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Tax On Calendar Not Calculating As Expected

145 posts
Mon Jan 20, 25 9:07 PM CST


I'm not sure why, but Tax isn't calculating correctly on my calendar anymore.

When someone books and pays a deposit for a service - it seems to work for that part (I have a 5% GST and everything else set to 0.000% in my settings).

When I click though the calendar and select "create invoice" when there is a balance remaining (bit after the deposit was paid to book the session), it calculates the tax incorrectly.

It even says 5% in the confirmation screen, but 5% of the remaining balance $250 (in this example) is not $13.

Perhaps it is rounding to the nearest $?

I've went through all my settings to make sure they are correct, all client addresses are based in Canada, there are no discounts applied, and no shipping involved. I've attached a screenshot with this example.

Really not sure whats going on, but I would appreciate some help!

Thanks Liz

Attached Photos

16,923 posts (admin)
Tue Jan 21, 25 5:07 AM CST

It is not rounding correctly.  I have it fixed for the next update.

To apply the fix now, download this file

Unzip it. Upload the includes bookings.invoice.php file into your sy-admin/booking folder on your website overwriting the existing one either with your FTP program or the file manager in your hosting control panel.

Tim Grissett, DIA -
My Email Address:
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Category: Bug
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