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Current Version: 5.2.5 | Sytist Manual | Common Issues | Feature Requests
Html Code ( Pretty Please! )
Hi Tim, HNY!
Hoping we might see the ability to add in our own html in 2025 .. so many great 3rd party apps out there where you copy code and embed modern functionality- chatbots, embedded reviews etc .. I see a good deal of people asking for same so hoping we can make this happen this year :) TY!
I absolutely 2nd this request !!!!
Yes it would be nice...but when Stylist will (maybe) crash due this external code ? You can't expect help from Tim I suppose.
You should be prepared to solve them on your own, will you take the risk ?
Marco, thanks for that imput. Just hoping for some more design capabilities within the page designer part of SYTist soon with the next upgrade that we pay for every year...... that sometimes holds no benefit to what I am currently doing with sytist.... If that was possible - maybe we wouldnt be asking for the ability to implement code... just saying.
I'm afraid that it is unrealistic to expect any random 3rd party API (it's never 'just' copy and paste HTML) to be implemented on a service such as this one. Even a common 'sharing' integration like FB is such a moving target as to be burdensome. There are just too many implications for a limited userbase.
Sytist isn't a platform. If you want 3rd party integrations, then you would be better advised to host your website on a platform such as Wordpress, which does have multiple integrations (because they are coded to be compatible with wordpress, not the other way around) and just use sytist for your purchasing customers.

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