customer's name while in the People tab of the gallery.
- Added with Passcode Photos and if importing passcodes with email addresses the option to export the passcode with the customer information in the export option of the People tab.
- Added an additional confirmation dialog when batch deleting galleries / pages.
- Made some adjustments for an issue with PayPal checkout taking payment but not creating orders intermittently in some cases.
- Fixed error with Stripe Checkout when an email address entered contains a space.
- Fixed not being able to pay invoices with Stripe Checkout
- Fixed store items that are on sale that displays the price including VAT not showing the original price including VAT.
- Fixed notices logging in the error log in some cases " PHP Deprecated: substr_count(): Passing null to parameter #1 ($haystack) of type string is deprecated" when $_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING'] returns null.
- Fixed when exporting orders with pre-orders that are not coming back to select photos and packages with more than one quantity multiplying quantities on export.
- Added trimming the length of the description sent with PayPal checkout to 125 characters (more than that can cause errors).
4.5.5 - July 18, 2023
4.5 Follow-up update. See 4.5 below for all changes
- Fixed in some cases depending on settings orders with just downloads coming through without payment.
4.5.4 - July 14, 2023
4.5 Follow-up update. See 4.5 below for all changes
- Fixed PayPal checkout not working when paying invoices.
- Added a Pay Later to funding source tag with PayPal Checkout script source to see if it forces Pay Later for users outside of the USA .
4.5.3 - July 12, 2023
4.5 Follow-up update. See 4.5 below for all changes
- Added customer address with data sent with PayPal checkout payments.
- Made more tweaks to the new export option to deal with many product options and fixed showing more than should be for quantity in some cases.
- Fixed when importing passcodes for a passcode photos gallery adding the filename under the thumbnail multiple times when not importing the extra data.
4.5.2 - July 9, 2023
4.5 Follow-up update. See 4.5 below for all changes
- Fixed single pose collections with multiple image options only getting 1 image option added to cart.
- Fixed new product export option when displaying all products on export (including 0 quantity) not putting the product quantity in the correct column.
- Fixed new product export option showing multiples of the same image on the same order for each product option .
- Added the option to label columns in the new export either the SKU or product name.
4.5.1 - July 7, 2023
4.5 follow-up update
- Fixed error with PayPal checkout and PHP 8
4.5 - July 3, 2023
Forum post on this update
- Added a new way to export purchased photo products from orders where there is a column for each product and the quantity for those for each photo. Learn more.
- Added VENMO option with PayPal checkout.
- [Passcode Photos] Added the option to import email addresses and names for Passcode Photos galleries which can be used to send out gallery invite emails which includes the passcodes
- [Passcode Photos] Add the option to automatically generate passwords for the passcode photos feature.
- [Passcode Photos] Added for a gallery owner to be able to see all photos in a Passcode Photos gallery without any passwords. Gallery owner option when editing a gallery.
- [Passcode Photos] Added a new default invite to view gallery email for passcode photos gallery that will sent out indiviual passcodes. ONLY for passcodes imported via CSV file.
- [Passcode Photos] Added the option to clear all passcodes from the photos in a passcode gallery in the Passcode tab dialog.
- Learn more about the updates with Passcode Photos.
- Changed the calculation of the sales for a gallery to the complete total that includes discounts, shipping, taxes, etc... and an indication if an order from the gallery contains photos from a different gallery. It also shows a break down of products total, discounts, shipping, tax, etc...
- Added a gallery total sales column in the Site Content area to see the total sales of each gallery in the list.
- Added a "remove all" for pre-registered people for a gallery.
- Updated MailChimp integration to V3. The previous integration, V2, was turned off on June 5, 2023.
- Added the option to ONLY show Buy All products when customer is viewing favorites. Edit the product group that contains your buy alls for that option.
- Added a test mode / sandbox option for PayPal Checkout
- Added a search function to search for accounts when selecting a gallery owner.
- Added a check when getting IPTC / EXIF keywords if the keyword is alpha numeric or not and if not discard the keyword.
- Added some additional indexes to the database may help speed in some areas.
- Added adding product descriptions to cart and orders for pre-orders too.
- Fixed when adding a collection to cart from a greenscreen gallery & running PHP 8 only 1 product getting added to the cart from the collection due to an error with PHP 8.
- Fixed PHP warning when exporting print credits and running PHP 8.
- Made additional order fields display even when there is not one for the 1 field.
- Fixed when download photos in a zip file and a) the photo has a uppercase file extension and b) the photo is being resized not adding that photo to the zip file.
- Fixed not being able to delete a billboard when using PHP 8
- Fixed phone number not getting formatted for text message for booking confirmations.
- Fixed being able to create an account with a duplicate email address when it was created with a whitespace.
- Fixed invoice payments made with PayPal checkout not getting payment status Completed which makes it not show up in the total sales.
- Fixed when copying product dropdown options not keeping the same order as the one being copied.
- Tweaked the function that checks for user changed hidden checkout fields that may be causing in some very rare cases to loose the sub total and not get tax, credit, etc...
4.4.3 - March 29, 2023
Follow-up update to 4.4. Please see 4.4 for major changes below.
- Fixed a log element showing in the upper left screen when using certain page listing layouts.
4.4.2 - March 28, 2023
Follow-up update to 4.4. Please see 4.4 for major changes below.
- Added Do not allow downloads option to the batch editing of photos.
- Fixed total sales on the admin homepage calculating orders with payments added but set to pending.
- Fixed seeing rn rn rn displayed in some emails sent to the admin when using PHPmailer to send emails caused changes made to deal with GoDaddy email stupidness.
- Fixed when downloading free photos in a zip file from a passcode photos gallery keeping the original download available and not allowing other passcodes to download.
- Fixed searching for people to assign to free download not working.
- Fixed PHP warnings from the sy-vstats.php file
4.4.1 - March 8, 2023
Follow-up update to 4.4. Please see 4.4 for major changes below.
- Fixed missing required fields error at checkout when purchasing just downloads and other fields for non-download-only orders are required but not showing.
- Fixed admin not being able to download all original files from a gallery in some situations.
4.4 - March 7, 2023
Forum post on this upgrade
- A new method of downloading multiple photos in a zip file has been developed that no longer has to split into multiple zip files, gives an estimated process time and more. Learn more.
- Added the ability to download original photo files from multiple orders from the order list in the admin
- Added the ability to download all original files from a gallery in the admin.
- Added when downloading multiple photos from an order with greenscreen photos it will download those with the background applied.
- Added Stats -> Photo Downloads. This will show all photos downloaded from the site which includes free downloads, purchased downloads and downloads with download credits.
- Added to the Stats & Sales section of a gallery to show total free downloads, purchased downloads, downloads with credits and links to the photo downloads stats for those just from that gallery.
- Added a Photo Downloads tab when viewing a customer account that will link to the download stats to show downloads just from that person.
- Added from the list of orders with downloads how many of the photos have been downloaded from the order (9/9 downloaded)
- Added the ability to disable address fields when someone is only purchasing download photos. Settings -> Account Requirements.
- Added the ability to disable the option to create an account when only purchasing download photos, overriding the default settings. Settings -> Account Requirements.
- Added the ability to see active shopping carts for specific galleries in the Stats & Sales tab of the gallery and the option to delete all carts associated with that gallery.
- Added the option to delete all active shopping carts in Stats -> Shopping Carts.
- Made it when download free downloads to automatically close the download dialog after 2 seconds after the customer has selected the download.
- Made more adjustments to deal with godaddy's crap blocking emails from being sent (the only host with an issue).
