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Css For Page Categories

85 posts
Wed Mar 05, 25 7:01 AM CST


Could you tell me either where I can locate the formatting for the hyperlink page categories or do you have the css so I can format them please.

Thanks Keith

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507 posts
Wed Mar 05, 25 1:25 PM CST

You are already on that page.

39 posts
Wed Mar 05, 25 1:26 PM CST

Right Click on the tile, Inspect. The very top right corner will give you an css-value which you than can reference it in Custom CSS section.

507 posts
Wed Mar 05, 25 1:28 PM CST

are you building with page designer or the standard editor.

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39 posts
Wed Mar 05, 25 1:30 PM CST

There are no links for the header on that section or designer page. CSS can be theonly way to do what the OP is asking.

39 posts
Wed Mar 05, 25 1:35 PM CST

Here is the CSS value you can reference in your custom css

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507 posts
Wed Mar 05, 25 2:07 PM CST

I just went to your page and it works. accept cookies and or try another browser.

85 posts
Thu Mar 06, 25 4:46 AM CST

Thanks for all the replies.

Here is the code for the relevant part of the page 

 <div class="pc title">
                                    <a href="/gifts/">Gift Vouchers</a>
                                    <a href="/gifts/family-vouchers/">Family Gift Vouchers</a>


So the div has two classes pc and title - so here is the extra css I have added

.pc.title {
  color: red;
  font-size: 10px;

I have tried a space between .pc and .title but that does not work either - can anyone shine a light on the issue please

thanks keith

507 posts
Thu Mar 06, 25 6:48 AM CST

When asking for help, please on your initial post decribe what you are trying to accomplish.

85 posts
Thu Mar 06, 25 7:00 AM CST
Vance Birno wrote:

When asking for help, please on your initial post decribe what you are trying to accomplish.

I am pretty sure I did - how to format using css the link I circled in red!!!

16,922 posts (admin)
Thu Mar 06, 25 10:58 AM CST

Design -> Edit My Theme -> Additional CSS

Here is a start: 

#clientGalleries .categories   { color: #000000; font-size: 17px; } 
#clientGalleries .categories a { color: #00FF00;  } 
#clientGalleries .categories a:link { color: #00FF00; } 
#clientGalleries .categories a:hover { color: #FF0000; } 

Tim Grissett, DIA -
My Email Address:
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Category: Site Design
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