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Remove "pay Now" From Offline Payment Orders

252 posts
Sat Jun 18, 22 4:24 PM CST
So, after a long topic with Vance, I understood that even if I disable all payments but I keep only the offline option, the "Pay Now" button will appear anyway once the order is placed.
In my opinion that is a bit confusing, because if I want them paying offline I see no reason why then I can give them the possibility to pay with credit card.
Anyway, I found other topics on it now, and in one of them I found a possible solutions is this code still valid ?

$setup['do_not_show_pay_now_button_for_pay_offline_orders'] = true; // Do not show pay now button on orders placed with pay offline payment option

I understand that in this case they will not be able to pay online if they change their mind, but I don't want having their mind changed so if the code is still ok, I'll go immediately for it.
Edited Sun Jun 19, 22 7:42 AM by Marco Cappalunga
16,923 posts (admin)
Tue Jun 21, 22 11:51 AM CST
Adding that to the sy-config.php file will remove the pay button for offline orders as it says.
Tim Grissett, DIA -
My Email Address:
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Category: Payment Options
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