You may see sometimes in your visitor stats IP addresses from other countries or what may seem like someone up to no good. These are most likely spam bots looking for forms to spam, crawlers looking for known hacks from other systems like wordpress, or smaller search engine crawlers.
These bots are harmless for the most part but can be annoying.
You can block these bots from accessing your site in the .htaccess file.
If Sytist is your main website or installed in a sub domain you can edit it from your Sytist admin by clicking Settings in the main menu then underneath the left menu click "edit .htaccess file".
If your Sytist is installed in a sub folder on your site (, then you would have to edit the .htaccess file in your main website folder through the file manager in your hosting control panel.
Below is the code to add to your .htaccess file to block IP addresses. Add this code below any other code in your .htaccess file:
order allow,deny
Deny from
Deny from 123.45.678.112
allow from all
Add "Deny from" for each IP address you want to block and replace with the IP address to block.
To block a range of the IP address (when the IP addresses are similar, just the last digits are different), remove the last 2 digits of the IP address:
order allow,denyDeny from 188.143.232
allow from all