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Wedding Live Stream

10 posts
Mon Jan 13, 25 4:06 AM CST


I was wondering if it is possible to set up a client gallery or a new page to accept a live stream without using a 3rd party streaming platform such as YouTube? I use a Sony Pro camcorder to video weddings and some clients have asked if the video could also be live streamed. My camera has the ability to connect to a streaming platform but can also connect via sFTP so my thoughts were around an ftp connection to a video folder but I don't know how to pick that up through the page designer or how to link to an ftp folder - has anyone done this before?

Kind regards


252 posts
Mon Jan 13, 25 10:20 AM CST

I did some streaming of dance competitions but via third parties, placing an iframe on a new page and protect it with a paid access, all trough sytist.
If you have a sFTP folder on your site, you should try to place an Iframe on the page and where is the link (for instance YouTube) replace it with your link, but I think it won't be that easy.
My 2 cents

10 posts
Mon Jan 13, 25 10:22 AM CST

Thank you Marco :)

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