- Download stats for individual photos (download icon under thumbnails in the admin) will also list downloads from orders. Previously only showed free downloads. This only works moving forward.
- Added a notice in admin homepage alerts if the ZIP functions are not enabled in the PHP configuration.
- Changed when in the Text & Settings section of a page in the admin to automatically display the sub menu then collapse it and adding a More menu when viewing the photos section.
- Updated the getting started information and functionality which now has a button at the bottom of the screen to show getting started stuff. (NOTE: When updating and getting started is enabled you will get a Getting Started popup after updating. It's ok.)
- Fixed in some cases stats not recording an email view for emails sent via automated emails.
- Fixed when adding all favorites to a collection duplicating photos in some cases.
- Fixed search within a gallery not working with the option " Do not search copyright & comment fields." checked in Settings -> Photo Settings.
- Removed the "Change from email address or select a different default email" link from the welcome email sent for someone to create their password of an admin created account because it should not have been there.
- Fixed when download individual photos from orders in the admin and the photos are coming off S3, leaving stray photos in the sy-photos folder.
- Removed the quantity option for buy all downloads in the buy all popup.
- Fixed not being able to add more fields to order product exports if using MySQL 8 due to the field name "function" now being a reserved word with MySQL 8.
- Fixed a issue in some instances with PHP 8 and Square not getting a response on payment.
- Fixed when having multiple download added options to a product and more than one selected, not totaling both options.
4.3.4 - December 3, 2022
Follow-up 4.3 update. Please see 4.3 for major changes.
- Added the Prep / Travel time option to special events with the booking calendar.
- Fixed shipping amount not being recorded with orders when the customer is not logged in when starting the checkout process. (the shipping amount was still calculated and charged)
- Made changes with checkout to try to fix the random zero total at checkout probably caused by network timing caused from changes made to secure the checkout process in the previous couple of updates.
- Made an adjustment to the PayPal IPN file to attempt to fix compatibility issues with PayPal Standard Business and PHP 8 in one case (though issue not duplicatable with other PHP 8 installations) .
4.3.3 - November 29, 2022
Follow-up 4.3 update. Please see 4.3 for major changes.
- Fixed issue with last update that could cause the grand total to be zero at checkout and place an order without payment (due to a timing issue updating totals).
4.3.2 - November 28, 2022
Follow-up 4.3 update. Please see 4.3 for major changes.
- Added paid access gallery names, store product names and booking services names to the reports exports
- Fixed contact form emails being rejected by GoDaddy hosting
- Fixed MySQL error when using the jump to page dropdown thumbnail navigation and PHP 8.
- Fixed eGift card redeem manipulation at checkout that could allow someone to use a non existent eGift card to place an order.
4.3.1 - November 16, 2022
Follow-up 4.3 update. Please see 4.3 for major changes.
- Fixed missing search button when no photos in a gallery in the admin.
- Fixed SQL error when editing a coupon with flat shipping.
- Fixed free shipping coupons not working for non-gallery specific coupons.
4.3 - November 14, 2022
- Added Gallery specific coupons where discounts can only be applied to a certain gallery. (Coupons manual) (View gallery, click the More tab and then Coupons)
- Added Free Shipping options to coupons (which can also be gallery specific).
- Added Free Shipping options to Early Bird Discounts
- Added Prep / Travel Time to the booking calendar services. This is the amount of time to block off from the booking calendar BEFORE the appointment.
- Added the ability to increase the year with the booking calendar when making a booking with + - icons.
- Added to People -> All Account Credits a link to view just expired credits & also the total credits on the account.
- Added the option to export expenses in the Reports section
- Added sales total to the Stats & Sales menu tab in the pages / galleries in the admin.
- Added an icon next to "My Cart" on the checkout page to view the shopping cart.
- Added the option to not check copyright & comment fields when using passcode photos in Settings -> Photo Settings.
- Added the option to not search copyright & comment fields when searching for photos in a gallery in Settings -> Photo Settings.
- Completely reworked the shipping section (Settings -> Shipping). All shipping groups & methods displayed on the page, drag and drop to change display order of shipping methods, etc...
- Condensed menu along the top when editing pages / galleries in the admin and added a More option to see rest of options.
- Moved "duplicate this page" option to the main top menu when editing pages.
- Condensed photo menu above the photos in a gallery in the admin and added a More option to see rest of options.
- Add-on Administrators: Removed access to the "Stats & Sales" tab in galleries when add-on admin does not have access to the Orders section.
- Added a Settings -> Countries & States section to enable countries and states at checkout, account, etc... (removed from the shipping section).
- Added symbols next to prices in Photo Products -> Product Case and Collections to show if the product is marked as taxable and if marked as not discountable.
- Updated last modified date/time when editing a page with the page designer.
- Added 2 more hash characters to the thumbnail file.
- Fixed booking options with cents (1.88) not getting the cents part added to the price.
- Fixed when having a pre-order gallery and gallery exclusing on and the price list of the pre-order gallery has a product with required fields stopping the checkout process saying required fields have not been selected.
- Fixed with abandon cart reminder emails + pre-orders + unregistered customers sometimes getting a random cart image added to the email instead of no image.
- Fixed alert popup when selecting options with the booking calendar.
- Fixed time block searches not getting variables added to pagination.
- Fixed with free download only galleries showing "Scroll down for products " on mobile.
- Fixed in booking calendar when a blocked out time ends before the start time making the start time incorrect, sooner than it should be.
- Fixed early bird discountable total not being correct when order has image options in some cases.
4.2.0 September 8, 2022
Another follow-up update to 4.1 because trying to accommodate people causes a lot other problems which I will no longer be doing.
- Fixed not being able to see the contents of shopping cart of unregistered users in the admin.
- Fixed recently added favorites displaying in alphabetical order instead of by date / time added descending.
- Fixed in some cases not all shopping cart contents displaying for the customer.
4.1.9 September 2, 2022
- Fixed not being able to see shopping carts in the admin of customers that are not logged into their account.
4.1.8 September 1, 2022
4.1 Follow-up Update
- Fixed on rare occasions when items are added the cart a lost PHP session and added to cart with null data creating ghost carts.
- Fixed again (correctly) with Square web payments customer ID not being passed which is used as a backup incase the customer session ID is not passed which can cause orders being placed with no products on it.
- Fixed when emailing a contract to multiple people email address getting separated with a semicolan instead of a comma by default.
4.1.7 August 17, 2022
Follow-up update to 4.1 with some bug fixes:
- Fixed auto archive orders not automatically archiving when using Square payments.
- Fixed when viewing favorites in the admin the pages after the first are not in the correct order.
- Fixed with Square web payments customer ID not being passed which is used as a backup incase the customer session ID is not passed which can cause orders being placed with no products on it.
- Fixed tax amount not being recorded in come cases with Square payments (though being charged).
4.1.6 July 18, 2022
Important Update for Square Payment Users. Learn more
- Integrated Square Web Payments card payment front end as the current integration of Square SqPaymentForm being removed by Square on July 21, 2022. More information here.
- Moved the agree to terms & conditions at checkout to the first page.
- Added last 4 card number to orders that shows next to payment type like visa 1234 for square payments
- Fixed packing slips not showing option prices added to package price.
4.1.5 June 15, 2022
Follow-up to 4.1
- Fixed free downloads not working when clicking from thumbnail and using PHP 8 (says invalid category).
- Fixed after editing labels for account returning to the wrong page and showing an error when using PHP 8.
- Fixed not being able to create new contact forms when using PHP 8.
