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Sytist 2.8 Update Now Available

16,781 posts (admin)
Tue Apr 03, 18 4:27 AM CST
New Search in the Admin
In the main menu you can search for accounts, orders & pages (galleries) that will give you search results as you type.

Graphic Options
Options for products & collection where you can have a list of graphics/photos for the customer to select from as the options.

Watch Folder
The Watch option will look for newly uploaded photos uploaded via FTP and process them into the gallery. This can be used if you are using Sytist for onsite events. More info.

Erase Customers
This was added due to GDPR. Erasing an account will delete all information in the database for that person. More info.

Batch Delete & Erase Accounts
From the people section you can select multiple accounts to delete or erase. 

New Options in the Page Designer
Option for background color and top/bottom padding to text/photo split, video, headings & plain text in the page designer.  Also option to have buttons & image links open in new tabs.

Changed Forgot Password
When a customer uses the forgot password option, instead of changing it automatically and sending them a password, it will email them a link to change their password. 

And some more changes and fixes.

Click here for the complete change log for this update.

How to update:
The first time each day you log into the admin it will check for the update. If you have already logged into your admin today , then you won't get the notice until tomorrow.

If you are currently using version Sytist 1.0.0 or higher, you can have it check for the update again by clicking on Settings in the main menu. Then scroll down and below the left menu, click MySQL query. Copy the following line of code, paste it in the query box and click run.

UPDATE ms_history SET upgrade_check='';

Then return to your admin home page.

If the auto update feature won't work for you for some reason, you will have to manually update.

When using the auto update from the admin and it seems to hang when trying to unzip, then the ZIP functions are probably not enabled in the PHP on your hosting. You can contact your host and ask them to enable the ZIP functions in PHP.
Edited Tue Apr 03, 18 4:29 AM by Tim -
Tim Grissett, DIA -
My Email Address:
248 posts
Tue Apr 03, 18 10:25 AM CST
A question about the graphic option : is this something like the green screen, where we can place for instance a " frame option" ,loading different frames and the photos that the customer choose automatically adapt to the different frames to give a visual result ?
Edited Tue Apr 03, 18 10:25 AM by Marco Cappalunga
16,781 posts (admin)
Tue Apr 03, 18 11:40 AM CST
No, it is to create like a dropdown menu option but instead of text they are clicking on/selecting, they can view and select a graphic.
Tim Grissett, DIA -
My Email Address:
296 posts
Wed Apr 04, 18 3:21 AM CST

another great update. GDPR, would love a way to search for all those that have never bought or for all those that have not logged in for a year etc. so that i can then select those for removal as I need to work through over 11,000

5 posts
Wed Apr 04, 18 3:45 PM CST

Thank you for the update an adding Graphic Options for products & collection Been waiting a long time for this.
5 posts
Wed Apr 04, 18 3:50 PM CST
Already added several Graphic Options and products I started with poster designs and Magazine types.

Is there a way to increase the size of text "Select from available options" How about color options for the text?
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16,781 posts (admin)
Thu Apr 05, 18 6:24 AM CST
I did not think to add a class name to that so there isn't a way to change the size or color of that text.
Tim Grissett, DIA -
My Email Address:
70 posts
Thu Apr 05, 18 10:39 AM CST

Cool upgrade, thanks for the great work.
Thanks also for the Watch Folder. Great function waited since a long time :)
I'm going to test it live tomorrow
Hope no lost connexion will happen to fully use this option.
210 posts
Fri Apr 06, 18 12:38 PM CST
Thanks for the update Tim! What is the best and easiest way to apply the update for my offline installation on localhost?
328 posts
Fri Apr 06, 18 3:03 PM CST
Tim, another quality, and awesome update! Thank you!
M Davis
16,781 posts (admin)
Sat Apr 07, 18 7:35 AM CST
John, you will need to update it following the manually updating instructions here:
Tim Grissett, DIA -
My Email Address:
210 posts
Sat Apr 07, 18 8:28 AM CST
Thanks Tim.
7 posts
Sun Apr 08, 18 3:18 PM CST
Hey, I have noticed that the page designer does not function for custom 404 page. It would be nice if you could extend functionality to do that, to make the site consistent.
18 posts
Sun Apr 15, 18 2:12 PM CST
How can I tell if mine updated properly? I thought I ran through the instructions but it's still saying there is an update available. Is that normal and it will go away? Or does it mean it didn't work correctly?
Edited Sun Apr 15, 18 2:12 PM by April O'Hare
91 posts
Sun Apr 15, 18 2:35 PM CST
In the Admin, in the upper left corner, does it say Sytist 2.8.0?
If not then it did not work correctly.
18 posts
Sun Apr 15, 18 2:41 PM CST
Thanks Thomas. It still says the old one. Boo.

I get this message on step 4/4 so maybe this is the problem?

Warning: rmdir(D:homeapriloharephotography.comstore/sytist-update/files/sytist_UPGRADE_files): Directory not empty in D:homeapriloharephotography.comstoresy-adminsytist-update.php on line 202
Cool! Looks like you are almost done. Refresh this page to apply database changes.

After that, go to Site Design -> Edit My Theme and then click the Save Changes button (so we can load any new CSS). Once you do that, you can exit the editor and you are done.
Edited Sun Apr 15, 18 2:42 PM by April O'Hare
16,781 posts (admin)
Mon Apr 16, 18 6:14 AM CST
Looks like there is a folder/file permission issue on the server and won't allow it to do the auto update. You will probably have to manually update:
Tim Grissett, DIA -
My Email Address:
71 posts
Thu May 03, 18 7:31 AM CST
Great new update.
One question though, I have added a preview graphic for a product but is there a way to use the same photo for other sizes of the same product.
I have canvases at different sizes and don't want to upload the photos for each one separately.
Michael Mann Photography
16,781 posts (admin)
Thu May 03, 18 8:14 AM CST
You would have to upload it to each product. You could just create 1 canvas product and make an option for them to select the size.
Tim Grissett, DIA -
My Email Address:
71 posts
Thu May 03, 18 8:15 AM CST
Thanks Tim,
I ended up just creating 1 Product and then adding the options. You can't add options to options right?
Michael Mann Photography
16,781 posts (admin)
Thu May 03, 18 8:23 AM CST
There is not an option to add options to options.
Tim Grissett, DIA -
My Email Address:
22 total messages
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