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Team Photo To Show Up In Main Gallery Not As A Tab

32 posts
Tue Feb 25, 25 9:31 PM CST

Hi Tim. When photographing a league, how do we have the team photo appear in the player's main gallery, where all their portrait photos are? 

Our process has to be upload the roster by including the team name for every player, which then sytist calls "division". I create Group Codes with the divisions, and upload the team photos and tag them with the division's assigned QR. This allows us to have a tab in all galleries for the player photos + their relevant team photo. 

HOWEVER we are finding that clients are not actually clicking on the "Team Photo" tab (despite trying VERY hard to explain how to do this - we have the visual attached everywhere) and are adding any portrait image intead (or emailing us a lot) - which really messes up the spreadsheet when we pull it. 

Attached Photos

16,922 posts (admin)
Wed Feb 26, 25 11:20 AM CST

It is currently not possible to have the team photo show along with the player photos. I don't know if it would be technically possible, but I will make a note of it.

Tim Grissett, DIA -
My Email Address:
4 posts
Sun Mar 09, 25 12:52 PM CST

Hi Leigh 

I have the same issue for now I just upload the photo without a passcode and when someone enters or scans the QR code it will bring up the individual and group shot under the same section 

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