- Fixed not being able to add new form fields to contact forms when using PHP 8.
- Fixed not being able to add new menu links when using PHP 8.
- Fixed not being able to add new administrators when using PHP 8.
- Fixed error message showing when exporting accounts and using PHP 8.
- Fixed error message in export file when exporting orders and using PHP 8.
- Fixed error message in export when exporting mailing list and using PHP 8.
- Fixed error when batch "Add shipping or notify email" and an order contains an eGift cart and using PHP 8.
- Fixed due date showing on orders when there is none and past due when no payment and using PHP 8.
- Fixed error in Stats -> Visitors -> Referrals in some cases and using PHP 8.
- Removed the additional checkout fields from showing from the list of orders.
4.1.4 June 10, 2022
Follow-up to 4.1
- Fixed error in some cases when trying to get the DPI an image when using PHP 8.
- Fixed error in Stats -> Recent Visitors when using PHP 8.
- Fixed not being able to add account credits when using PHP 8.
- Fixed unable to update billboard slide order and settings when using PHP 8.
- Fixed numbers (ID) displaying when emailing customers about a gallery from the admin.
- Fixed enlarged photo sharing not working when photo share description contains an apostrophe or multiple lines.
- Fixed a slow query when deleting photos.
4.1.3 May 20, 2022
Follow-up to 4.1
- Fixed Stripe Checkout - 3d secure V2 / SCA payment option not working with PHP 8
- Fixed booking confirmation emails missing the subject
- Fixed duplicate options on order exports of pre-orders and removed collection options from the product options field so collection options on pre-orders are only in the collection options field.
- Fixed when entering an expense on an order it not retaining the order ID and only showing in the expenses section.
- Fixed reports section not loading with PHP 8 in some cases.
4.1.2 May 10, 2022
Follow-up update to 4.1
- Fixed error in the product base section that causes the rest of the page not to load when a free download has multiple dimensions
- Fixed short URLs not redirecting to the correct page when installed in a sub folder.
4.1.1 May 6, 2022
Follow-up update to 4.1
- Fixed when creating an account from the admin not getting the option to send the welcome email. This won't add it to an account created already. Fixes new accounts created.
- Fixed Twilio text messages not updating the status in the logs.
- Fixed coupon editing and creation missing fields.
- Fixed not being able to create / edit photo product options.
- Removed restriction of having a password protect gallery (or paid access) when using passcode photos.
4.1.0 May 3, 2022
NOTICE!: If you are self-hosting Sytist this update makes it no longer compatible with PHP 5 (the programming language). You are most likely not using PHP 5 unless you are specifically using it for something else. You can check with your host about what PHP version you are using if you are not sure.
- Now compatible with PHP 8, up to 8.1. (This is the program language running on the server)
- Added the option " Do not allow purchasing from multiple galleries on the same order". This is an option in the "settings" of your price lists, Photo Products -> Price Lists.
- Added the option to require agreeing to terms & conditions when creating an account. Settings - Account Requirements.
- Added the option to automatically arrange the photos by file name ascending in sub galleries when uploading folders for sub galleries into the main gallery for when the upload does not upload the photos in order (bug in Apple computers). Settings -> Photo Settings
- Added the ability to batch send out downloads are ready emails. See #4 in this article.
- Added the ability to set the default watermark & logo files and location on a per category basis. Edit the gallery section / category and go to Defaults -> Watermarking.
- Added for pre-orders if customers are coming back to select photos for their pre-ordered products not to charge shipping (since it was probably collected during the pre-order) unless they have added products to their cart that are not part of the package.
- Added the ability to sort customers' favorites in the admin by filename, when added to favorites and uploaded.
- Added when viewing customer favorites in the admin the date & time the photo was added to favorites.
- Added the option to remove customers favorites when viewing their favorites in their account in the admin.
- Added the ability to batch send out downloads are ready emails.
- Added notice in order list if an order is a pre-order
- Added the ability to set the default watermark & logo files and location on a per category basis. Edit the gallery section / category and go to Defaults -> Watermarking.
- Added the ability to sort photos in proofing projects by status (approved, revision requests & rejects).
- Added the ability to export filenames by status of photos in a proofing project.
- Added removing packages that includes other packages that have a buy all from favorites when the option to not offer buy alls in favorites is selected.
- Added when uploading a photo to the text editor applying 0644 permissions to the file.
- Added PHP error reporting option in basic settings.
- Added a check in sub galleries if the parent gallery has a price list assigned to it.
- Added phone number search when searching orders.
- Added when booking service has "Override booked times from other services" checked to override also all day events.
- Added on the bottom of each page of the admin to display what PHP version the server is running.
- Removed the "UNPAID" notice on orders in the admin with scheduled payments added.
- Fixed PCP02 error message when using passcode photos & greenscreen that is shown before the passcode is entered.
- Fixed in booking calendar when you entered in a booking at a time that doesn't fit the intervals (time blocks) it not calculating that booked time into the available times.
- Fixed pay now button not showing on orders where the admin creates the order from the customers' shopping cart in the admin.
- Fixed download all in gallery exclusive mode not showing sometimes.
- Fixed extra photo prices in packages sometimes getting wrong price from another product.
- Fixed with the time blocks option to sort photos by time block 11:pm to 12:AM not working.
- Fixed collection names not exporting for archived orders.
- Fixed when duplicating a page / gallery the new page not getting a new short URL and password.
- Fixed extra photos from collections not saving sale price if on sale through the price list.
- Fixed when sending out booking reminder emails the subject not changing when sent when you change it in the subject area
- Made a change that might be causing pre-order packages getting removed from cart when removing photos from a collection.
4.0.2 August 11, 2021
Another follow-up update for the 4.0 version.
- Added when searching orders to also search the additional fields at checkout values and also display extra fields at checkout in the order list and order search.
- Fixed when a customer adds a photo to favorites then views favorites and then adds a single pose package to cart that is set to collapse description and options not recording the gallery ID and in turn not applying early bird special.
- Fixed when "If this product group includes Buy Alls, do not offer when customer ordering from favorites." is checked in a product group in a price list and you have a product group not marked as a buy all product group but contains buy alls and other products not offering the other products in that product group when viewing favorites.
- Fixed when deleting a product from the product base it not deleting the reference to that product in collections that product was in.
- Fixed collections with only downloads not automatically archiving if that option is selected.
4.0.1 July 29, 2021
Follow-up update to the 4.0 version.
- Fixed shopping cart totals not displaying correctly ($0) in the admin for carts that contain store products.
- Fixed for the booking calendar when blocking out a time and that blockout starts before your booking services time not calculating that blockout time.
- Fixed unpaid message showing on orders in the admin view that are actually $0.00 orders and don't require payment.
- Fixed auto-archiving orders with just downloads not archiving when a coupon is used on the order.
- Fixed print products that include a download auto-archiving when that option is enabled.
- Fixed extra field 3 not exporting on order product exports
- Fixed (well added back) galleries you have access to when logged in not showing with the find my photos form on the homepage.
4.0.0 July 26, 2021
- Added the ability to work with the Entagged barcode system. More Information
- Added "Labels" for accounts which is basically a way to categories your customer accounts. More Information
- Added the option to automatically archive orders that are only download photos AND a) have no options selected and b) are not marked as do not allow download until I manually approve it. This option can be enabled in Settings -> Checkout & Payment.
- Added the ability to create an order from an existing customer shopping cart when viewing that cart in the admin.
- Added a jump to page dropdown above the thumbnails of a gallery to navigate to different thumbnail pages on the front end.
