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Current Version: 5.2.5 | Sytist Manual | Common Issues | Feature Requests
Finally Upgrading To Sytist
Kinda bitter sweet as I've been with photo cart since near the beginning. Its time. But I need someone to be honest. how hard will it be to get up and running with Sytist? Couldn't be a worse time as I'm so busy so I will need to run both until I can fully switch over. Any advice?
Only advice I would offer is wait until you're not so busy. Last thing you want to be doing doing busy season is worrying about learning a new system and stumbling through the learning curve.
Is it easy to setup? Yes. Easiest system to set up and get off the ground running. It does take time to get it where you want it. So take that time and do it right. Don't rush it.
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