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Email Issues(not Sending Code) Etc.

8 posts
Thu Nov 07, 24 9:43 PM CST

I have a couple of problems. I am using the QR system and csv files. I am doing schools.

1. I have sent bulk emails to everyone photographed. Some people got the emails and some did not. Do you know the reason for this? I did have them check spam and they did not get them. I pride myself on customer service so this upsets me and makes me look bad. 

2. I had some emails sent out without the codes. Why did this happen?

3. Is there a video tutorial on emails? I don't know how to send just one client an email. For intstance I had some retakes and I don't know how to send that client an email from Stylist with their code information. 

Thanks in advance. I feel like I need a class to understand this or a "Sytist for Dummies" book

16,915 posts (admin)
Fri Nov 08, 24 8:21 AM CST

1) You can go to Stats -> Email logs and see the emails sent from Sytist. 

If you are having delivery issues, see: Sytist Manual > Common Issues > Emails Not Sending or Going Into Spam Folders

But if you are sending more than 20 emails at a time and you haven't already set up automated emails, you should, so it doesn't send so many at one time and has a better chance of getting into inboxes. It will send 10 every 5 minutes.  See: Automated Emails

2) If codes were not added to the email, then that email address didn't have any passcodes associated.

3) There is no video tutorial on emails.  But to send just one customer their QR passcode: 

  • Go to the gallery
  • Click the People tab
  • Click Send Email or Text
  • Uncheck All the options under "Send Message To"
  • Click the "Enter additional email addresses" link and put in the email address of the customer with passcodes. 
Tim Grissett, DIA -
My Email Address:
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Category: Emails
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