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Why Are There All These Extra Little Files For Sub Galleries?

9 posts
Tue Nov 19, 24 7:30 PM CST

Whenever I upload a folder with folders in it for sub galleries I get a bunch of duplicate 4k files that also upload.  Is this normal? Why is this doing this?  Is there something I need to change somewhere? 

I'm working on Apple OS 14.6.1

Attached Photos

16,923 posts (admin)
Wed Nov 20, 24 4:55 AM CST

I don't use Apple products, but that is something Apple does. I don't know if there is a way to disable creating those extra files.

Tim Grissett, DIA -
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9 posts
Wed Nov 20, 24 5:48 AM CST
Tim - wrote:

I don't use Apple products, but that is something Apple does. I don't know if there is a way to disable creating those extra files.

Is there a better way to delete them in mass than having to click on each one individually?  What would be the best method to do that on the back end?

I did notice that it also sometimes happens when I upload multiple folders to Google Drive.


105 posts
Wed Nov 20, 24 9:56 AM CST
Stephanie Zettl wrote:

Is there a better way to delete them in mass than having to click on each one individually?  What would be the best method to do that on the back end?

I did notice that it also sometimes happens when I upload multiple folders to Google Drive.


In your file viewer, you could sort them by size so all of your small files are together. Then select and delete.

16,923 posts (admin)
Wed Nov 20, 24 11:29 AM CST

It would probably be easier to delete the uploaded photos, delete those files unwanted files from your computer then re-upload. 

Tim Grissett, DIA -
My Email Address:
9 posts
Fri Nov 22, 24 1:02 PM CST
Tim - wrote:

It would probably be easier to delete the uploaded photos, delete those files unwanted files from your computer then re-upload. 

The problem is I only see them when I upload them as folders.  I don't see them on my computer at all.

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16,923 posts (admin)
Sun Nov 24, 24 6:31 AM CST
Tim Grissett, DIA -
My Email Address:
9 posts
Thu Nov 28, 24 4:40 PM CST

I found something on the internet that said that if I was uploading from an external drive "they are created by OSX to store extended attributes when the files are on a filesystem that doesn't support OSX extended attributes." 

So I transfered the files to upload from the external drive to my desktop and uploaded from there and had no problem with the extra files. 

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