Starting with Sytist version 3.1, there is a better way to pre-orders.
Here is how to pre-sell packages where no photos are going to be selected for the packages.
To pre-sell packages where the customers will return after the photos become available and then select photos, see this article.
1) Go to Site Content -> Create New Section.
In the new section wizard, select Buy Page. Name the new section something like Packages and create.
2) For each package you want to offer, you will create a new product.
3) Enter in the product name, price, description of what comes in the package and set to Publish.
Product Type:
- If this is a package you will be mailing or need to charge shipping, for Product Type select Psychical product to be shipped.
- If there will be no shipping options, then set the Product Type to Service.
4) Once you have your packages set, click the +menu link under the section name in the left menu to add this to your main menu of your website.?
If you don't want it in your menu, click the web link next to the +menu link to view that section on your website. The URL in the address bar is the link you will use to add to a page or email to people.
The link from above will look something like this when it is viewed. Your customers can add the package to their cart from there and checkout.