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Who Has Viewed My Qr Code

143 posts
Mon Nov 18, 24 5:15 PM CST

Hello all,

is there a way of knowing who has viewed a certain QR code?

16,923 posts (admin)
Tue Nov 19, 24 4:23 AM CST

There is no tracking of that. And no way to know anyway if someone is not logged into an account.

Tim Grissett, DIA -
My Email Address:
143 posts
Tue Nov 19, 24 8:22 AM CST

That is too bad. I do school photos and my kids are able to choose their yearbook. They don't always do it correctly, by leaving in a shopping cart, allowing a parent or someone else pick it for them and it may be just a favorite. In the past I would make a folder for each student. Thousands I know, but it worked. Not knowing who viewed a qr code creates a problem and might have to change back. Thanks for letting me know!

16,923 posts (admin)
Tue Nov 19, 24 11:40 AM CST

You can see that a photo has been viewed. The eye icon under the thumbnails. 

Attached Photos

Tim Grissett, DIA -
My Email Address:
143 posts
Tue Nov 19, 24 12:46 PM CST

Hello Tim,

Thanks, that helps with my detective abilities!

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