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Current Version: 5.2.5 | Sytist Manual | Common Issues | Feature Requests
support Request: Randomizing Image Display In The Slider
Support Request: Randomizing Image Display in the Slider
I’m using the image slider feature in Sytist and would like to achieve the following:
1. Random Order on Load: When the slider initializes, I’d like the images to display in a random order instead of following a set sequence.
2. Random Transitions: As the slider progresses, I’d like it to select the next image randomly instead of cycling through sequentially.
Currently, the images display and transition sequentially. I’m wondering if there’s a built-in option, setting, or configuration that would allow the slider to behave this way.
If not, is there something I could temporarily do to make this happen, perhaps in a js file.
Sorry, there is no option to randomize the display of the photos. There is no sort of workaround that would make that happen.
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is that controlled by billboard.j
It's more to it than one file. There is simply not an option in Sytist to randomize the photos.
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I did manage to do it, but it took more time than I wanted to use. I made adjustments to the billboard.js which took alot of trial and error, things are random at least. I know it's your code, but I have a backup of the original file and the adjusted one for updates cause I know that file will be over ridden.
Keep up the great work on this. I have been using Sytist since 2016, and it's the longest I have stayed with anything ever. Please consider having more options for the billboard (ie different transitions, random slides).

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