- Added when a gallery is set to pre-registration, if you enter any text into the text field for the page it will display on the pre-registration page instead of the default pre-registration text.
- Added the replace code [ORDER_LINK_OPEN]Click here to view your order[/LINK] for the order shipping default emails.
- Added a check for update link underneath the left menu of the Settings section for when auto-check for updates is disabled or a new update has been released after you have visited the admin page for that day.
- Added customers being able to add the same photo download to cart when it is a greenscreen gallery so different backgrounds can be purchased.
- Added to Stats -> Recently View Pages pagination to view more than the last 100 results.
- Added "Quick Elements" of text, single photo & video to the page designer.
- Made the page designer menu a little smaller.
Changes to the Accounts / People Section:
- Added a "view all" link at the bottom of the account list (People section) to view all results.
- Added a sort by option in the accounts (People section) to sort accounts with more options.
- Added the ability to select then export selected accounts from the account list.
- Put the last active and date created dates in the same column in the account list view and hover over for details.
- Moved the email address and phone number to the hover message when hovering over those icons.
- Moved the option "Show accounts that have not been active more than X days" in the people section to underneath the left menu.
- Fixed when using the cookie warning option the visitor stats not recording whether the visitor is a return visitor.
- Fixed when someone purchases a store product that includes a credit, selects the pay offline option but then comes back and pays with credit card the credit not getting added to their account.
- Fixed 404 errors in the network console when editing with the page designer and Sytist is installed in a sub-folder.
- Fixed not being able to delete page templates from the admin area.
- Fixed when trying to view favorites from passcode photos getting the message "Sorry, your photo passcode has expired or is invalid. Click here to re-enter your passcode".
3.9.5 June 1, 2021
Another follow-up update to the 3.9 release
- Fixed image options in collections added in the 3.9 update doubling the price in cart.
3.9.4 May 13, 2021
Another follow-up update to the 3.9 release
- Fixed missing remove photo from package link.
3.9.3 May 6, 2021
Another follow-up update to the 3.9 release
- Fixed when a price list is set to use a buy icon to display the products instead of automatically displaying them on a computer it not showing the products on mobile view.
3.9.2 May 5, 2021
- Fixed the new PayPal checkout (Smart Buttons) not working.
- Fixed the new feature when viewing the sent & received text messages not showing the account the phone number might belong too in some cases (when phone numbers have -).
- Fixed orders with greenscreen photos selected for selection only collections not downloading the photos from the admin with the background.
3.9.1 April 29, 2021
- Fixed an error with Square payments happening in some cases.
3.9.0 April 28, 2021
- Added reCAPTCHA V2 option to protect forms from spam and malicious bots. (Manual)
- Updated Square payment option for SCA (Strong Customer Authentication). (More info)
- Added PayPal Checkout / Smart Buttons payment option (separate from the Standard Business option). (Manual)
- Added graphic options for the additional order fields at checkout in your price lists which can be used to have customers select a greenscreen background photo on pre-orders for example.
- Added to batch editing pages / galleries: shipping group & paid gallery extensions in the expiration date area.
- Added the option for Image Options for photos in collections. The option can be selected when editing the image options in your price lists (not selected by default).
- Added the option to not use image options on a per collection basis if image options are available.
- Added the option to make booking services discountable or not.
- Added a message "Click or tap the thumbnail photo below to view." when there is only 1 photo available in a gallery.
- Added "single photo centered" option in the standard photos design element in the page designer.
- Added an automatic scroll down to available times for special events in the booking calendar in case there is a long list of available dates.
- Added when adding a photo or graphic to a booking calendar confirmation and reminder email to use the full URL to the file instead of a relative one.
- Added when viewing the sent & received text messages in the stats links to the accounts the number may belong to.
- Added trimming whitespaces (blank spaces) from the beginning and end of fields when saving payment options.
- Added a delete icon next to download credit pricing to delete the pricing.
- Added an option to make the purchase of download credits discountable with a coupon or not.
- Added the ability to delete individual products from cart when viewing customer carts in the admin.
- Added to order products export if more than 1 quantity of a package is purchased the exported products will reflect that. Example if someone purchases 3 of package A and that includes 1 5x7, the exported quantity will show 3.
- Added the ability to download purchased greenscreen photos with the backgrounds from the admin order view
- Changed the "add photo" link to a button when adding photos to a collection and moved it below any options.
- Made adjustments to order view on mobile so quantity is not squished against the extended price
- Moved the main search form in the admin from the main menu to the header.
- Added the main search form in the admin to the mobile view in the header
- Moved the administrators link from the header to the main menu
- Added a check to see if the ZIP functions are enabled in PHP when attempting to apply an update from the admin (will go into effect the next update).
- Fixed when you have a product group set to require a selection before you can purchase other products and someone changes the quantity to 0 in the cart for the required product instead of clicking remove it not deleting products from the other product groups added to cart.
- Fixed mobile viewing and just free downloads in the gallery showing "scroll down to view products" when there are none.
- Fixed when adding a collection to cart that includes other collections that is in a required product group then adding products from other product groups then removing the first collection not removing the products from the other product groups.
- Fixed when using sub products for a store item and having the same photo added to multiple sub product options it not changing the photo for products past the first main option.
- Fixed Stock Photos - when the section has meta data it is overwriting the metadata when viewing a photos.
- Fixed with extra photo / extra new photo in collections not getting sale price if sale is enabled in the price list.
- Fixed photos from archived orders not displaying the icon under the thumbnail for the number of purchases.
- Fixed error "Incorrect DATETIME value" in some cases in Stats -> Recent Visitors
- Fixed bug when the uploader is set to select folders for sub galleries unable to adjust wall designer frames.
- Fixed error when a keyword is added to a photo in a stock section than contains an apostrophe and that keyword is selected for a category.
3.8.4 December 16, 2020
Follow-up update for the 3.8 release for some bug fixes
- Added automatic formatting of SMS number when manually sending a booking reminder email.
- Added a "failed - invalid" status in the text message log when a text message fails because it is not a valid number.
- Added the error message returned in the info icon in the text message log when a text message fails.
- Fixed when sending a text message to multiple numbers and one is invalid it stopping the process and not sending to the rest of the numbers.
- Fixed in some server enviroments cron jobs failing with automated messages when text messaging is enabled and text messaging failing.
- Fixed free download all showing in gallery exclusive mode when it is set to me limited.
- Fixed graphic options with quotes " ' in the option name not working.
- Fixed when adding greenscreen photo to cart from favorites with a one pose collection not getting the background selection in the cart.
- Fixed PHP depreciated message after deleting sub galleries from a gallery
3.8.3 November 17, 2020
Follow-up update for the 3.8 release for some bug fixes
- Fixed passcode photos where password contains a space not displaying the thumbnails
- Fixed when someone redeems an eGift Card and have a balance and pays with an offsite payment option like PayPal, Stripe 3d Secure, Wordpay, etc... not showing the eGift Card information on the order though the grand total reflects it.
- Fixed when sending email to notify customer downloads are ready, not populating the text message number with the phone number from the order
- Fixed booking invoices not getting sent out
- Fixed Sending email reminder manually for schedule payments not working
3.8.2 October 18, 2020
- Added text message option for the message sent when admin creates and account and the customer must create a password (welcome email).
- Fixed free download all in zip file directly from sub gallery returning an error
- Fixed when confirming a booking appointment from the admin it not sending the confirmation email.
- Added text message option when confirming booking appointment from the admin.
- Fixed product group sale prices not calculating correctly is some circumstances.
