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Best Way To Sell Digital Files With Discounts For Multiple Files?

24 posts
Sat Jan 11, 25 1:19 PM CST

I'm confused on the best way to sell digital files with the base price being one set price and then discounts are given when they purchase multiple images.    When I do this is the "buy all" category under teired pricing,  the highest price shows in their gallery.      I also want them to be able to select the images they want.   

24 posts
Sat Jan 11, 25 1:39 PM CST

Also... how do I get rid of these specs that my clients would view.  I did not enter that information anywhere as my high resolution files are much large then that.


High Resolution Digital File

750px X 937px   100 DPI

16,923 posts (admin)
Sun Jan 12, 25 6:49 AM CST

In your price lists you can create quantity discounts for products. 

For the download dimensions , you can check the option "Do not display download photos sizes with product" when editing the product. 

See attached screenshots. 


Quantity Discounts

You can create quantity discounts for products in your price list by clicking the quantity discounts link under the product price. The quantity discounts are priced each.

When the link is red, it means there are no quantity discounts added. When it is in green it means there is. 

Quantity Discount Format

  • 2 - 4 $10 each
  • 5 - 8 $9 each
  • 9 - 0 $8 each


  • Do no overlap numbers. 
  • The last quantity discount "qty to" must end with 0. 

Again the quantity discounts are prices each so in the example above if someone purchased 5 ... then the price would be 5 X $9 ... $45 total ... $9 each. It does not do a tiered discounting where the first is one price the second another prices and so on. 


  • Apply discount on all photos
    This will apply the discount on all photos with this same product.
  • Apply discount only on multiple of the same photo
    This will only apply the discount on the same photo with this product.
Attached Photos

Edited Sun Jan 12, 25 6:50 AM by Tim -
Tim Grissett, DIA -
My Email Address:
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