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My Website On 4k Monitor

30 posts
Wed Nov 06, 24 1:39 PM CST

I don't use 4k monitors in my business, but I was visiting a friends business and opened my site on one of his 4k monitors.  I was surprised to see my site as a tiny little web page in the center of his full screen 4k monitor.  Of course my goal is to have my site look like (LOL), on every device that it is opened on...what should I be doing?  Thanks for your help...

PS  It's time for me to be making graphic upgrades so that's why I'm asking now.  The reason for the above LOL, is that I'm just one guy in my business that has to do employs a small army just to do the graphics I'm sure.


Edited Wed Nov 06, 24 1:52 PM by R. Schultz
357 posts
Wed Nov 06, 24 5:42 PM CST

Use the "Page Designer" feature, and make sure all your rows are set to "Screen Width" instead of a set dimension like '1200px'

30 posts
Wed Nov 06, 24 6:39 PM CST

Thanks for the reply.  Would screen width automatically scale then?  How would that differ from just forcing 3840px.  What size would billboard images on home page have to be to get full width?  Would it all scale for cell phone use?  Thanks...My birthday today, at 68 I'm pushing it for this stuff, but it's fun when I get it to work out!


357 posts
Wed Nov 06, 24 6:55 PM CST
R. Schultz wrote:

Thanks for the reply.  Would screen width automatically scale then?  How would that differ from just forcing 3840px.  What size would billboard images on home page have to be to get full width?  Would it all scale for cell phone use?  Thanks...My birthday today, at 68 I'm pushing it for this stuff, but it's fun when I get it to work out!


You have two options for it to "auto scale".

"Screen width" which will take it literally to the edge of the display, no gaps or spaces, no matter the screen size, or "100% (Width of Page Container)" and this option in my experience leaves a little breathing room on the sides but still auto adjusts to the display screens.

The problem with "forcing 3840px" is for every screen that's not 3840, unless you have a custom CSS to handle this for you then you will run into it being super huge on everything 1920 and less (phone screens). You would then need to have CSS for larger screens, CSS for smaller screens, etc. When in reality you can just use one of the two options above and it does it automatically for you.

Oh and Happy Birthday!!! Buy that corvette now!!! :)  

30 posts
Wed Nov 06, 24 7:37 PM CST

Thanks, I'll try those recommendations.  Wife says I have too much stuff...Vette is high on the list though!!!

Attached is the photo gear hauler.  It's also a 3 ton hot rod...

Attached Photos

357 posts
Wed Nov 06, 24 8:06 PM CST

wow! Now that’s a nice ride!

I just picked up my Vette a few months ago. Absoluteinsane 

Attached Photos

30 posts
Wed Nov 06, 24 8:26 PM CST

Beautiful C8!   I'm going to have to be working 24/7 to monetize my website to get into that!  Great job!


357 posts
Wed Nov 06, 24 9:03 PM CST

Thank you! Photography is my “side job”, but I do about 25-30 weddings a year and that’s my “play money” haha. I actually did 43 weddings last year (NEVER AGAIN lol). 

30 posts
Wed Nov 06, 24 9:31 PM CST

If Tim had emojis on this forum you would be getting multiple thumbs up from me if photography is your side job!  43!!!  You're a hard worker.  I shot weddings until things got less and less traditional.  Considered video, but not sure of my market, etc.

357 posts
Thu Nov 07, 24 7:16 AM CST

That's honestly what took my business to the "next level", was video. We now offering photo + video and it became very easy to land bookings simply because of that. Definitely do it!

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Category: Site Design
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