- Fixed in some cases when checking out and selecting a different shipping method the tax on shipping is not being updated in the grand total.
- Fixed in some cases photos hosted on Amazon S3 not deleting after the 3.8 update and S3 upgrade
- Fixed when you have enabled text messaging, but not asking for a phone number at checkout, and someone logged into their account goes to checkout not advancing to the next screen.
- Added code to remove the download link on an order when someone purchasing a print that includes a download and you have the photo checked to not allow downloads.
- In some cases (depends on the server environment) you can have failed or incomplete downloads on Apple products (safari, iphone). But not all. If you have that issue and maybe I have sent you files in the past to work around it, you can now edit your config file and add this line of code:
$setup['do_not_use_content_length_header_download'] = true;
- Added a backup Twilio callback validation if the standard validation does not work. If sent text message statuses don't update from queued, add to config file
$setup['twilio_callback_validate_signature'] = true;
3.8.1 October 5, 2020
- Fixed in some scenerios while checking out and creating an account at checkout getting a grand total of $0 so not asking for payment when no shipping is being selected.
- Upped retries when moving photos to Amazon S3 when it returns a 500 error for not being able to verify the hostname.
3.8.0 October 4, 2020
- Added the ability to text message customers (Introduction. Manual.)
- Updated Amazon S3 to allow for regions with both signature version 2 & 4 and also the ability to be able to change your bucket/region without affecting the existing photos. (Self-hosted Sytist users)
- Added a highlight to the quantity of products on an order if it is more than 1 to admin order view, printable version and in the manage photos tab.
- Added phone number to list of accounts in the People section which can be clicked to send text (if texting is enabled).
- Added a slight delay loading the charts on the admin home page which could be causing the homepage to load slowly.
- Added short redirect URLs for orders links that don't require logging in or entering in email, zip & order number.
- Added short redirect URLs for pages that get used when sending links via text message and also available in the share dialog when sharing a page/gallery from the admin.
- Added a robots noindex tag to the code when orders. account, favorites, etc... are viewed so Google and other bots won't crawl those.
- Added some code to the packing slip so rows don't get split on 2 pages when printing.
- Added the ability to view all orders made with a certain payment method from Settings -> Checkout & Payment and view the payment option and click the link.
- Added a check at checkout to see if the customer has the same booking date & time in their cart and if so, send them to the cart with a message to remove one.
- Added the option to edit the company name on an invoice when editing an invoice.
- Fixed with print products that include a download & pre-orders with customers coming back later to select photos no download option available on order.
- Fixed missing delete icon on approved comments
- Fixed when searching a main gallery showing results from password protected sub-galleries.
- Fixed with pre-orders + customers coming back later to select photos + product options that the option prices being added to the second cart when it should be $0 because of the sale function.
- Fixed when searching pages and the search term has 3 characters or less, search results includes pages with draft status.
- Fixed when "Do not offer image options if available in the price list." is checked for a product and " Collapse Options & Descriptions " is not checked, still displaying the image option.
- Fixed store items that uses the pop up from the list of items not displaying the first photo.
- Fixed page designer content displaying in sub galleries too
- Fixed eway payments not working when paying invoices
- Fixed when uploading photos with passcodes and the group photo field has a name with an apostrophe generating a SQL error or spinning wheel.
- Fixed when requiring an email address to view a gallery and it is password protected and customer not logged in, asking for email address twice.
- Fixed (maybe) in come rare cases orders getting created but no products on the order. Getting the customer ID via form field instead of session.
- Fixed with coupons set to once per person and order placed with a coupon sent to archived still allowing the coupon to be redeemed.
- Fixed replacing photos with same file name not working in a stock photo section.
- Fixed error with get_magic_quotes_gpc and PHP 7.4
3.7.2 Jan 23, 2020
Another follow-up update to 3.7
- Fixed in some cases (depending on settings) still getting the empty required fields message at checkout.
3.7.1 Jan 14, 2020
Follow-up update to 3.7.0
- Fixed when you have it set where a customer must verify their account but at checkout if they are not logged into an account it stops the customer from checking out and is sent an email to confirm their account. Now it won't make them verify when creating an account at checkout
- Fixed when you have it set so you only ship to a billing address (Settings -> Shipping) and someone goes to checkout it giving an error messsage that something is blank.
3.7.0 Jan 9, 2020
- Added the option to display photo products & collection descriptions when viewing cart and on orders. Option can be found in your price list settings (Photo Products -> Price Lists -> Settings under the price list name). Note: this will not apply to past orders or products in existing carts
- Added the option for "name" field in forms (fields for Forms in the main menu ... contact forms). Setting a name field, when an email is sent, it will be sent from that name instead of the name being their email address (like from Tim Grissett instead of info at picturespro com).
- Add a "Multi Checkbox" form field option in Forms where the person filling out the form can select multiple answers for a question.
- Added the ability to view form submissions in the forms section (Forms in the main menu).
- Added the option for a "Site Message" which will display a message on every page of the website. Design -> Site Message.
- Added the option to export the additional order fields from the price lists in the reports exports.
- Added to the People section of a gallery/page (the People tab) to show customers that have NOT ordered from the gallery and the option to export those and send them emails.
- Added a message option for Paid Access which can be customized on a per gallery basis instead of the default paid access message.
- Added a default setting for green screen backgrounds when creating new galleries in the Default Settings when editing a section or category.
- Added on the checkout page instead of just a checkbox checked with "Ship to billing address", added 2 radio buttons "Ship to billing address" and "Ship to different address" to make it more clear.
- Added if you have "Require customers to type in email address * password twice to confirm it is correct." not selected in Settings -> Account Requirements, it also now applies to those fields at checkout.
- Instead of the billing address on the left and shipping address on the right at checkout on the computer / larger screen view, put the shipping address option underneath the billing address.
- Set a max width of the checkout form so it is cleaner on computer / larger screens.
- Added the option to apply download credits to an account. Photo Products -> Download Credits -> Accounts with Credits.
- Added the option to edit/delete download credits in accounts. Photo Products -> Download Credits -> Accounts with Credits then edit icon next to available credits quantity.
- Added an "All Orders" option in the Orders section to be able to view all orders regardless of status (both open and archived orders).
- Added 2 bar charts on the admin home page that show total visitors for the last 30 days and sales the last 30 days.
- Added other bar and line charts to the Reports section and last 30 days in the Visitor stats section.
- Added a year to year sales bar chart in the left menu of the Reports section.
- In the Reports section, removed expenses displayed in the left column that have no expense value.
- Added the option to disable Buy Alls in favorites even if the Buy All is in a standard product group instead of a product group marked for Buy Alls. Edit product group and check the option.
- Added "Do not export people on the email opt-out list" to the export settings when exporting accounts (People -> Export).
- Added the amazon E2 bots to the visitor stats ignore list.
- Added robots noindex meta tag to admin pages since google seems to want to index these (by tracking our browsing).
- Log in with Facebook: added to notes & activity in account when customer logs in or create account with Facebook and also fixed not add existing cart contents to account.
- Added back in the page designer Headings & Text -> A colorted background area with text overlay.
- Removed arrow navigation in the admin because when trying to arrow through a text field it is navigating.
- Changed when going to the main visitor stats page, added a button to compile visitor stats older than 2 months instead of doing it automatically.
- Fixed on some devices when scrolling a page made with the page designer the photos fading in when scrolling (thinking the screen was being resized).
- Fixed AIM payment option not recording VAT on orders.
