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Current Version: 5.2.5 | Sytist Manual | Common Issues | Feature Requests
Gallery Order In A Section
Im sure I am missing something simple. I have a "holiday" section and a new "sample" section. These are basically a place to share sample products. There is some overlap in art images, montages, posters etc so used the feature to add them to another section. When I am trying to place them in a specific order, the arrows normally there to drag and drop are missing from some of the galleries listed. Any advice to post them in a specific order?
You will need to change the order pages by option to manually arrange for that section.
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Thanks Tim! Ive got some other snafus going on so need to revisit the section but this info will let me get it right this time!
Part of my issue was that I was sharing pages between 2 section only 1 of which was active. Makes sense that the pages show as broken links when the active link is turned off (if that makes sense to anyone but me).
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