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Dance - Qr Codes

308 posts
Tue Feb 18, 25 2:44 PM CST

In dance we have multiple dancers that are in different dances(groups).

When I am uploading the .csv files for qr code generation, I include the following columns.  Subject First name, subject last name, passcode, and group.  I have the .csv file set up so that the passcode is same if it's the same dancer, even if the dancer is in a different group.  So for example if Dancer 1 is in Dance 1 and Dancer 1 is in Dance 2, both of those passcodes are the same even though the dances are different.     There will be multiple photos of dancer 1 for dance 1 and multiple photos for dancer 1 in dance 2.  

Couple questions. 

 1.Is that going to cause any issues?

2.  Assuming that I use the group QR codes when taking the group photos,  will it pull all of the dancers individual images and all of her group images when the parents enter the passcode?

3. Is it possible to use the passcode with the entagged system to put the passcode in the copyright field of the images instead of using QR codes?  

Edited Tue Feb 18, 25 3:40 PM by Joey Freeman
429 posts
Wed Feb 19, 25 12:19 AM CST

Tim will need to give the definitive opinion.

Not positive, but have done something similar and it does work.

1. I think so, as long as all images are in the same gallery and not spread over different galleries.

2. I also think so, have never used the groups feature.

Probably best to test it first. 

3. You can use entagged with sytist, but it's instead of QR rather than with.  (

A method of using hardware based (laptop, entagged, etc.) data - subject matching while using the QR system backend database is something that I would love to see -

Edited Wed Feb 19, 25 12:36 AM by Trailboy
16,905 posts (admin)
Thu Feb 20, 25 3:59 AM CST

A passcode can only have 1 group photo. The subject would have to have multiple passcodes for multiple group photos.

It is not possible to use entagged with the QR Passcode photos.

Tim Grissett, DIA -
My Email Address:
308 posts
Fri Feb 21, 25 11:07 AM CST

Got it, Thanks Tim.  And just to confirm, there is no way for them to see both passcode(all of their photos, different outfits/passcodes) at the same time?

Just a thought if not, it would be nice if they could add passcodes or type in multiple passcodes to view multiple groups/dances/passcoded photos.  I thought maybe there was a chance to add multiple passcodes with | separator kind of like multiple packing slips are printed, but it did not work.  Anyways, thanks for all your help. 

308 posts
Fri Feb 21, 25 2:45 PM CST

I see now that the way the group photo matches is on reg_leader and reg_group.  IE no way to get more than one group image per passcode/leader. 

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