- Fixed error (depending on PHP version) PHP Warning: A non-numeric value encountered in
- Fixed when using Stripe Checkout and someone trying to place an order at no cost ($0.00). getting error or blank screen when trying to place the order.
- Fixed share not working from admin when description contains quotes.
- Fixed contact forms added to a page with the page designer not sending out emails FROM the main site email address and setting the REPLY-TO as it should like when adding a form to a page the standard way.
- Fixed VAT not being recorded (but still getting charged) on orders paid with PayPal Pro direct payment.
- Fixed not being able to go to page 2 when viewing favorites and there are more than 400 favorites.
- Fixed photos taken with Galaxy S7 & S8 not returning original photo size on upload due to a bug in PHP or those photos/cameras
- Fixed item description being required when editing an item on an invoice.
- Fixed when you mark a date as unavilable in the calendar and you have a booking service that allows more than one appointment at a time it not making that date unavailable for booking.
3.6.1 Sept 5, 2019
- Fixed cover photo not displaying with gallery exclusive mode.
- Fixed regular Stripe payment option not showing after update.
- Wrapped photo product names in quotes in the order product export for people who have commas in their product names so they don't create a new column on export.
3.6.0 Sept 4, 2019
- Added Stripe Checkout Payment Option which is ready for Strong Customer Authentication and 3D Secure V2 which European users will be required to use starting September 14, 2019. (Settings -> Checkout & Payment)
- Added a "view all" option when viewing a list of orders in the admin.
- Added a download option when selecting photos from a gallery in the admin to download selected photos in a zip file.
- Added a download original photo option when viewing orders in the admin under each photo and also from the manage photos tab.
- Added a Download Photos tab when viewing orders in the admin to download photos individually or in a zip file from individual orders.
- Added an cart icon/link under the photo thumbnails in the admin if the photos has been purchased and is if so, to show the orders it was purchased on.
- Added when entering in a sub gallery password within a gallery, it will only search within that gallery instead of all sub galleries.
- Added during new installations a check to see of PHP sessions work with default settings and if so, use that instead of custom session handling.
- Updated the standard photos with minis photo display setting (used with store products) where you can swipe or click navigate and click the mini thumbnails.
- Added collection options for collections that include other collections to the export of collection options.
- Fixed when a customer has a pre-paid package in their cart and that pre-paid gallery has expired, showing that they have expired items in their cart.
- Fixed in graphic options not being able to reselect no thanks when option isn't required.
- Fixed when uploading photos and selecting to discard duplicate file names and a photo is skipped because the file name already exists in the gallery, leaving the original file behind that was uploaded instead of discarding it.
- Fixed when exporting store product and have extra photo fields for photos enabled in the export settings, not putting things in the correct columns.
- Fixed PHP warning being logged in the error log when photos are being viewed: PHP Warning: count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable
- Fixed in some occasions photos getting a no display value when uploading folders of photos
- Fixed link to buy download credits in a stock photo section not working with collapsed options
- Fixed error with _default_search_text_ in photo search
- Made some changes for reports people being able to see other kids photos in Australia with the the passcode photos
- Fixed for pre-orders when having a required product group, collections in the other product groups still available to add to cart.
- Adjusted the way totals are totaled at checkout when having to round a number that ends in 5
- Fixed customers being able to add a buy all product to cart with 0 quantity
- Fixed when editing a line item on an order from a booking service, the line item disappearing after saving because it did not save the store product ID number.
- Fixed options sometimes duplicating in the order product export .
3.5.3 May 29, 2019
- Added some additional file security measures (no new specific issues since the 3.5.2 update).
- Fixed sometimes emails collected to view a gallery not showing next to the carts in the admin on the home page and in Stats -> Shopping Carts.
- Removed buy all products when people are viewing favorites and have photos in their favorites from multiple price lists (to avoid people purchasing products at prices they shouldn't be)
- Removed the "add all favorites to collection" link when viewing favorites if the customer has photos in their cart from multiple price lists (to avoid people adding photos to a collection from a price list that does not include that collection).
3.5.2 May 26, 2019
- Added some additional security measures and removed some development files that where accidentally left in the previous update.
3.5.1 May 24, 2019
- Security fix for a potential vulnerability. More details will be shared later.
- Fixed missing globe icon for view page on website when editing the homepage.
3.5.0 May 20, 2019
- Custom Order Confirmation Emails
Have custom order email confirmations on a per gallery basis (also store products & registries) that the customer receives when they purchase from a gallery instead of the default one. Learn more. - Admin Created Accounts Welcome Email & Password
When you create an account for a customer in the admin, you can now have the customer create their own password (instead of setting one for them) within a welcome email and also set where to send them once they create their password. Learn more. - Email Confirmation For New Accounts
Require customers confirm/activate their account by email when they create an account. Option in Settings -> Account Requirements. Learn more. - Make Payment Of Any Amount
The option to have customers come to the website and make a payment of any amount. Learn more. - Log In or Create an Account
Now when someone views a gallery or section that requires them to be logged into an account to view, instead of showing the login form and link to create an account, it will give them to options/buttons to log in or create an account.
- Added when someone wants to add to favorites, free downloads that require account log in, adding to cart that require account log in, etc.. the window opens and gives them the option to log in or create an account without showing a form as default (similar to above).
- Added when you assign a price list to a sub gallery, all the children sub galleries will inherit that price list unless another one is selected.
- Added sub-galleries to the option in collections "Do not allow adding photos to this collection from different galleries"
- Added when using do not allow photos to this collection option and you have a product group required to be selected before other products and someone goes into a gallery or sub-gallery with the collection, a selection will be required from the product group again. Article on dealing with siblings & passcode photos.
- Added the ability to assign gallery access from the galleries tab in customers' accounts.
- Added the option for "Block out all available slots for this time" in the booking calendar when adding a time to the calendar to block out that time for all available slots (if you have multiple time slots available for booking services or special events).
- Added the ability to resend emails sent from the system. Stats -> Email Logs. View email and select resend.
- Added the option to change the page title and page text for contracts when they are being viewed/signed (where it says "Contract") at the top of the page on a per contract basis. Example: you can have it say "model release" or something else instead of contract. Option when editing contract templates and contracts.
- Added disabling / removing free download button and showing a download message once clicked to prevent double clicking and multiple downloads at the same time.
- Added when a photo has a different price list than the gallery and a collection is in the cart that is not part of the overridden photo price list to not allow the customer to add that photo to the collection.
- Added the option to share galleries/pages from the admin. The share icon tab when viewing a page or gallery in the admin.
- Added the ability to display the available default emails (Settings -> Default Emails) by category to make it easier to find default emails. Orders, gallery invites, accounts, etc...
- Added when someone accesses a gallery with password, then later logs in, automatically adding account access the gallery they were viewing.
- Added a -# to photos file names downloaded in a zip file with greenscreen photos in case the same photo is purchased with a different background.
- Added to email logs logging the from name and to name.
- Added the ability to give individual customers access to expired galleries (in the People tab, assign customer and add access to expired gallery).
- Added the ability to add a clickable link directly to view an order from the order confirmation email and phone number field [ORDER_LINK_OPEN]View your order online[/LINK] , [PHONE] for phone number.
- Added [LINK_TO_PAGE] bracket code for automated emails like gallery expiring emails so you can make a clickable link. [LINK_TO_PAGE]Click here to view gallery[/LINK]
- Added to notes/activity when someone logs into their account, if they are sent a confirmation email, when they confirm their account
- Added past due contracts to the alerts section of the admin home page and a tab for past due contracts in People -> Contracts
- Added the ability to edit the Additional Order Fields / Options & early bird discount on orders. Edit Order than when viewing the order in the admin.
