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How To Purchase Digital Download

12 posts
Wed Jan 29, 25 2:50 AM CST

I'm not sure where to post this, so please advise if I need to put it under a different category. :-)

We're setting up an event for this weekend and created a how to purchase guide that walks customers through the selection, checkout, and download process. I checked the system to see if there was a way to upload only one instance/copy of the guide and then attach it to the list of galleries. Currently I placed a copy in each of the galleries (about 224) so the parents will have the instructions in their respective gallery/galleries. My questions are as follows.


1. Is there a way I can upload one copy of the document and then make sure it's added to all the galleries?

2. Is there a way to have a buy all option and exclude the purchase guide image from the download zip file?

Thank you for your time and assistance in advance!



16,923 posts (admin)
Wed Jan 29, 25 5:10 AM CST

Instead of uploading a graphic to each gallery, use the Splash Window option instead. There is a Splash Window tab when editing a gallery.

It will pop up the first time someone visits the gallery. 

You have the option to create a default one when creating a splash window that you can copy for future ones. 

If you do upload a graphic to each gallery, there is not a way to omit it from downloads. 

Tim Grissett, DIA -
My Email Address:
12 posts
Wed Jan 29, 25 6:16 AM CST

Thank you @Tim -!

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