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Sytist Deletes One Image File After Upload

9 posts
Wed Nov 13, 24 12:49 PM CST

I've been noticing something that I think is a bug and wondering if anyone else is experiencing it. 

After uploading an entire collection of images (in subfolders) it appears Sytist is deleting just *one* file. 

I'm not sure when it's deleted but I've noticed after the upload is completed, the image count is correct but then later (like next hour, or the next day?) the image count is down by one. 

It seems to be the first image in the last subfolder. 

I re-upload the file and re-arrange by filename then it's fine. 

Anyone else noticed this? Very strange and random. 

113 posts
Wed Nov 13, 24 1:26 PM CST

Hiya. Yes! I uploaded a gallery with 22 sub galleries yesterday and in more than half of the sub galleries the first image didn't load. I did the same as you; re loaded, re sorted by filename and it was okay, was just time consuming. I thought it was because it was pulling the first image as the preview image because I forgot to add the preview (logo/graphic) images to each folder which I normally do (and label 1A so they go first and default as the preview) when I do a bulk upload using the automated sub folder directory. I am glad it wasn't just me. Thanks for sharing. Hopefully an easy fix for our next load.

27 posts
Wed Nov 13, 24 9:10 PM CST

The same thing has been happening to me for a while now (about 2 months or so now).  Whenever I upload my photos into a new gallery it will always delete the first one.  It got so time-consuming I made a "disposable" jpg image and renamed it to (000.jpg) and added it to the photos that I uploaded into a new gallery.  Since my "disposable" jpg would get uploaded first in my gallery it would be automatically deleted and not screw up the photos that need to stay in the gallery.  

Lori Seals - Lori A. Seals Photography
77 posts
Wed Nov 13, 24 10:11 PM CST

yes been having this problem too. a little workaround is I add a dummy file called aaa.jpg and it's the first file that goes up, but never shows up. but all the others that I want to appear do.

16,923 posts (admin)
Thu Nov 14, 24 4:32 AM CST

Did it start before or after the 5.1 update?

Tim Grissett, DIA -
My Email Address:
77 posts
Thu Nov 14, 24 5:47 AM CST

pretty certain it started after that. I noticed in mid September when I was putting up galleries every day. 

16,923 posts (admin)
Thu Nov 14, 24 6:11 AM CST

Then most likely from this in the 5.1 update which I have already removed from the next upgrade since Apple products can't upload photos in order.

  • Made it when uploading with the built in uploader setting the values for the gallery and sub gallery preview photo.

Tim Grissett, DIA -
My Email Address:
113 posts
Fri Nov 22, 24 11:53 PM CST

Thanks Tim, that's great.

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