- Added the option to email invoices to multiple email addresses.
- Added a "View Available Products" button under the message that shows when someone has a collection in their cart and views a photo that is not available for the collection.
- Added the option in Graphic Options to display the graphics in 1 or 2 columns. Option when managing graphic options for a product.
- Moved the custom price list option for accounts into the Galleries tab when viewing the account in the admin.
- Added some additional database indexes which may help to improve speed.
- Changed the download link for photo downloads on order to a button.
- Changed the view on website and delete options when editing pages and galleries to just icons in the tab menu.
- Removed gallery owner field when duplicating a page/gallery.
- Removed sale when duplicating a price list for the duplicated price list if a sale is existing in the price list being duplicated.
- Fixed when price lists have additional order fields and ordering just packages, sometime not showing the additional fields at checkout.
- Fixed when sending abandoned shopping cart email manually or from automated emails for carts with pre-order products adding a random image for [CART_IMAGE]
- Fixed cropping not working in a stock section
- Fixed wall designer issues with a stock photo section.
- Fixed photos when view enlarged in the admin not showing the date uploaded and date taken.
- Fixed sometimes with payments being made by square being double submitted when someone is on a slow connection and double clicks the pay now button
- Fixed in some cases extra photos added to collections using the extra photo and extra new photo not getting removed from cart when the main package has been removed.
- Fixed in pre-sell when showing prices including VAT, showing the price with the VAT added twice
- Fixed graphic options price for products inside collections not being calculated correctly in some cases.
- Fixed options for products in collections now showing price including VAT (if applicable) when viewing the cart.
3.4.5 April 13, 2019
Follow-up update for bug fixes in the 3.4 version.
- Fixed MySQL error with automated emails and scheduled payments.
- Fixed no being able to rearrange products and options in collections if "Upload folders to create sub galleries" is set to default in the photo uploader
- Fixed when having Deleting Purchased Photos options checked in Settings -> Photo Settings and orders are archived, still deleting the photos.
- Fixed graphic options for products not adding the additional cost if additional cost is added to the option
- Fixed conflict when using gallery exclusive mode and setting the photo display settings to open with the first photo as a slideshow and then viewing cart or checking out it opens the first photo again.
- Fixed sale message showing when set to show above all product groups and the sale is set to start in the future.
- Added to the function that checks to see if a booking is taken while checking out to include the book ID of the one currently being booked in case of a network delay in the function which could possibly make it delay until after the payment processing is completed.
- Fixed collections that include other collections totaling prices from the include collections along with the main collection price.
- Fixed is photo is marked as do not allow download still showing download as free download when photo is enlarged.
- Changed the login with Facebook logo
3.4.4 March 29, 2019
Follow-up update for 3.4 to fix a few issues from this update. Scroll down to see the major changes for the 3.4 update.
- Fixed assigning price lists to sub galleries that have addtional order fields not showing the additional fields at checkout.
- Fixed when using a splash window, behind the splash window has a message unable to find photo.
- Fixed options for buy alls not being calculated correctly.
- Fixed not being able to click to enlarge and view photos of customer favorites in the admin.
3.4.3 March 21, 2019
Follow-up updates for version 3.4. Includes 3.4.1 - 3.4.3
- Fixed not being able to add products other than product base products to price lists in the admin
- Fixed overriding collection price in price list not using the override price after adding to cart.
- Adjusted padding on product group titles when product groups shown in a list.
- Fixed products marked as do not allow discounting still getting discounted because of an error in the sale functions in the 3.4 update.
- Fixed next icon going off screen and uncentered photo when viewing an enlarged photo on a computer from a gallery with no purchasing options and the zoom level set to 100% or less in the browser.
- Fixed when having more than 1 date in a special event in the booking calendar and deposit not required and having more than 1 slot per time available not being able to book more than 1 spot.
- Fixed when viewing photos in green screen background folders showing not showing the photo when clicking to enlarge.
3.4.0 March 19, 2019
New Sale Option
Create a sale for products in your price lists. You can have a sale on all products in your price list or set a sale just on certain product groups. For example, run a sale on prints but not on downloads.
You can also create discount levels to offer more of a discount if more is purchase.

New Product Group Display Options
There is now an option to display your product groups in a list instead of selecting tabs to view the products.

You have the option to use the tabs like it has been, use the tabs on computer / full size screens and as a list on mobile / small screens, or as a list on all devices.
This option is in the settings menu of your price lists in Photo Products -> Price Lists. I also added an option at the bottom of the list of price lists to set this option for all price lists.
See the product group display section in the manual here for more information.
Other additions & changes in this update include:
- Made is when viewing a photo and scrolling the products, the photo doesn't scroll and stays on the screen for computer/full display (fixed display).
- Added an option to rearrange product groups in price lists by dragging and dropping instead of having to edit the display order in each group. Arrange Product Groups link when viewing the price list.
- Added the option for Text/Information in price lists that can be displayed above the list of products. Photo Products -> Price Lists and Settings for the price list.
- Added backup code when copying photos from Amazon S3 when the copy function fails for no reason.
- Added category name to gallery names on the packing slip / print version of the order.
- Added the option to "do not group products by photos" when exporting products on orders. By default, products are grouped together by photo file names. Checking this option it will export each product on its own line.
- Added the option to export prices for products & category names on the product export on orders. Setting in Orders -> Product/Order Export Settings
- Added a default option for "Upload folders to create sub-galleries" when uploading photos. It will remember the last option you used.
- Added back to product list button when someone has a collection in their cart and view a photo that is using a price list that doesn't contain the collection and can't add photos to the collection.
- Added the file name for backgrounds in green screen galleries over the background photo where it is being selected.
- Added "Add & manage photos in your collection." text under the view my collection button that shows above the products when a collection is in the cart.
- Added the option to not display the wall designer option (if enabled) in the price list on mobile.
- Made it where when using a green screen gallery and passcode photos to not show the background selections until a passcode has been entered.
- Made product names when adding photos to collections bolder and the collection count (0 of 3 selected) a lighter color so the product name stands out better.
- Updated the admin photo view.
- Fixed "Do not allow to be purchased as a download or downloaded as a free download" not saving when editing photo.
- Fixed error expected integer value for some Square users when payment is made.
- Fixed the gallery thumbnails not loading when someone purchases an extension for an expired gallery with individual access.
- Fixed paid gallery extensions not getting updated when using the manually collecting credit card information then applying payment.
- Fixed when gallery is set to open first photo of gallery as a slideshow, and showing sub galleries with no photos in the main gallery opening with a window saying photo not found.
- Fixed product export from order list not saving as the file name entered into the file name field.
- Fixed the login page title having an H3 tag instead of a H1 tag because it didn't match the tag for the title of the create account page.
- Fixed graphic options not working on products within collections that have graphics options.
- Fixed when clicking to a gallery from the home page, then clicking a photo, then clicking back, not able to click back one more time.
- Fixed scheduled payment reminders still being sent to orders sent to trash or deleted.
- Fixed download credit purchases not showing on packing slip / printable version.
- Fixed download credits and egift cards not showing on archived orders.
- Fixed mini photo shown next to add photo to collection for selection only collections not displaying when images are hosted on Amazon S3.
3.3.1 Jan 30, 2019
Follow-up update to 3.3
- Fixed icons color and menu background color over justified thumbnails not using theme colors
- Fixed the large photo display file only using the large file and not the small one if selected in the photo display settings.
