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Photo Size Preview

251 posts
Thu Jan 16, 25 4:32 AM CST

Hi, I have some recent problems in the way of seeing previews on mobile I don't remember making changes, but I must have done something wrong.

I would like to be able to see large previews 1 column again.
help thanks

photo disply setting:

1) Standard: I have always seen a photo below the other that filled the entire width of the smartphone, now they are two per row and therefore small
2) Justified: here the vertical photos sometimes 2 sometimes 3, why?

3) Stacked: before the vertical photos filled the screen now they are small and two columns.

where did I go wrong?

Attached Photos

509 posts
Thu Jan 16, 25 10:10 AM CST
Marco B wrote:

Hi, I have some recent problems in the way of seeing previews on mobile I don't remember making changes, but I must have done something wrong.

I would like to be able to see large previews 1 column again.
help thanks

photo disply setting:

1) Standard: I have always seen a photo below the other that filled the entire width of the smartphone, now they are two per row and therefore small
2) Justified: here the vertical photos sometimes 2 sometimes 3, why?

3) Stacked: before the vertical photos filled the screen now they are small and two columns.

where did I go wrong?

I have same issue, Tim gave me some code to put in awhile back but it did not change anything. Commented to boost the post.

251 posts
Mon Jan 27, 25 2:33 PM CST
Vance Birno wrote:

I have same issue, Tim gave me some code to put in awhile back but it did not change anything. Commented to boost the post.

I would like to downgrade to the version without this bug.

how can I do it?
Thank you
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Category: Site Design
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