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Current Version: 5.2.5 | Sytist Manual | Common Issues | Feature Requests
Best Way To Sell Sessions Without Specific Date?
I am hitting a mental wall with this one.
I need to set up a couple of black friday sales options available for online purchase. These would be for winter sessions, only available in January and February.
Outside of special events, I generally don't have sessions available to book through the booking calendar, as my schedule changes frequently and I find it hard to continually update my availability online. Instead, clients reach out to me and we come up with a date and time that fits their needs.
Is there a way that I can offer some sort of online purchase for a session credit, without having the client select a specific date in the calendar?
You can create a Store section (Site Content -> Add New Section -> Store) and create a standard product for them to purchase that won't have a booking date attached to it.
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Ahhhhh! Thank you! I knew that there had to be a simple answer to this.
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