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Current Version: 5.2.5 | Sytist Manual | Common  Issues | Feature Requests

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Incorrect Title On Images

8 posts
Wed Mar 19, 25 12:58 PM CST

somehow, all of the photos that I have uploaded this year have an incorrect "Title" It includes not only the image name, but the name of a past event. It is not in the EXIF or IPTC data of the image.

Is there any way to change or delete the title of the image? Not the the image name, but the title of the image.

I saw the possibility of .viewphototitle { display: none; }, but would rather keep the image name available.

522 posts
Wed Mar 19, 25 2:13 PM CST

If you are using lightroom or other image processors, I would start there. To my knowledge there is not away to change file names on upload in sytist. lightroom photo attached

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8 posts
Wed Mar 19, 25 2:20 PM CST

the filename is correct, it is the "title" that is wrong.

"Title / Image name"

Attached Photos

522 posts
Wed Mar 19, 25 4:15 PM CST

have you tried when uploading checking this box, see photo. Are you uploading to a new gallery in the same category? The only thing in the manual states: 

Photo Titles, captions and tags

When clicking on a thumbnail you will be able to view the photo larger and add a title, caption and tags. If you already have a title & caption in the photo IPTC data, it sytist will try to import those when the photo is uploaded. 
Attached Photos

522 posts
Wed Mar 19, 25 4:17 PM CST

what version are you on and what PHP are you using?

8 posts
Wed Mar 19, 25 4:20 PM CST

That was my first thought too. None of the images that I upload have any info in those fields at all, or they have completely different information, but not incorrect information. I double checked that first thing.

PHP version: 7.4.33

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