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Controlling The Order Of Collection Images.

19 posts
Wed Feb 05, 25 12:19 PM CST

I have a collection that is "selection only". Up to 50 images and they are for Real Estate listing so the order of the images is important. When the client picks the images and adds them to the collection in the order they  want, it is not retained by the system. So the shopping cart and the final order show the images in the default order that they are displayed in the gallery, not the order in which the client adds them to the collection. Is there a way to make it so they can rearrange the selected images in the collection/cart and then that specific order be retained so i can see the image order when fill the  submitted order?

Thanks, for any help in advance.
— Mike

16,923 posts (admin)
Thu Feb 06, 25 10:17 AM CST

As it is now, they all display by file name order. There is not a way to change it. And if I were to just change it to that, then others would complain.

I've made a note to make an option to change the order those are shown on the order.

Tim Grissett, DIA -
My Email Address:
53 posts
Fri Feb 07, 25 4:51 PM CST

Are you able to rename the files with a prefix to make them sort in the order that you want?

Either alphabetically, numerically or even standard ascii characters (periods are my quick go to and makes that file go to the top). IE A-image file name B-next image file name and so on......

That should let you get around that issue in the mean time.

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Category: Orders
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