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Order Notes Not Coming Through When Paying With Paypal

51 posts
Sun Feb 23, 25 5:53 PM CST

During the checkout I have it so parents can leave a note when they checkout. However, I've had at least 1 order, that I know of so far, that a parent put an important note about the order, then paid with PayPal. That note didn't make it into the order...and I checked on PayPal and there wasn't anything in there containing the note as well. Is this a bug or something that will happen when paying with PayPal? Thanks!

16,922 posts (admin)
Mon Feb 24, 25 4:30 AM CST

White PayPal option?

I just tested PayPal Standard Business and PayPal in PayPal Checkout / Advanced Checkout and the note added at checkout is on both orders I placed. 

Tim Grissett, DIA -
My Email Address:
51 posts
Mon Feb 24, 25 8:53 AM CST

Standard Business. Hmm...she said at checkout she entered a note explaining an update for the team photos an error she found. I didn't see a note and I had reached out about the issue that I saw as well...and she said she had put a note in her order. The only thing I could think of was that it was a paypal order as it was going outside the system?

Attached Photos

16,922 posts (admin)
Mon Feb 24, 25 11:20 AM CST

Maybe she added it while paying on the PayPal site. That would not show up on an order in Sytist. 

Tim Grissett, DIA -
My Email Address:
51 posts
Mon Feb 24, 25 12:26 PM CST

I did check that and nothing was there. Ok I'll keep my eye open if it happens again.

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Category: Payment Options
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