- Fixed gap at top of photo view in gallery exclusive mode after scrolling down then clicking a photo.
3.3.0 Jan 29, 2019
Support forum post on this update.
In this Sytist 3.3 update I reworked most of the view photos & purchase interface.
Now on mobile, thumbnails will be displayed in 2 columns with the justified & stacked (masonry) photo display options (depending on the orientation of the photos) and customers will tap the photos to view. There we have the purchasing options, add to favorites, share, etc... while viewing the photo. Swipe left/right or tap the arrows to navigate photos.
This also now allows B&W previews and slideshow functionality.

Basically the computer & mobile view are the same now except on the computer the photo products are to the right of the photo and on mobile the products are underneath the photo. Technically a lot changed with all this, but I won't get into that.

On all devices you now have view cart and my favorites links pinned to the bottom of the screen for quick access.
Now on the computer when you click to enlarge the photo from photo view, there is a magnifying glass to view more detail if the photo is actually larger than the viewing are. On mobile you can tap then pinch zoom.

You can view these changes in a demo gallery here.
Other additions & changes in this update include:
- Photo view count. Since on mobile the customer taps to view the photos, we can count photo views. You will see an eye icon under the thumbnails in the admin with how many times the photo has been viewed and the date/time last views. Note: it won't log photo views if you are viewing the gallery and logged into the admin. This also starts with this update.
- Reworked the justified thumbnails photo display option so the photos don't get cropped anymore.
- Made the shipping address fields hidden when ship to billing address is checked at checkout for a cleaner layout especially on mobile.
- Added a function to the checkout page to check to see if the shopping cart has been modified in another tab or device (items added or removed) and if so, reload the page and totals.
- Centered the next/back buttons during checkout and removed the checkout progress elements on mobile.
- Added batch delete of photo products in the product base & collections.
- Added a total count of price lists, products & collections in the left menu of the Photo Products section of the admin.
- Reworked the delete queue (gradually deleting photos when deleting galleries) to prevent multiple requests at one time and added the option to pause the photo delete queue.
- Made modifications to the files that get called to display sub-galleries and thumbnails to not render if the gallery is expired or closed and you are not logged into the admin. This is to prevent those files from being shown independently in those cases.
- Addressed some compatibility issues with PHP 7.2
- Made it so passwords for photos (passcode photos) can contain special characters like + and & signs.
- Added booking date and time to order emails and order view.
- Removed the static icon menu on thumbnail photos when viewing favorites.
- Added a check when someone logs in at checkout if they have an existing paid access in their cart for the same gallery deleting the duplicate cart entries.
- Fixed when download option added to a print is set to "Do not allow download until I upload a replacement file or manually approve it" still allowing download before approved.
- Fixed No multiple bookings by the same person & Override booked times from other services options disappearing when mousing over the area and there are options added to the booking service when editing a booking service.
- Fixed editing a photo in the admin and selecting multiple existing tags, only the last tag saving.
- Fixed when viewing favorites, the buy all photos and download all (if available) buttons pushed to the right on mobile.
- Fixed when print products include a download in a pre-order gallery, the download not available when the customer comes back to select photos later.
- Fixed product options to standard products on pre-order pages not showing prices including tax if enabled
- Fixed missing upload photos link when viewing a greenscreen background folder in the admin.
- Fixed when having a custom price list assigned to an account with free downloads and have individual photos in a gallery assigned to a different price list from the main gallery, free downloads not working on those images,
- Fixed when using special events in booking calendar not accounting for how many slots per time are available for each date of the special event.
3.2.2 Nov 13, 2018
Another follow-up update to 3.2
- Fixed when editing store products not having the options normally available for store products.
3.2.1 Nov 12, 2018
Follow-up update to 3.2.0
- Fixed when selecting a different email in the People tab of a gallery refreshing to the people list instead of the email screen even though the email is actually loaded causing you to have to click the email tab again.
3.2.0 Nov 7, 2018
- Changed "Special 1 Day Events" in the booking calendar to "Special Events" where it can include multiple dates. (manual)
- Added the option to have the Booking Calendar and other calendars when selecting dates start on a Monday. Option in Settings -> Admin/Main Settings.
- Added the option for "No multiple bookings by the same person" which means someone can not make 2 or more bookings for a specific service with the same email address
- Added the option "Override booked times from other services" which means if someone has booked a time of 2:00 for one special event for example, 2:00 can still be booked for this event.
- Added date and expiration date for booking services so you can expire the ability to book the service and pre-date it to display in the future.
- Added a link (calendar icon) to view appointments for a specific service or event when in the Site Content area when viewing a list of booking services or editing a booking service.
- Rewrote the interface when managing bookings/appointments in the admin.
- Added the option to print and exporting bookings with the options of what fields to print & export. (You can adjust the header names and display order in Calendar -> Print & Export Settings)
- Added the option to batch confirm unconfirmed appointments & manually sending email reminders when viewing a list of appointments for a specific service or event.
- Added the booking total & options to orders and order emails when someone makes a deposit on a booking service.
- Added the option to add Buy All products to any product group in a price list instead of them having to be in a product group marked for Buy Alls.
- Added the option to mark individual photos in a gallery to not be able to be purchased as a download or free download. Click the photo thumbnail in the admin and you will see the option.
- Added the option to disable image options on a per product basis. Option can be found when editing products in Photo Products -> Product Base.
- Added the option to upload an account photo (or select from an existing photo) for accounts in the admin. View the account in the People section and click the user icon next to the name.
- Added showing quantity discounts for products on pre-order pages.
- Added when viewing price lists in the admin how many accounts (if any) are assigned to that price list.
- Added when deleting a price list it will also removed the assigned price list to accounts using that price list.
- Added photo product reference ID to products when copying options from one product to another.
- Added when duplicating a photo product it copies any labels assigned to the product.
- Added the option to add additional descriptions for items on invoices.
- Added the option to mark an account as Tax Exempt. View the account in the People section and select Edit in the Actions menu.
- Reworked the list of pages/galleries in the Site Content area of the admin.
- Added view/manage people and page designer links to the action menu in the list of pages/galleries in the Site Content area.
- Made some changes to the list of accounts in the People section for a cleaner layout.
- Made some other changes within the admin to loading, success, error notices.
- Fixed thumbnails not loading when using special characters like & # in photo passcodes
- Fixed when "Do not show what products are included in the collection." is checked in a collection it showing the X of XX photos selected in cart and on the order.
- Fixed negative option prices for booking calendar options not deducting from the total shown when selecting an option with a price less than 0.
- Fixed when assigning free downloads for a customer to a gallery and the free downloads don't have download in zip files enabled still showing the option to download all in zip files.
- Fixed options selected for collections on pre-orders duplicating on orders.
- Fixed purchasing all favorites with a buy all and early bird special is enabled not applying the early bird special
- Fixed when purchasing a collection from a price list with a minimum order amount set not enforcing the minimum purchase amount
- Fixed SQL error when clicking the People tab and someone used an ' in their email address.
- Fixed pre-ordered a la cart items not calculating in sales / stats
- Fixed with pre-orders if collection is added to cart with options and a la carte photo products are added, the options from the collections showing duplicated with the a la carte products
- Fixed time format for booking confirmation emails when they are automatically confirmed with payment not using the format of the time setting in Settings -> Admin/Main Setting.
- Fixed when importing passwords for passcode photos adding the same file name as the group photo and extra fields when group & extra columns don't exist
- Changed in booking calendar if a time is booked that is less than the time blocks set, it will set the amount of time to the time block so the times available stay the same.

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