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Image Files

10 posts
Wed Feb 05, 25 11:31 AM CST


Any recommendations on image file types to upload? Best format for displaying and downloading?


432 posts
Thu Feb 06, 25 2:21 AM CST

JPGs for normal display, PNGs for greenscreen.

Don't think Sytist can use HEIF, WEBP or AVIF style images. 

10 posts
Thu Feb 06, 25 2:58 AM CST

Thanks. Assuming the jpgs come from e.g. Lightroom, any recommendation for resolution/size to export?

432 posts
Thu Feb 06, 25 3:56 AM CST

That's according to your preference.  

Multiple different images are created by the system for each image you upload, as many as five extra I believe.  Including thumbnails, watermark overlaid images etc.  They are also sharpened. 

If images are only for viewing on-screen, we upload 900px long edge for everything.  You might prefer larger images.         

If images are for download by the customer later, e.g. straight after purchase, they need to be uploaded at the full download resolution.       

Edited Thu Feb 06, 25 3:58 AM by Trailboy
10 posts
Thu Feb 06, 25 5:06 AM CST

So would you upload at hi res to cover any download options?

432 posts
Thu Feb 06, 25 7:19 AM CST

If you are offering hi-res downloads, then they will need to use matching hi-res uploads.

10 posts
Mon Mar 03, 25 5:21 PM CST

Hi, is it right that for a fee we can have a website built? If so, what is the cost and process?



508 posts
Tue Mar 04, 25 1:21 PM CST
Alan PAyne wrote:

Hi, is it right that for a fee we can have a website built? If so, what is the cost and process?



hi, be careful of hi-res photos, if you offer buy alls, you may encounter problems because of the size and storage if you are on a shared hosting platform. S3 is recommended for storage. There was someone offering site builds but I can not remember her name. I have no Idea what someone else would charge. My regular website designs range from $600 on up but I am no longer offering website services.

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