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Pre-pay Page Footer

490 posts
Sun Feb 02, 25 4:57 PM CST

Hi Tim,

I have created a new ordering page where I have information at the top of the page, then the package choices, and then I want to add some words at the bottom.  Like a sandwich, or well structured essay - intro, body, conclusion.

Things I have tried:
- Adding words in the description of the last package, this works well on computer, but on mobile, you get alllll the words and finally the 'click to purchase' .. so intro, body, conclusion, body again :/

- Adding a new product group under the other groups, just for words.  This works best but as im not adding any product, it publically states "no products added to" at the end of my conclusion.

Can I get rid of those words please, or can you advise another way?  Cheers.

16,922 posts (admin)
Mon Feb 03, 25 4:26 AM CST

You would have to create a new page display layout.

Design -> Page Display & Content Listing Layouts

Under Page Display Layouts go to Client Galleries and copy the code. 

Go back to Design -> Page Display & Content Listing Layouts and click Create New Page Layout.

Give it a name and paste the code you copied into the HTML section.

At the end of the code add this: 

<div class="pc center">SOME CONTENT HERE</div>

Replace SOME CONTENT HERE with what you want to display at the bottom of the page.


Edit your Pre-Order gallery and click "Billboard, Page Display Layout, Max Width & Theme".

Change the Display Layout to the one you created. 

Tim Grissett, DIA -
My Email Address:
490 posts
Mon Feb 03, 25 3:17 PM CST

Cheers!  Sounds like a plan - i'll get on to that tonight - thanks!

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